Your daily dose of bohemian vibe
Showing posts with label winter outfit. Show all posts
Showing posts with label winter outfit. Show all posts

How to look cool: The shirt dress


Shirt/Cămașă - HERE
Otk boots/Cizme peste genunchi - HERE
Necklace/Lănțișor - HERE

EN: What do you do when you have a torment inside you and peace seems just like a far away dream? Maybe you try to occupy your mind with all sorts of activities, maybe you listen to some calm music, maybe you meet up with your friends, maybe you read a good book, maybe you just try to smile so you induce the sensation of happiness to that cluttered mind of yours. But when the activities are over, the music stops, the friends go to their houses, the book is finished, the smile just doesn't want to stay on your face, the only thing that remains is to confront that torment, to fight those demons. God damn it, is a hard task, but not an impossible one. Today I decided (it may be a paradox) to fight for my peace.

And I might be fighting wearing this daring outfit. :))) This shirt makes me feel like I'm in a hip-hop video from the 90's and I did loved the 90's, so, baby, I love this shirt! Otk boots will always look great with mini or midi pieces of clothing. Wear them and your outfit will get even more chic. I'm a big fan of them and can't wait to show you other ways in which you can wear them.
In a previous post you saw my 24K gold plated necklace graven with the blog's name. Today is the silver's one turn to be here on the blog. Is pretty cool and can be easily worn with any type of outfit. You can find it on oNecklace.com.

Keep it classy


Coat/Palton - HERE
Skirt/Fustă - Lovelyshoes
Boots/BotineBershka via kurtmann.ro

EN: Oh, you winter wonderland, you do look charming in photos, but in reality you're a pain in the ass. Why, you ask? Because you always come with low temperatures and you transform the whole city in a skating rink. Not charming, not charming at all. And although I'm no ice skater I did managed to take only one fall this winter. 
Well, a long coat is the right choice for this season. You can wear it with a belt on your waist or without, either way it will look great. I chose the first option to bring more chicness to the outfit. I just kept it simple and classy.

Let me know what you prefer to wear in the winter: a parka or a coat?

Colorful in this winter wonderland


Coat/Palton - HERE
Sweater/Pulover - H&M
Skirt/Fustă - Choies
Boots/Botine - Bershka via kurtmann.ro
Necklace/Lanțișor - oNecklace
Earrings/Cercei - Six

EN: Hey, hey, lovely ladies! It was about time to post a new look. Of course, as I am a fan of adrenaline, I decided to take these photos when they were -13 °C. No, why take them when it was sunny and nice and my ass wouldn't had the chance to froze?! Where would be the fun? :P
To contrast with the white landscape I wore a colorful outfit, in nice earthy shades. I really enjoy this color combo. I created the look around the brown coat, thinking some green will look great with it, so I played with different shades of this color.
Since I've got these boots I lived in them, they are very comfortable and pretty much look great with anything. 
Hope you like the look and see you soon! ;)

In the loving memory of who I've used to be


Coat/Palton - HERE
Boots/Ghete - Stradivarius via Kurtmann.ro
Bag/Geantă - Meli Melo
Jeans, earrings/Blugi, cercei - H&M

  I meant to post this in 2015, but I've got tangled up with too many things that I've postpone it, so here it is now.

In a chaos of mixed emotions and stupid mistakes I try to create a new me, a better me, a me that is happy with herself. Is a challenging and difficult task, but I'm sure I will get there sooner or later. I used to like myself and I want to be able to do it again. Maybe I will share this journey with you, my dears. 
As for the outfit, is a simple one, appropriate for the cold winter days. This camel coat has an interesting cut and color and will definitely keep you warm. I decided to combine it with simple items like a black pair of jeans and a black pair of boots.
This being said, have a great weekend! :)

Green & orange make a great combo!


Sweater/Pulover - Zara
Skirt/Fustă - FrontRowShop
Boots/Cizme - Filty
Bag/Geantă - random store
Earrings/Cercei - Six

EN: Hello, gals! I'm back with a new look. Can you believe I thought of this combo with just 5 minutes before I went out the door?! I needed to go somewhere and almost wanted to quit going because I didn't know what to wore and then suddenly the idea of this outfit crossed my mind. I think it turned out quite nicely for an outfit prepared in such short time. Do you agree? Do you ever find yourself in this situation?

