Your daily dose of bohemian vibe
Showing posts with label Romwe. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Romwe. Show all posts

In the loving memory of who I've used to be


Coat/Palton - HERE
Boots/Ghete - Stradivarius via Kurtmann.ro
Bag/Geantă - Meli Melo
Jeans, earrings/Blugi, cercei - H&M

  I meant to post this in 2015, but I've got tangled up with too many things that I've postpone it, so here it is now.

In a chaos of mixed emotions and stupid mistakes I try to create a new me, a better me, a me that is happy with herself. Is a challenging and difficult task, but I'm sure I will get there sooner or later. I used to like myself and I want to be able to do it again. Maybe I will share this journey with you, my dears. 
As for the outfit, is a simple one, appropriate for the cold winter days. This camel coat has an interesting cut and color and will definitely keep you warm. I decided to combine it with simple items like a black pair of jeans and a black pair of boots.
This being said, have a great weekend! :)

Sweaters & blazers for fall


Is sweater weather! The rainy season is here, so is blazer weather too. :) We all like to feel cozy, but we must not forget about the chic factor. Cozy doesn't imply the absence of chicness. This fall we can wear elegant blazers, fancy knitted sweaters. We can go wild and wear cool prints, bold colors. 
Don't be afraid to choose new styles, go out of your comfort zone, experiment and you will like it. 
Here are some suggestions. Which one would you pick?

1. HERE, 2. HERE, 3. HERE, 4. HERE

Maxi dresses are for short girls too


Dress/Rochie - HERE
Earrings/Cercei - Mini Prix

EN: Oh, melancholy, you are back again! You always come to me when school is almost ready to begin. I have so many sweet memories regarding my school years. I miss that period and I can't believe how many years have passed since then. I have a school/highschool near the apartment I live in and I always hear the teachers and the students on the first day of school when they get together in the yard and announce the begin of a new school year. Is beautiful and I miss it so!
I had to say goodbye to summer with this mini photoshoot in the park wearing this cute maxi dress. I know it is said that horizontal stripes are flattering only for thin girls, but I think I pulled this look off. I don't wear maxi dresses too often, but I do adore them. I can rarely find a dress that is not too long for a short girl like myself. This one is too long too, that is why I had to include the belt. But I still like it nonetheless. What do you think, yey or ney?

Summer is here, pick the perfect swimwear!


Uh-la-la, summer is here! I can only think of sandy beaches, the blue sea, the warm sun, the flirty looks, the tanned skin. I already had a mini-vacation at the sea side a few days ago and the weather was amazing. Hope this summer will be all about this kind of vacations.
We want to look our best when we are relaxing at the beach or the pool, that is why we focus on what swimwear to choose. I know choosing the right swimsuit can give you headaches, so I'm here to make your job easier. You need to know one important thing: pick a bathingsuit that is flattering for your body type. It doesn't matter if you like the model of a swimwear, if it doesn't look great on you it won't make you feel great. I'm sure you can find one that will make you say "Wow" and it will make you feel amazing!
The good thing is that a lot of gorgeous models are on trend right now.

You can go all retro and you won't be wrong, because these pieces are beautiful.
1. HERE, 2. HERE

You can call me RoboCop!


EN: Not the most flattering dress, but nevertheless an interesting dress. Kind of a RoboCop look. :)) I do like it though, it was time for a more, let's say, "futuristic" outfit.
Now, my dear fellow fashion bloggers, how do you survive winter photo shoots? They beginning to get at me lately, with all the layers and I can't still keep warm. If you look closer at these photos my hands have a very strange color. :) As you might guessed already they were froze, and let's keep in mind that I had hand warmers before the photo shoot. I do have a big problem with my hands and feet, they froze very quickly and they hurt like hell, almost an impossible pain to endure. Any tips to keep warm are more than welcomed.
Can't wait for spring, the best season for photo shoots! :)

RO: Nu e chiar o rochie ce flatează, însă este una interesantă. Un look cam de RoboCop. :)) Totuși mie îmi place, să zicem că era timpul pentru o ținută "futuristică". 
Acum haideți să vă întreb ceva, suratele mele bloggeri de modă, cum supraviețuiți voi ședințelor foto iarna? Eu încep să nu le mai suport, chiar dacă port mai multe straturi tot îmi este frig. Dacă vă uitați atent la mâinile mele din pozele de azi, au o culoare tare ciudată. După cum bănuiesc că ați ghicit erau degerate, deși am purtat mănuși înainte de ședința foto. Am o mare problemă cu mâinile și picioarele, îmi îngheață foarte repede și mă dor îngrozitor, o durere aproape imposibil de îndurat. Orice sfat pentru a nu îngheța e mai mult decât binevenit.
D-abia aștept primăvara, sezonul perfect pentru ședințe foto! :)

Rock-ish Wednesday


EN: Hello, boys and girls! I so missed wearing my floral pants, it's been a while since I didn't rocked them. I've made a rock-chic combo this time. I kept the rest of the outfit simple so the focus will be on the pants. This is my go-to look.
Is going to be a short post, I'm not in such a good mood. I hope next time I can talk more with you.
Have a great week!

RO: Salut, dragilor! Mi-a fost dor să port pantalonii ăstia înflorați, a trecut ceva vreme de când nu i-am mai scos în lume.  Am creat o combinație rock-șic. Am ales să adaug piese simple pentru ca focusul să fie pe pantaloni. Ăsta-i genul de ținute pe care îl port de obicei când sunt pe grabă și vreau să ies repede pe ușă fără a îmi bate capul cu ce mă îmbrac.
Cam atât pentru astăzi, nu am o stare prea bună. Sper ca data viitoare să vă scriu mai mult.
O săptămână frumoasă!

