Your daily dose of bohemian vibe
Showing posts with label H&M. Show all posts
Showing posts with label H&M. Show all posts

Must haves for spring: colorful outfits


Jacket/Geacă - Bershka via kurtmann.ro
Shirt/Cămașă - Shein
Jeans, boots/Blugi, botine - H&M

EN: Hey, guys! How is your week? 
I don't know about you, but I'm so ready for spring, maybe that is why this colorful outfit and the pretty floral print. I'm so yearning for warm weather. I remember when I was a kid how happy I was when spring arrived. I still am, maybe not that excited as back then, but still. What is your most vivid memory as a child? If you were to go back in time at what age will you stay?

In the loving memory of who I've used to be


Coat/Palton - HERE
Boots/Ghete - Stradivarius via Kurtmann.ro
Bag/Geantă - Meli Melo
Jeans, earrings/Blugi, cercei - H&M

  I meant to post this in 2015, but I've got tangled up with too many things that I've postpone it, so here it is now.

In a chaos of mixed emotions and stupid mistakes I try to create a new me, a better me, a me that is happy with herself. Is a challenging and difficult task, but I'm sure I will get there sooner or later. I used to like myself and I want to be able to do it again. Maybe I will share this journey with you, my dears. 
As for the outfit, is a simple one, appropriate for the cold winter days. This camel coat has an interesting cut and color and will definitely keep you warm. I decided to combine it with simple items like a black pair of jeans and a black pair of boots.
This being said, have a great weekend! :)

Sweater weather


Sweater/Pulover - Only via Kurtmann.ro
Jeans/Blugi - H&M
Shoes/Pantofi - Stradivarius
Bag/Geantă - The Bag Shop

EN: We have a mild autumn. I'm glad that the weather has been kind to me, because everything else hasn't. I feel a constant aching. I yearn for better days, I yearn...for lots of things. I think I should make an anonymous blog where I should write my thoughts. :) I don't think this is the place to express them.

As for the outfit, lately I live in pants, in jeans to be more precise. Jeans and sweaters. Like the pretty one from today's post. The embellishments on this sweater makes it really chic, the side cuts makes it interesting. The sweater season is here and I plan on taking advantage of it.
What do you like to wear most in fall/winter?

The cheerleader jacket and the coolest graffiti


Jacket/Jachetă - Alcott via Kurtmann.ro
Top/Maiou - H&M
Jeans/Blugi - SheIn
Shoes/Pantofi - Stradivarius
Earrings/Cercei - Six

EN: Is freaking cold in Bucharest, it feels like winter. Come on, I want some fall first! 
As you might have guessed, this look is from a while ago when the weather was more friendly. This jacket, very similar to those worn by cheerleaders in the US, is very popular for some time now. This is my first acquisition and I'm planning on owning more pieces like this. Do you fancy them? I do think they are versatile and can be worn easily with a dress or skirt and sneakers maybe. I chose a casual combo with a twist: ripped jeans and heels. You can also see another way I wore those jeans in the IT watch and a cool-casual look post.
I do have some other outfits in store, so be prepared to see a few looks this upcoming week.
I will keep it short this time too, because I have a terrible headache. Kisses and have the coolest week!

Still in the summer mood


Dress, jeans/Rochie, blugi - H&M
Sandals/Sandale - Modcloth
Earring/Cercel - B.A.D Style
Rings/Inele - Six

EN: It's raining cats and dogs, is cold and I'm showing you a summer outfit. That's me, always against the current. :)) I still have some summer outfits in store, so you need to appreciate that I want you to think of summer. :P But stay close, the fall ones will be here soon if the rainy weather allows it.
I have to tell you that on September 22 I've celebrated 5 years of blogging. Is been such an wonderful journey, it definitely had its ups and downs, but all in all, I loved it. I'm not sure how many years from now on I will do it, but I do hope will be many. And I do hope you will still be here and read all my blabbering and admire or criticize my outfits. :)
As for this look, I wore a dress as a top, paired with some skinny jeans and chunky floral heels and that's it. It has a boho vibe. Hope you enjoy it! Have a fantastic week, guys!

The girls of summer


Top, pants/Bluză, pantaloni - H&M
Hat/Pălărie - C&A
Sandals/Sandale - random store
Bracelets/Brățări - random stores

EN: Beautiful days of summer begin with good friends. What can be better than sharing some time with the gals, making some photos, enjoying the sun and just talking about whatever. The day when I took these photos was one of those days. I love the days when I smile, when everything is so simple, when all the little things seem so much more important. Too bad that they are not as frequent anymore. I miss those days and I miss the old me. All the things we go through in life really change us, maybe not that deep down, but they still do. Sometimes we forget to smile and we just need somebody to remind us how to do it. Do you have that somebody in your life?
The outfit is that outfit perfect for summer: loose, comfy pants, a crop top and a hat. Simple, yet chic. Casual, yet fancy. Just like that.

Dare to mix prints!