Flirty red


Sweater/Pulover - HERE
Skirt/Fustă - FrontRowShop
Boots/Cizme - Filty

EN: Hello, guys! Do you have any exciting plans for this weekend? Me, I guess I will just chill with the boyfriend, maybe watch some movies, take a few walks. 
Lately I've discovered I have a thing for the color red. I didn't thought that red will look that good with orange hair. This sweater gave me headaches, it looks just like a scarf with sleeves, it was an adventure figuring out how to wear it. But once I put it on, I loved it.
I will keep it short and sweet today and just leave you with the photos. :)
Have a fun weekend!

A pants kinda gal?!


Top/Bluză - Zara via Kurtmann.ro
Jeans/Blugi - Zara via Zoto.ro
Boots/Cizme - Filty
Cardigan, belt/Jerseu, curea - random stores
Earrings/cercei - Rossetti

EN: I don't know what happened, but for a skirts and dresses lady I wore lots of pants lately. And I have more outfits coming where I also wear pants. I remember that in 2 or 3 years of blogging (I don't know the number of years exactly) I wore pants only 3 or 4 times, but in the last year I began wearing them more and more. I don't know the reason, but I bet when spring and summer will be here, you will see me only in dresses and skirt. 
This cool pair of jeans is from Zoto.ro. I chose it for the interesting color and the fit. I had another look with it in mind, but not finding the clothes I wanted to pair it with in my messy closet didn't helped at all. So I improvised something 10 minutes before I went out the door. Anyways, I hope you like it.
Ohh, let's not forget about the decoupage blouse from Kurtmann.ro. I find its design very in and very beautiful. Is still available here at a great price.
Enjoy your week, guys!

The baddest of them all


Dress/Rochie - HERE
Jacket/Jachetă - Sheinside
Boots/Ghete - Jeffrey Campbell
Legwear/Jambiere - Stee-Letas by Katerina Lankova

EN: Guess who chose the windiest and coldest day of this winter to take outfit photos?! Yes, if you thought: this crazy blogger, your answer is correct. Oh my, I froze my ass off, plus my hair was all over the place. These are almost all of the photos I took. I will stop complaining and I will tell you two things: I got a new haircut and hair color, as you've probably noticed. The person guilty for this change is the wonderful Liza from Hairwellness and more. I'm happy with the new look and I truly recommend her if you are looking for professional services.
The second thing I want to talk about is this shift dress in check. I love its details, the adjustable size is a terrific idea! You can wear it with the studs opened or closed. If you want it to be loose, oversized, keep the studs opened, if you want it more body hugging, close them. Is that simple!
This time I went with a bad girl look, my favorite. Would love if you leave me your thoughts in the comment section below.
Have a fantastic week, my dears!

I got my red hooded jacket on today


Jacket/Jachetă - HERE
Sweater/Pulover - Bershka via Kurtmann.ro
Jeans/Blugi - H&M
Boots/Botine - Tally Weijl via Kurtmann.ro

EN: It's almost weekend so I'm here with a casual outfit perfect for the cold days. I got my fur hooded jacket on and I'm ready to face what's left of the winter. This cute, fluffy piece can keep you warm all day long. I chose mine to be red, because this color it's almost missing from my wardrobe. It is also available in navy and green and although winter is almost over (I hope) you can still buy it for the next winter since now is on sale.
Besides this, what can I share that is new?! Well, I got my hair dyed again (you can see my dark roots in these photos), it was about time and I got a new haircut. You will see the new look in the next post. Can't wait to hear what you think about it.
Now I wish you a spectacular weekend! ;)