Jacket/Geacă - SheInside
Pants/Pantaloni - She Likes
Sweater/Pulover - Bershka via kurtmann.ro
Boots/Ghete - Romwe
Bag/Geantă - Meli Melo

You can also find me on Facebook - Twitter Bloglovin' - Pinterest -Instagram.

Cutie pie


EN: When I saw this skirt I was fascinated: colorful leather and cute drawings..ohh, a perfect combo for a skirt! The skirt is made by Gabriela Atanasov and the drawings by Andra Badea. Gabriela is a blogger and a designer. You can find her lovely creations on www.sweetpaprika.ro, I strongly recommend that you visit her site. Andra is the owner of Cuteoshenii, her characters are fun and cute, of course, and you can find them on about anything: furniture, bags, clothes, boxes and so on.
I felt great wearing this prettiness! Don't you just love it?

RO: Când am văzut fusta asta am fost fascinată și m-am repezit ca un prădător asupra ei. :)) Și cum să nu fac asta când văd piele colorată și desene haioase, una dintre combinațiile mele preferate!
Minunăția este creată de Gabriela Atanasov, iar desenele de către Andra Badea. Gabriela este blogger și designer, iar creațiile sale pot fi găsite pe www.sweetpaprika.ro. Vă recomand să vizitați site-ul ei, veți găsi haine extraordinare. Andra se ocupă de Cuteoshenii, personajele ei sunt simpatice (după cum spune și numele), distractive și pot fi întâlnite cam peste tot: pe mobilier,  pe genți, pe haine, pe cutii etc.
Eu m-am simțit foarte bine purtând frumusețea asta! Nu că-i tare faină?

Sweater/Pulover - gift from grandma
Skirt/Fustă - Sweet as Paprika/Cuteoshenii
Accessories/Accesorii - Meli Melo
Shoes/Pantofi - SuperPantofi.ro

And now let't talk about some amazing sales. I admit I will do some shopping these days! You should too, because the discounts are huge!
Romwe has two big sales. One for Black Friday, the other for the "Rose D" sweater.

1. Romwe Black Friday Sale
Up to 75% off, over 3000+ styles
Biggest discount! Most styles ever!
Date: 11/26/2013 -11/30/2013

2. Romwe “Rose D” flash sale, only 24 hours!
$19.99 only, with original price $39.99, on 26th November!
500 pieces, but size M is only 200 pieces!
4507 customers have already added “Rose D” to their shopping bag, so adding it into your shopping bag in advance, and then you can pay directly when it begins just in case it's sold out.
24 hours only!
Don’t miss, girls!!!



EN: Last weekend I finally got the chance to meet with my fellow bloggers again, it had been a while since we had gone out. This time Petronela and Delia were my partners for the day. We've visited a make-up fest, after that we've chat at a pub, took some photos and visited some stores. It was a lovely day!
My outfit consisted of this houndstooth dress, some bling-bling :)) and a rocker-chic jacket. 
The dress and necklace you can find here.
Stay tuned for the next posts because I'm preparing some blogging bloopers. I'm waiting for yours too! :)

RO: Weekend-ul trecut am reușit în sfârșit să mă întâlnesc din nou cu alți bloggeri. Trecuse ceva vreme de când nu o mai făcusem și chiar îmi doream să se întâmple iar. De data asta Petronela și Delia au fost partenerele mele din acea zi. Am vizitat un târg de make-up, am băut un suc la o terasă, am făcut poze, am colindat vreo două magazine și am petrecut o zi faină.
Ținuta mea a fost compusă dintr-o rochie cu imprimeu houndstooth (nu am idee care e traducerea în română), niște bling-blinguri :)) și o jachetă rocker-șic. Rochia și colierul le găsiți aici.
Să stați pe aproape pentru că într-una din următoarele postări vreau să vă arăt câteva poze, ca să mă exprim finuț, ce îmi arată calitățile de model (adică în care am ieșit divin: strâmbându-mă, alunecând etc) de la ședințele foto de pe blog. Ar trebui să faceți și voi o postare așa. Ne mai amuzăm! :D

Dress, necklace/Rochie, colier - Here
Jacket/Jachetă - Here
Boots/Botine - random store

With Petronela

With Delia

Guys, Romwe has a new sale!  Up to 60% off for party dresses, tops, skirts and so on!
Valid dates: Nov12 to Nov18
Don’t miss it, girls!

Double meow!


EN: Meeeeoooowwww! Double cat action! :) My yesterday's outfit revolves around cat prints and white. I've missed wearing socks with shoes and I've decided to do it when I've order both from Chicnova. When I first saw them I thought: these two will look good together! And I think they do. Do you think the same? Would you wear shoes with socks? So the entire outfit was created starting from these two pieces.
I wore the same cardi in my latest post, I think is very versatile.
I'm thinking on doing a recap of my summer outfits. Would you like that?

RO: Miiiaaaauuuu! Dublă acțiune pisicească! :) Ținuta mea de ieri a fost compusă din imprimeuri cu pisici și alb. Mi-a fost dor să port pantofi cu șosete și am decis că trebuie să o fac iar când le-am comandat pe amândouă de pe Chicnova. Primul gând care mi-a venit în minte când le-am văzut pe site a fost: ar arăta tare bine împreună! Și chiar cred că arată. Nu? Voi ați purta pantofi cu șosete?
Așadar întreaga ținuta a fost compusă plecând de la aceste două piese.
Cardiganul l-am purtat și în postarea trecută, îl am de foarte mult timp și cred că este foarte versatil.
Mă gândesc să fac o recapitulare a ținutelor din această vară. V-ar plăcea?

Shoes/Pantofi - here
Socks/Șosete - here
Dress/Rochie - Romwe
Cardigan/Cardigan - Etic

You can also find me on Facebook - Twitter Bloglovin' - Pinterest.

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