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Showing posts with label swimsuit. Show all posts
Showing posts with label swimsuit. Show all posts

Summer is here, pick the perfect swimwear!


Uh-la-la, summer is here! I can only think of sandy beaches, the blue sea, the warm sun, the flirty looks, the tanned skin. I already had a mini-vacation at the sea side a few days ago and the weather was amazing. Hope this summer will be all about this kind of vacations.
We want to look our best when we are relaxing at the beach or the pool, that is why we focus on what swimwear to choose. I know choosing the right swimsuit can give you headaches, so I'm here to make your job easier. You need to know one important thing: pick a bathingsuit that is flattering for your body type. It doesn't matter if you like the model of a swimwear, if it doesn't look great on you it won't make you feel great. I'm sure you can find one that will make you say "Wow" and it will make you feel amazing!
The good thing is that a lot of gorgeous models are on trend right now.

You can go all retro and you won't be wrong, because these pieces are beautiful.
1. HERE, 2. HERE

A goodbye to the summer


EN: A goodbye to the summer. What better way to remember summer than to wear the specific ensemble: the swimsuit. For me it wasn't a tumultuous summer, didn't went to the sea or in fact, had a vacation. That is why today's photos, although in a bathing suit, are indoors.
Not that proud of my body, but I have to accept it with flaws and all. Right now it is in a constant transformation. I hope in my next swimsuit photos I will have some six packs to show you. :))) We do have to love our bodies, ladies, right?! Do you love yours? I love imperfection, is what makes us special!
You will be missed, summer!

RO: Un omagiu adus verii, un "la revedere". Și ce altă metodă mai bună de a ne aminti de vară decât purtând ținuta specifică acestui sezon: costumul de baie. Eu nu am avut o vară tumultuoasă, nu am ajuns la mare, de fapt nu am avut vreo vacanță. De aceea și pozele de astăzi, deși în costum de baie, sunt în interior. Costumul este de la Kurtmann, le găsiți (costumele) acum la 60% reducere alături de peste alte 500 de modele de haine, accesorii și încălțăminte.
Colierul face parte din comanda mea de pe Crown Fashion, ați văzut și alte accesorii luate de la ei aici, aici și aici. Îmi place tare mult, e șic și versatil.
Nu mă mândresc cu corpul meu, dar îl accept cu toate defectele. Acum este într-o continuă transformare, așa că sper ca în următoarele mele poze în costum de baie să vă arăt și niște "pătrățele". :)) Totuși trebuie să ne iubim corpurile, dragilor, nu?! Eu iubesc imperfecțiunea, ea ne face speciali! :)
Îți voi simți lipsa, vară!

Swimsuit/Costum de Baie - Pull & Bear via Kurtmann.ro
Necklace/Colier - Crown Fashion
Cardigan/Jerseu - Etic
Hat/Pălărie - random store

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Swimsuits for every girl


EN: Summer is near! In Romania it already feels like summer with the 30 degrees Celsius temperatures we're having here! That makes me think of the time I'm going to spend at the beach and of course of bathing suits.
For me there is no doubt, Asos.com has the best swimwear! Below are my favorite swimsuits.:) Get ready to be amazed!

RO: Vara e aproape! In Romania deja pare vara, temperaturile de peste 30 de grade Celsius ne-au luat cu asalt! Asta ma face sa ma gandesc la timpul pe care il voi petrece la plaja si bineinteles la costume de baie.
Pentru mine nu exista nici un dubiu ca Asos.com are cele mai grozave costume de baie! Mai jos vedeti costumele mele preferate dintr-o singura piesa.:) Pregatiti-va sa fiti fermecate!

Do you have a favorite or, just like me, you love them all?
Aveti vreun preferat sau, la fel ca mine, le iubiti pe toate?

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