How to wear a sparkly cardigan


Cardigan/Jerseu - MNG via Zoto.ro
Skirt/Fustă - Villa via Kurtmann.ro
Boots/Ghete - Romwe
Earrings, rings/Cercei, inele - H&M
Bag/Geantă - Eponge
EN: I'm a huge fan of the Seinfeld series, huge! And although is not something to brag about,  I have so many similarities with George Costanza, yeah I'm like that! :) Describing my state these past months a quote from this man comes to my mind: "I'm disturbed. I'm depressed. I'm inadequate. I got it all!". My mood lately hasn't been the best. I'm trying to get out of it, but it seems that I get even deeper in it. I don't know, I need a big impulse, a change in my life so that the things will get on the right track. 
Now I'm just enjoying this lovely sparkly cardigan I got from Zoto.ro. I really love it, I think you can incorporate it in a casual or in a more fancy look. It can make any outfit pop. I've also ordered another adorable cardi with butterflies and a pair of jeans that I will show you in my next posts. All items look great and I can't wait to wear them! If you love my cardigan, you can choose from a large selections of tops right here.
Tell me, how would you wear it?

The perfect bodycon dress and some introspection


Dress/Rochie - Zara via Kurtmann.ro
Boots/Cizme - Persunmall
Tights/Dresuri - Kurtmann.ro
Earrings/Cercei - Six
Rings/Inele - Meli Melo

EN: As years go by I realize that I haven't became the person I wanted to be. I had so many dreams for me, so many plans, I thought I could conquer the world. Oh no, I didn't thought I could conquer the world, I was sure I would. I though that nothing will stand in my way, but life proved me wrong. So many, many things stood in my way, too many too handle. Many and extremely painful ones. I'm so different from the person I was 10 years ago and I don't like the person I am today. I want my dreams and my plans back, but above all I want the hope back and the strength that I can do anything. They've got lost along the way and I'm afraid I will never gain them again or if I will it will be too late. It hurts, but I have to admit, I'm not that young anymore. People at my age have accomplished a lot and I didn't. But what hurts more is that I believe that I will never will.
I will leave this introspection for another time. Let me tell you a few words about the outfit now. Bodycon dresses are one of my favorites. This grey chic piece is beautiful and can be easily dressed up or down. I've accessorized it with burgundy and black accessories to keep the look a bit simple, but gave it a twist with the over-the-knee boots and striped tights. The scenery doesn't go so well with the outfit, but it was a quick decision to take photos and didn't had time to look for something else. :)
Hope you enjoy it!

Make every moment count!


Sweater/Pulover - second hand store
Jeans/Blugi - H&M
Boots/Ghete - Romwe
Earrings/Cercei - Six
Bracelet/Brățară - Sammydress 

EN: Hello, sugar pies! I'm sure we are all excited about the weekend, but have you ever thought that always waiting for the weekend, waiting for the spring, waiting for that big change in your life only means that we are postponing our happiness!? We should enjoy every day, why wait for a specific moment when we can make THIS moment count! The days that we want to pass by are important days in our lives, we can never have them back, so we might as well take advantage of them and try to make the best out of them. Don't you agree? I don't want to wait anymore for something incredible to happen so my life will change, I want to make that moment happen. It might not be simple, but it is possible.

Urban-chic look for winter


Vest/Vestă - LJR
Sweater/Pulover - Terrranova
Pants/Pantaloni - Stradivarius
Collar/Guler - Pimkie
Earrings/Cercei - Six
Boots/Cizme - Filty

EN: I think taking outfit photos in the winter should be an Olympic game.  It needs training, strength, a strong mind and body. :)) Unfortunately no medal comes out of it. Maybe in the future this will change and we will get the appreciation we deserve. :))) Don't you, fellow bloggers, agree?
I'm wearing some old items in this look, both vest and sweater are at least 7 years old, but still in great condition. The truth is I haven't worn them in a while. I've added a pair of faux leather pants and went for a urban-chic look.
In case you didn't notice my blog has a new template. Now the questions are: do you like it, do you find it easy to navigate, what else would you like to be added on this page?
I'm pretty satisfied with how it turned out, Maira from Maira Gall did a great job! Thank you, my dear! :)

