Your daily dose of bohemian vibe
Showing posts with label fall outfit. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fall outfit. Show all posts

Autumn essentials: the black coat


Coat/Palton - Giorgal
Lingerie/Lenjerie - HERE
Pants/Pantaloni - Mango
Shirt/Cămașă - second hand
Boots/Botine - Deichmann

Photo credit: Sabin Barac 

EN: When I think of the perfect item for the cold season, especially for autumn, the coat comes immediately to my mind. A piece of clothing that is both chic and practical, that we can find in a large variety of designs, colors and fabrics. A coat to keep me warm I was looking for some time now. Most of the designers are only thinking about the aesthetic part forgetting the confort and that's a No, no for me: there is no use in looking good if I'm freezing my ass off. Eventually I got lucky and found the coat that checked both requirements and it's made by a Romanian producer, Giorgal. It was a difficult task to choose it from all the designs that I've liked. I'm happy with my choice and for the first time I wore it decided to include it in an outfit that at first glance might look classical, but when you see the addition of an out of the ordinary element you'll change your mind. I'm talking about the unique "thing" I'm wearing over the shirt, that is included in the "lingerie" category on the site I bought it. I don't know how to name it, but you'll find more like it right here. Of course, if you like my coat or you're searching for a perfect one for autumn, I invite you on noi9.ro where you will surely find what you are looking for.

Sporty chic in blue


Pants, top/Pantaloni, bluză - H&M
Cardigan/Pulover - QI Cashmere
Earrings/Cercei - Terranova
Shoes/Pantofi - Modlily

EN: Although I always exclaim with conviction that green is my favorite color most often you will see me wearing blue. I don't know how I do it, but I frequently buy clothes in this color. In today's post I have already taken things to another level by combining various shades of blue. Maybe in the past I wouldn't bet on a mixture of sporty pants and heels, but today I do it without any hesitation. Although I always liked "out of the ordinary" outfits, I only accepted sport items in the gym. In time, I began to include them in my wardrobe, mostly sneakers and pants, but never included them in a fully sporty outfit. 
Don't be afraid to try combos between different styles: sporty, classic, bohemian, etc. Most times you will be admired for the courage and the special attire.

Sweater weather


Sweater/Pulover - Only via Kurtmann.ro
Jeans/Blugi - H&M
Shoes/Pantofi - Stradivarius
Bag/Geantă - The Bag Shop

EN: We have a mild autumn. I'm glad that the weather has been kind to me, because everything else hasn't. I feel a constant aching. I yearn for better days, I yearn...for lots of things. I think I should make an anonymous blog where I should write my thoughts. :) I don't think this is the place to express them.

As for the outfit, lately I live in pants, in jeans to be more precise. Jeans and sweaters. Like the pretty one from today's post. The embellishments on this sweater makes it really chic, the side cuts makes it interesting. The sweater season is here and I plan on taking advantage of it.
What do you like to wear most in fall/winter?

The darkest of falls


Pants/Pantaloni - Pull & Bear via Kurtmann.ro
Sweater/Pulover - from grandma

EN: I'm a weird person. It took me a while to accept that, but when I finally did, things got a little easier. Is like I took a breath of fresh air. Although until I will completely know myself it will take some time. People perceive me as a fighter, like a strong person that some times gets over things too easily. But you know what, man, I'm tired of being put in the position of being the strongest, because that means I have to always overcome painful things that happen' in my life. For once, I want to be fragile.
I'm wearing an outfit consisted of dark colors, just like my state of mind. These are the most comfortable pants ever, I can wear them non-stop. They are still available here.
Thanks for being here. See you soon!

That classic outfit


Jacket/Geacă - Jollychic
Jeans/Blugi - C&A
Top/Bluză - New Yorker
Bracelet/Brățară - Meli Melo
Earrings/Cercei - from a fair
EN: You just need to wait a little bit for the weekend to be here. Oh, the happiness! :) I had a calm week if you've looked from outside, but from inside there were a lot of turbulence. It seems that it became something normal for me. On one hand, is nice to feel of sorts of things you didn't know you can feel again, it makes your blood flow, but on the other hand, is exhausting and most of these things are painful. I fight them and enjoy them at the same time. Is interesting!
If you can believe it, today's outfit is a classic one. I didn't know I still remember this word. So I'm wearing a pair of jeans, a jacket and a top. Yes, me! And not just any jeans, but some classics (yes, I keep repeating this word). The jeans are from the new C&A collection, The Denim. They have tones of great models to choose from and all kinds of jeans: skinny, straight, flared and so on.
One more thing: have a weekend like no other (I'm talking only about positive things :D)!

