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Showing posts with label shopping. Show all posts
Showing posts with label shopping. Show all posts

Stil impecabil la birou cu Noi9.ro


În acest sezon, Noi9.ro propune o împrospătare a garderobei office și aduce în prim plan piese care definesc silueta și emană feminitate și eleganță absolută.

Cu o selecție seducătoare de haine, genți, încălțăminte și accesorii, Noi9 este destinația de shopping online pentru femeile care își doresc apariții stilate, care să le pună în valoare personalitatea.
Noi9.ro propune piese exclusiv de la branduri și producători români, printre aceștia fiind îmbrăcăminte Giorgal, Zada Boutique și Alexandra Ghiorghie, încălțăminte Verogia, genți Gianni Conti și Verogia și accesorii Yannia, Katelier sau Erika.

Prin selecția de la Giorgal, Noi9.ro propune pentru acest sezon ca material predominant tricotul. Acest tip de textură este un “chic-alert” al toamnei, când sunt necesare piese din țesături pline, care să fie delicate cu pielea.

10 fall items under 20$


What do I wear? Now that fall is here for the next couple of months, this question is already on every's fashion aficionados lips. To have an on trend and cool look I will introduce you with 10 pieces of clothing under 20$, great price and great designs. Include them in your wardrobe and you will feel great.
A key ingredient for making an outfit fantastic is confidence, if you have it you can rock anything. You have to love what you wear, feel good in those clothes. It doesn't matter how much they cost, if they have a low or a high price, it doesn't matter if they are designers items or not, all that matters is that you feel great wearing them. If they give you a boost of confidence wear them!

Despre FOLTENE Pharma Kit Tratament Împotriva Căderii Părului Pentru Femei


FOLTENE Pharma Kit Tratament Împotriva Căderii Părului Pentru Femei 

De mâine încep testarea acestei noi game și sunt nerăbdătoare să văd ce rezultate voi avea. Părul îmi cade într-o măsură acceptabilă acum, dar cu cât va cădea mai puțin cu atât mai bine. Vă voi ține și pe voi la curent cu rezultatele. Până atunci vă las cu o descriere a acestui kit.

Laboratoarele Foltène au creat două game de produse, specifice pentru femei și bărbați, care să te ajute să îți păstrezi sănătatea părului tău. Pentru că suntem diferiți și problemele noastre sunt diferite. 
La bărbați, căderea părului este localizată, precoce (poate începe la 20 de ani) și progresivă. Ea este agravată de excesul de sebum, mătreață, stres, poluare.
La femei, căderea părului este difuză și sezonieră. Ea este agravată de dietele incorecte, tratamentele chimice (vopsit, permanent, etc), naștere, alăptare, stres.
În consecință, Laboratoarele Foltène, după cercetări aprofundate a creat două game de tratament și șampon împotriva căderii părului specializate pe acțiuni diferite pentru femei și bărbați.

A new popular sport is in town: bubble football


Games, sports. It doesn't matter if we are kids or grown-ups, we love to play. A game is relaxing, fun, it makes our body and brain work, sometimes one of them, many times both. :) When we engage in an activity we instantly feel better. When we get involved in something we feel useful, accomplished and happy. Being a part of a community is rewarding. That is why we like being around people, that is why games are always fun, because we interact with one another. We might like competing or just being a part of the game, it doesn't matter, is stimulating either way.  Sports and games are a meaning of recreation. 

The games that will make your summer amazing

The bad weather has installed in Romania, autumn is here, guys! But I'm sure many of my readers live in warm climates and the sun is constant all year long or at least longer than in my country. We all love summer, summer means joy, excitement and gives us the opportunity to play all sorts of outdoor games. There is nothing more entertaining than to engage in games with your friends and family, is stimulating, gets you closer to one another and brings out the fun and sometimes funny side of you. They are good for your health also and can help with the physical condition too. That is why I thought that I should give you some suggestions on how to make your summer the best one yet. Is available for all of you Romanian readers too although the summer ended here, you can always look forward for next summer if you have your hands on one or many of these products. By the way, some of them are good to use even in colder seasons. Isn't that great? 

Creează look-ul dorit cu accesoriul perfect


Fete dragi, dacă îmi citiți blogul de ceva timp sau chiar dacă sunteți cititoare mai noi, sigur v-ați dat seamă că sunt un fan declarat al accesoriilor, mai ales a celor care au acel "je ne sais quoi", care sunt altfel, care pot schimba în totalitate o ținută. Printre preferatele mele se numără cerceii și colierele, dar nu zic "nu" nici altor tipuri de accesorii atât timp cât sunt speciale. Și speciale sunt și cele pe care vreau să le admirați astăzi. Am de gând să vă recomand câteva potrivite pentru fiecare stil și stare de spirit.