Casual doesn't mean boring


EN: I know that lately my outfits lacked color, so I promise the next post will be a colorful one. Today's outfit is casual, but not boring. Maybe if I wore only the jeans and the sweater the look would have been dull, but adding the right accessories can indeed change the whole appearance of an outfit. Always count on the accessories and if you aren't a big fan of them choose to play with textures and lengths, so that your look will be original. Be creative!
Changing the subject, this week my dear blog will have a new look that I hope you will like and enjoy. I'm very excited about this, it was about time to give it a new face. This theme doesn't represent me anymore. I'm looking for something more modern, more me. Can't wait to hear your thoughts when the change is going to be made! :)

RO: Știu că în ultima vreme ținutelor mele le-a lipsit culoarea, așa că promit solemn că următoarea postare va fi una colorată. Look-ul de astăzi este casual, dar nu neinteresant. Poate dacă aș fi purtat doar blugii și puloverul ținuta ar fi fost plictisitoare, însă adăugarea accesoriilor a schimbat total aspectul. Contați întotdeauna pe accesorii dacă vreți o ținută șic, sau dacă nu vă plac accesoriile jucați-vă cu texturi și lungimi pentru un look original. Fiți creative!
Schimbând subiectul, săptămâna asta blogul va avea o nouă înfățișare ce sper să vă placă. Eu sunt foarte entuziasmată! Tema de acum nu mă mai reprezintă, caut ceva mai modern, ceva care să îmi reflecte personalitatea. D-abia aștept să vă citesc părerile când voi face schimbarea! :)

You can call me RoboCop!


EN: Not the most flattering dress, but nevertheless an interesting dress. Kind of a RoboCop look. :)) I do like it though, it was time for a more, let's say, "futuristic" outfit.
Now, my dear fellow fashion bloggers, how do you survive winter photo shoots? They beginning to get at me lately, with all the layers and I can't still keep warm. If you look closer at these photos my hands have a very strange color. :) As you might guessed already they were froze, and let's keep in mind that I had hand warmers before the photo shoot. I do have a big problem with my hands and feet, they froze very quickly and they hurt like hell, almost an impossible pain to endure. Any tips to keep warm are more than welcomed.
Can't wait for spring, the best season for photo shoots! :)

RO: Nu e chiar o rochie ce flatează, însă este una interesantă. Un look cam de RoboCop. :)) Totuși mie îmi place, să zicem că era timpul pentru o ținută "futuristică". 
Acum haideți să vă întreb ceva, suratele mele bloggeri de modă, cum supraviețuiți voi ședințelor foto iarna? Eu încep să nu le mai suport, chiar dacă port mai multe straturi tot îmi este frig. Dacă vă uitați atent la mâinile mele din pozele de azi, au o culoare tare ciudată. După cum bănuiesc că ați ghicit erau degerate, deși am purtat mănuși înainte de ședința foto. Am o mare problemă cu mâinile și picioarele, îmi îngheață foarte repede și mă dor îngrozitor, o durere aproape imposibil de îndurat. Orice sfat pentru a nu îngheța e mai mult decât binevenit.
D-abia aștept primăvara, sezonul perfect pentru ședințe foto! :)

I'm no Snow White


EN: I know I've been absent for a while, I needed to put some order in my thoughts and in my life and decide what I want to do next. I admit the idea of giving up on this blog crossed my mind, but I finally decided to keep it running, not only that, but soon it will get an upgrade. Maybe you already noticed that now I'm on dot com. I hope you've missed me, guys, I definitely missed being here. So since this is the first blog post I wish you not only a happy year, but a very happy life full of memorable moments and events!
I'm beginning this year with an all black outfit, but with colorful accessories. I could never let go of what represents me. This perfect little black dress, courtesy of Kurtmann.ro, is a must-have in this season. Why is that? Because it keeps you warm while looking chic. The best combo!
Until next time! Kisses!