It supposed to be a couple photo shoot...


EN: I had in mind such a fun couple photo shooting: me and the boyfriend, almost matching sweaters, a beautiful scenery, us posing happily. That didn't happened! We are trying to do this photo shoot for over two weeks, but our hectic schedules didn't allowed it. So instead of that, all I can give you are some photos with yours truly, made outside and a couple of shots indoors with the bf. Not that fun or glamorous! But still chic nevertheless. :) Or at least I hope so.
We saw these cozy sweaters on Kurtmann.ro and thought they are a perfect addition to our wardrobes. Mine has some cool details on the shoulders, those being the reason I selected it, my bf's is more casual, but with an interesting design. I like that I can wore mine casual or more fancy.
You can find men sweaters right here.
And women sweaters here.

RO: Măi, aveam în minte o ședință foto de cuplu mișto: eu și prietenul, pulovere aproape asortate, un peisaj frumos, noi pozând fericiți. Nu s-a întâmplat asta! De peste două săptămâni ne chinuim să ieșim împreună la poze și să găsim și pe cineva care să ni le facă, dar din cauza programelor noastre încărcate nu am reușit să facem asta. Așa că în loc de o ședință foto cool, tot ce pot să vă ofer sunt niște poze cu mine afară și niște poze cu el în casă. Nu prea interesant! Dar totuși șic...sau măcar așa mă mint eu. :))
Noi am văzut puloverele astea comode pe Kurtmann.ro și ne-am gândit că s-a potrivi de minune în garderobele noastre. Al meu are acele detalii interesante la umeri, ele fiind și motivul pentru care l-am ales, al prietenului este mai casual, dar cu un design foarte drăguț. Îmi place că îl port purta pe al meu casual sau într-o ținută mai elegantă.
Găsiți pulovere pentru bărbați aici.
Iar pentru femei aici.
Până pe 27 noiembrie este Black Friday la Kurtmann. Ofertele le vedeți pe site la secțiunea "Black Friday".

Sweater/Pulover - Piazza Italia via Kurtmann.ro
Skirt/Fustă - Fashion Union
Boots/Ghete - Romwe
Ring/Inel - Six
Jacket/Geacă - random store

The Bf:
Sweater/Pulover - Jack&Jones via Kurtmann.ro

The guy
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Rock-ish Wednesday


EN: Hello, boys and girls! I so missed wearing my floral pants, it's been a while since I didn't rocked them. I've made a rock-chic combo this time. I kept the rest of the outfit simple so the focus will be on the pants. This is my go-to look.
Is going to be a short post, I'm not in such a good mood. I hope next time I can talk more with you.
Have a great week!

RO: Salut, dragilor! Mi-a fost dor să port pantalonii ăstia înflorați, a trecut ceva vreme de când nu i-am mai scos în lume.  Am creat o combinație rock-șic. Am ales să adaug piese simple pentru ca focusul să fie pe pantaloni. Ăsta-i genul de ținute pe care îl port de obicei când sunt pe grabă și vreau să ies repede pe ușă fără a îmi bate capul cu ce mă îmbrac.
Cam atât pentru astăzi, nu am o stare prea bună. Sper ca data viitoare să vă scriu mai mult.
O săptămână frumoasă!

Jacket/Geacă - SheInside
Pants/Pantaloni - She Likes
Sweater/Pulover - Bershka via kurtmann.ro
Boots/Ghete - Romwe
Bag/Geantă - Meli Melo

You can also find me on Facebook - Twitter Bloglovin' - Pinterest -Instagram.