Pentru stilul hippie sau cel boem ar merge de minune un accesoriu colorat, plin de viață, care să inspire și să te facă să te simți bine. Cred că acest colier ar fi o alegere ideală.

Îl găsești aici.

Summer sale on SheIn: up to 80% off


Ay, ay, ay, que calor! Summer is in full swing. I can only think of sandy beaches, the blue sea, the warm sun, the flirty looks, the tanned skin. Hot weather asks for easy-breezy clothes. I'm a sucker for summer items that are easy to wear, but chic at the same time. Lately I like more practical designs. 
If you're planning on going shopping I have a huge tip for you: SheIn has some AMAZING SALES, up to 80% off on lots of products. So hurry up and buy your must-haves for this season. Either is a cozy blouse made of a comfortable fabric, a flowy dress, those shorts you've dreamed of, those cool palazzo pants that are so in this summer, that kimono that protects your skin from all the sun rays.
Here are a few of my picks.

Wedding Sales: -15% reducere la toate verighetele si bijuteriile La Rosa


Momentul pe care l-ați așteptat cu nerăbdare amândoi de când tu ai întrebat "Vrei să fii soția mea?" și ea a răspuns "Da!" se apropie. După agitația provocată de căutarea inelului de logodnă perfect urmează cea în care voi vă decideți asupra verighetelor care vor încununa iubirea voastră. Este inelul pe care îl veți purta toată viața, așa că trebuie să faceți cea mai bună alegere. La Rosa vă ușurează sarcina și vine în întâmpinarea voastră în această perioadă cu campania WEDDING SALES cu o reducere de 15 % la toate verighetele și bijuteriile. 

Besthairbuy makes you achieve a cool new look


Hair is today't topic. I always like to wear my hair differently, always trying new ways to arrange it. But many times I get bored with my haircut or the color of my hair, that is why I change it so often. I do love changes that is why I think it will be fantastic to try different hairstyles. How can I do that? Well, I might as well try wigs or hair extensions. I think is incredibly fun to see how you will look with a wig. Have you tried it? 
I recently discovered a website that sells a wide range of wigs, hair extensions, hair wefts, hair pieces, etc. I'm talking about Besthairbuy.com. Why this site is better than others that sell wigs is that the ones sold here are made from human hair extensions, making them more appealing and resistant. 

Tedhair keeps your hair healthy in summer

Summer is here for some time now and in this hot season we need to take more care of our body: drink more water, eat more vegetables and fruits, wear sun protection. Our hair is subject to many more negative factor and is mandatory to protect it during summer. A way that we can do that (although it may seem unusual) is to wear wholesale hair. We can avoid all the UV radiations that hurts the hair plus we can make all sorts of changes to our look. Is incredibly fun to try new hairdos and hair colors every time we want.

We can also go for wholesale clip in hair, it not only gives volume, but it looks very natural too. 
They are very easy to attach, style and remove by yourself.  Clip In Hair Extensions are the easiest and safest way to add length, volume or color without causing damage to your own hair.

The wedding dress of your dreams is one click away


I'm all about weddings in the summer. And weddings outdoors are the best, especially if we are talking about a garden or the beach. I want more of my friends to get married just to enjoy this. :)) And since some of my friends are getting married I have some suggestion for them on where to buy the wedding dress, for you my readers, future brides, too. I'm talking about ModaBridal, a website specialized in all things "weddingy". Is time for the brides to get everything prepared for their dream wedding. The wedding dress is one of the most important things that needs to be taken care of before anything else. Choose the one that you think fits your taste the most and be the queen on one of the biggest days of your life.

Evening dresses for every taste

Hello, gals! Is late in the night and all I can think of is that summer is already here. Uuu, the vacation, the parties, the weddings I'm going to attend. And parties and weddings imply evening dresses. I'm sure you also wonder, as I do, where you can find the perfect long evening dress. Well, Sherrylondon is an website that provides chic and high quality dresses for any occasion. They have different sizes and made to measure also, plus size evening dresses are in their as well. 

Black is synonymous with elegance, you can never go wrong with it. Choose black evening dresses with interesting cuts, chic and one of a kind, like the one in the photo below.

Essentials for summer: breezy clothes & funky swimwear


Wow, is so hot here in Romania! It definitely feels like summer. These high temperatures make
me think of vacation, sandy beaches, sun, a lot of cocktails. :P Hot weather asks for breezy, flowy clothes. Dresses, tops, shorts in soft fabrics are the ideal choices for this season. Go with pastels and bright colors, white is a great option too. Funky prints are in trend and also unusual designs.
I'm a sucker for summer items that are easy to wear, but chic at the same time. Lately I like more practical designs. 
I've made a list of perfect pieces for summer from Chicuu

This chiffon dress is definitely very comfy, but looks great too. The off-the-shoulder design is trendy and the loose fit makes it the right choice for summer when the last thing we want are clothes that are tight. 