RO: Știu că am lipsit ceva vreme de pe blog, aveam nevoie să îmi pune ordine în gânduri și în viață și să decid ce vreau să fac mai departe. Recunosc că ideea de a renunța la blog mi-a trecut prin minte, dar am hotărât să îl păstrez, nu numai asta, dar va avea parte de un upgrade cât de curând. Poate deja ați observat că acum mă găsiți pe www.boheme-fille.com. Sper că v-am lipsit, pentru că mie cu siguranță mi-a fost dor de locul ăsta. Cum asta e prima postare pe anul 2015 vă urez nu numai un an nou fericit, ci o viață fericită plină de momente și evenimente memorabile!
Încep anul cu o ținută all black nerenunțand însă la accesoriile colorate. Nu aș putea să renunț la ceea ce mă reprezintă. Această micuță rochie neagră de pe Kurtmann.ro este un must-have în sezonul de iarnă. De ce? Pentru că îți ține de cald și te face să arăți șic. Cea mai bună combinație!
Ne vedem data viitoare! Vă pup!

Christmas in pastels


EN: Merry Christmas, my dears! I hope your holidays were jolly and full of love and happiness! :)
I'm here with you with a Christmassy post. I've selected some photos I've made these days and I hope you will enjoy them. Although this year a very important member of my family passed away we still spent a nice time and were grateful that we have each other.
I'm especially proud of how I've decorated my Christmas tree, trust me, the photos doesn't do it justice.
The weather here is pretty bad, is very cold and some heavy snowing is announced for the upcoming days. So I won't be able to make outfits photos for a while. 
Tell me, what are your plans for New Year's Eve? And what will you wear on the night between years?

RO: Crăciun fericit, dragile mele! Sper că sărbătorile v-au adus multă fericire și momente speciale cu cei iubiți.
Eu am revenit cu o postare "crăciunească". Am selectat câteva fotografii făcute zilele trecute ce sper să vă placă. Deși anul acesta am pierdut un membru al familiei foarte important, am reușit totuși să petrecem un Crăciun frumos și să fim recunoscători că ne avem unul pe celălalt.
Sunt mai ales mândră de cum am împodobit bradul anul ăsta, credeți-mă, pozele de azi nu îi fac dreptate.
Vremea aici a fost destul de rea, e foarte frig și se anunță multă ninsoare în zilele ce urmează, așa că nu voi mai putea face poze cu ținute pentru o perioadă.
Spuneți-mi, ce planuri aveți de Revelion? Și ce veți purta în noaptea dintre ani?

I'm a bad girl with good intentions


EN: Oh my Goodness, the holidays are almost here and I don't have anything done! Didn't bought all the presents, hadn't cleaned the house, not to talk about decorating the tree. A lot of things to do and so little time. I'm freaking out here, guys! Is there anyone in the same situation? I don't know with what to start first. I envy those of you who have everything ready!
Changing the subject: what do you think about the look? Kinda of a bad girl, right?! :D The shirt is orange, almost like my hair, I don't know why in some of the photos looks rather red. The lipstick too, but it has a totally different color in the photos.
The beautiful necklace is from Meli Melo's new collection, Cabaret. You should definitely check it out if you want some gorgeous accessories for the upcoming parties.
This being said, let's do some cleaning. Yupppiii...not! :D

RO: Offf, sărbătorile sunt atât de aproape și eu nu am făcut nimic! Nu am cumpărat toate cadourile, nu am făcut curat în casă, să nu mai vorbesc despre împodobirea bradului. O grămadă de lucruri de făcut și atât de puțin timp la dispoziție. Înnebunesc! Care dintre voi mai e în aceeași situație sau eu sunt singura care s-a trezit pe ultima sută de metri că are chestii de făcut? Nici nu știu cu ce să încep. Îi invidiez pe aceia dintre voi care au totul pregătit!
Schimbând subiectul: cum vi se pare ținuta de astăzi? Cam de fată rea așa, nu?! :D Cămașa este portocalie, aproape aceeași nuanță ca părul, și rujul la fel, nu înteleg de ce în majoritatea pozelor au ieșit roșii. 
Minunatul colier face parte din colecția Meli Melo, Cabaret. Neapărat să vă uitați după ea în magazine sau online dacă doriți să aveți accesorii faine la petrecerile de sărbători.
Acestea fiind spuse, cu mine la curățenie. Nu mai pot de entuziasm! :D

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