The color palette of autumn


EN: Lack of inspiration. This is the thing that I suffer from these days. Fortunately not regarding my outfits, but my text for the posts. My mind goes blank every time I try to write something. This happens for a while and I thought my inspiration will be back in no time, but no sign of it yet. What do you do when you get these blocks? Some advices will be helpful.
The look from today is build around my favorite color: green. I just mixed different shades of green to create a lovely autumn outfit. I think the color combo goes so well with the color palette of autumn. 
I love my new dress! I'm a bit sad though, because is a size S and is still big for me, although I usually wear M now I should have chosen an XS. The leather-like top part was the detail that made me chose it. I think the day I took the photos was the last day I wore sandals this season. This pair of sandals are so easy to include in any outfit. Goodbye, dear sandals, see you next summer! 

RO: Lipsă de inspirație. Asta-i chestia de care sufăr zilele astea. Din fericire nu în ceea ce privește ținutele mele, ci în ceea ce privește textele postărilor mele. Parcă mintea mea e goală de fiecare dată când încerc să scriu ceva. Mi se întâmplă asta de ceva vreme, am crezut că inspirația se va întoarce repede, dar se pare că nu are de gând să facă asta prea curând. Voi ce faceți când aveți asemenea blocaje? Niște sfaturi ar fi utile.
Ținuta de azi este construită în jurul culorii mele preferate: verde. Am combinat diferite nuanțe de verde pentru a crea o ținută tomnatică. Combinația de culori merge de minune cu paleta coloristică a toamnei. 
Îmi place tare mult noua mea rochie! Ce mă deranjează este că e mărimea S, dar îmi este totuși mare. Deși eu port M de obicei, acum ar fi trebuit să comand un XS. Partea de sus, asemănătoare pielii, este cea care m-a atras. Cred că ziua în care am făcut pozele a fost ultima zi în care am purtat sandale anul ăsta. Perechea asta de sandale e ușor de inclus în aproape orice ținută. La revedere, dragile mele sandale, ne vedem vara următoare!

(click the pink word for the exact link/dați click pe cuvântul roz pentru link-ul exact)
Dress/Rochie - HERE
Sandals/Sandale - HERE
Earrings/Cercei - Bohemian Sin
Rings/Inele  - H&M
Cardigan/Jerseu - random store

You can also find me on Facebook - Twitter Bloglovin' - Pinterest -Instagram.

Geek-chic in black and white


EN: Hello, babes! I can not wait to begin a new week! I hope this one will be full of wonderful surprises! I'm getting more and more excited since there are only 17 days until my birthday. The wishlist is ready, I only have to share it with my friends and family. :)) I don't want many things this year, just a more advanced lens for my camera. Not cheap, but at least is just one product. :))
As for the outfit, is a casual one for the weekend. The photos were taken a while ago, now is so cold that a lot of layers are necessary and definitely boots. I wore this outfit to the opening of a new pub in Bucharest and it was just right for the occasion.
I will leave you with the photos now, guys, since is a bit late here and I really need a good sleep.
Have a great week!

RO: Salutare! D-abia aștept să înceapă o nouă săptămână! Sper să fie una plină de surprize frumoase, cea din urmă nu prea a adus nimic bun. Sunt din ce în ce mai entuziasmată pentru că mai sunt doar 17 zile până la ziua mea de naștere.  Lista de dorințe este pregătită, tot ce mai lipsește este să o împărtășesc cu prietenii și familia. Off, nu știu ce îi așteaptă, bieții de ei! :))) Ca să știți și voi, anul ăsta nu vreau multe lucruri, doar un obiectiv mai performant pentru camera mea foto. Nu sunt pretențioasă, nu-i așa?! :)) Nu-i prea ieftin, dar măcar e un singur produs. :P
În ceea ce privește ținuta am ales una casual, de weekend. După cum bănuiți fotografiile au fost făcute acum ceva timp când vremea permitea purtarea unei geci subțiri și a unei perechi de pantofi. Acum dacă nu adăugăm câteva straturi de haine pe noi și bineînțeles niște ghete, clar vom îngheța. Am purtat-o la deschiderea unui pub și a fost potrivită ocaziei.
Vă las cu pozele acum, s-a făcut destul de târziu și am nevoie de un somn bun.
O săptămână faină să aveți!

Jacket/Geacă - Jollychic
Shirt/Cămașă - Abelle
Jeans/Blugi - H&M
Shoes/Pantofi - Lovelyshoes
Bag/Geantă - Meli Melo
Bracelet/Brățară - Six
Earrings/Cercei - Rossetti

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