Cocomelody: designer wedding dresses


Wedding season is in full bloom. If you are planning yours and you are yet to purchase the wedding dress I have just the perfect website for you. I'm talking about Cocomelody. An website where the contemporary bride can find the dress of her dreams. If you are looking for femininity and romantism you can choose a Lily White wedding dress, if you want a daring, provocative one go with Ida Torez, for extra elegance and beauty Grace Luxury will be the right choice, if you want a vintage-inspired dress go with LB Studio. There are many options of designer wedding dresses. You just need to find the one that it suits you better.

Fashion Days: Top trenduri pentru sezonul primăvară/vară 2016


Fashion Days, destinația numărul 1 de fashion, prezintă, sub umbrela Time to Change, noile tendințe pentru sezonul primăvară/vară 2016, care te vor ajută să-ți găsești inspirația pentru un stil perfect. Astfel, poți cumpăra colecții in season de la branduri de top la nivel internațional, precum Esprit, Desigual, Clarks, Pepe Jeans, United Colors of Benetton, Gant, Just Cavalli și multe altele.

Mai mult, Fashion Days oferă clienților săi posibilitatea de a-și alege combinațiile vestimentare preferate, dintr-o selecție vastă de peste 500.000 de produse, de la peste 1.000 de branduri de piese vestimentare, încălțăminte și accesorii pentru femei, bărbați și copii, cu livrare rapidă și posibilitatea de retur gratuit. Introdus la începutul acestui an, serviciul oferă posibilitatea de a returna, în termen de 30 de zile, unul sau toate produsele achiziționate, indiferent de valoarea coletului sau de modalitatea de plată. 

Hai la cumpărături la Chic Bazar: Vitantis Shopping Center, 16-17 aprilie


Fete dragi, weekend-ul acesta (16-17 aprilie) vă aștept să vă faceți de cap cotrobăind prin garderoba mea. La târgul Chic Bazar aduc pentru voi haine, încălțăminte și accesorii, majoritatea noi sau purtate o dată, de două ori la ședințele foto. Sunt colorate, sunt funky, sunt în trend și își caută noi stăpâni iubitori. :)

Târgul are loc la Vitantis Shopping Center sâmbătă și duminică între orele 11:00-20:00.
În afară de îmbrăcăminte, încălțăminte și accesorii veți găsi și produse home deco și haine pentru copii.
Alături de mine vor fi și alte bloggerițe cunoscute ce își vor expune comorile.

How to have a new look in just a few minutes


Babes, I'm sure we all admired actresses and models hair. They always are flawless and have the most fabulous looks. I know there are plenty of hairstylists involved in making their hair fantastic, but we have our alternatives if we want to have a similar look. Besthairbuy offers us a wide range of products, from wigs to clip-on extensions.

Make a change of look: wear wigs and hair extensions


Hair is today't topic. I always like to wear my hair differently, always trying new ways to arrange it. But many times I get bored with my haircut or the color of my hair, that is why I change it so often. I do love changes that is why I think it will be fantastic to try different hairstyles. How can I do that? Well, I might as well try wigs or hair extensions. I think is incredibly fun to see how you will look with a wig. Have you tried it? 
I recently discovered a website that sells a wide range of wigs, hair extensions, hair wefts, hair pieces, etc. I'm talking about Mofain.com that is specialized in selling 100% human hair products. Hair weaving is an important part of their offer. Their products feature high quality, unique style, reasonable prices and diverse sizes. 

Wedding trends: backless wedding dresses from Cocomelody


Now with spring coming the wedding season begins. Is time for the brides to get everything prepared for their dream wedding. The wedding dress is one of the most important things that needs to be taken care of before anything else.

This season the backless wedding dresses are a big hit. They are very chic and trendy. Sexy without showing too much. Made of fine fabrics and with interesting designs, these dresses are the definition of elegance. You can go for one made of lace or maybe organza or tulle, regardless of your choice the fact that you will look stunning is guaranteed.
I know most of you future brides are really busy with all the preparations for the upcoming wedding so you don't have time to stroll the shops, so buying your dress online is a great alternative, especially because it is made with your measurements. You can find gorgeous wedding dresses on Cocomelody.
These sexy backless wedding dresses will make you feel exquisite. Choose the one that you think fits your taste the most and be the queen on one of the biggest days of your life.

Spring goodies under 15$

(click the word HERE to go to the item you want)

EN: Uhlala, spring is just around the corner, I can see it watching us and waiting impatiently to come over. Spring means a wardrobe revival and I have just the right ingredients for you to do this: some items that are under 15$, but still look amazing. I love it when clothes don't cost much, but look like a million dollars.

I've made a cute selections for you: from tops to dresses. Trust me, there are a lot more where these came from. Go make your closet spring-ready!
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