Pants/Pantaloni - Zara via Kurtmann.ro
Top/Bluză - H&M
Sandals/Sandale - Zara
Watch/Ceas - I Like Paper
Bag, sunglassses/Geantă, ochelari de soare - Meli Melo
Hair dye/Vopsea de păr - Pravana

EN: Since my hair got blonde, I've decided to go wild and do to it whatever I feel like it. Now I'm in the blue/green period. In fact I wanted to do just some highlights in blue, green, purple, pink and orange, but when I washed it the blue spread to all the other colors. :)) The result: this undetermined hair color. :)) I do think it looks funky though. Again I have to thank Pravana for all the amazing hair dyes. I just love the colors they have. The Vivids, Pastels and Neons ranges are the best! You have to try them if you want colorful hair. They also have the ChromaSilk range that it is unique in that it can be used both as permanent dye, as well as semi-permanent dye, simply using a different oxidant. The hair care products and the hair styling products are really good too. I'm sure if you try something from Pravana you will become a loyal customer.
As for the outfit, wild is the word too. I've dared to mix different type of stripes and I think the outfit turned out pretty nice, if you ask me. The pants were 3/4, but because I'm really short that length was really weird on me, so I just opened the stitch and made them for my liking. They are very light and good for wearing in summer. 
What do you think of my new look?

Palazzo pants - an amazing choice for summer


Pants/Pantaloni - H&M
Top/Maiou - random store
Sandals/sandale - Stradivarius via Kurtmann.ro
Earrings/Cercei - Rossetti

EN: Yeah, people, I've dyed my hair a while ago. You must be thinking I'm too old for this, but trust me, age is just a number and the only numbers that count for me right now are the ones in my bank account. :))
The highlights were made, as usual with Pravana (semi-permanent dye which can be found here in many, many super cool shades). If you want to read more about my experience with Pravana and how you can dye your hair at home do check out this article: Tips on how to get a colorful hair.
As the outfit goes, I'm going cuckoo over palazzo pants lately. I've bought 3 pairs in only a few weeks. I had no idea they will look great on me, and when I've discovered that, I was as excited as Columbus when he discovered America. The beautiful sandals are from Stradivarius via Kurtmann.ro, they are comfy and  I can wear them in so many combos, one of the reason I bought them in the first place.
Btw, Kurtmann has crazy sales, 70% off, so hurry up and get cool stuff!

Crop tops - how to decently show some skin


Crop top/Bluză - Mini Prix
Blazer/Sacou - Dresslily (also worn here)
Jeans/Blugi - H&M 
Shoes/Pantofi - Stradivarius
Necklace/Colier - Meli Melo 

EN: Folks, how are you today? Did you celebrated the International Worker's Day on May 1? I never do something special for that occasion, unlike most of my fellow Romanians. Well, in fact, I did something different, I went out in a club, but on May 2nd. Clubbing is not my type of entertainment so I do it very rarely. I usually like to hear people when they are talking to me. :))
The rest of the weekend I just did a big nothing, I think spring asthenia is having a lot of saying here. I hope you did something more interesting than me and you will tell me all about it.

Yes, what can I say, that day I felt the need to show my belly button and my sculptured abdomen. :)) You know the saying: once you grow old, you go cuckoo. :)) Influenced by these cuckoo birds, me, a woman at almost 32, decided it was the right moment to parade my stomach. I don't know if it was my most wise decision taking in account I've received a lot of comments on the streets, but trust me when I say you will see my like this again. :)) In other words, I haven't learned a thing from this experience.

The bohemian-modern look


Blouse/Bluză - HERE
Jeans/Blugi - H&M
Shoes/Pantofi - Stradivarius

EN: You might remember from one of my posts from last week about the new hairdo I've tried. Well, I've also made some outfit photos that day and here they are now. I'm wearing this perfect blouse that I'm in love with and now I'm thinking I should have got it in other colors too. Is available also in black and blue. Pair it with some skinny jeans and heels and got a cute bohemian-modern look.
This week started with terrible weather, it feels like winter. Last week wasn't so great either, incredible windy, but I had some fun and engaging activities so I hadn't got time to complain that much about it. :)) To talk about my activities briefly: On Wednesday I've met with my fellow bloggers for the Deichmann S/S 2015 collection launch and spent a nice time together, on Thursday I said yes to the invitation of Creative Ideas at the Easter workshop where I've made a lovely Easter wreath (you can see it on Instagram). Let's not forget I've spilled my coffee on my white shirt 15 minutes after I've got there and I had to spent the next 2 hours with a lovely stain. Well, also spilled it on my chair and sit there, I was lucky you couldn't see any stains because of my colorful skirt. I've glued my fingers with the glue gun, ohh, how it hurt! :)) Someone almost spilled my food plate on my again white shirt with brown stain. I've made some interesting juggling and managed to catch the plate. All in all it was a fun experience. :)) On Sunday made a photo shoot including my boyfriend and my brother's dog, a great Labrador Retriver. Fun again! So now you can see why I had no time to complain. :D
Can't wait to see what this week brings! :)

The color palette of autumn


EN: Lack of inspiration. This is the thing that I suffer from these days. Fortunately not regarding my outfits, but my text for the posts. My mind goes blank every time I try to write something. This happens for a while and I thought my inspiration will be back in no time, but no sign of it yet. What do you do when you get these blocks? Some advices will be helpful.
The look from today is build around my favorite color: green. I just mixed different shades of green to create a lovely autumn outfit. I think the color combo goes so well with the color palette of autumn. 
I love my new dress! I'm a bit sad though, because is a size S and is still big for me, although I usually wear M now I should have chosen an XS. The leather-like top part was the detail that made me chose it. I think the day I took the photos was the last day I wore sandals this season. This pair of sandals are so easy to include in any outfit. Goodbye, dear sandals, see you next summer! 

RO: Lipsă de inspirație. Asta-i chestia de care sufăr zilele astea. Din fericire nu în ceea ce privește ținutele mele, ci în ceea ce privește textele postărilor mele. Parcă mintea mea e goală de fiecare dată când încerc să scriu ceva. Mi se întâmplă asta de ceva vreme, am crezut că inspirația se va întoarce repede, dar se pare că nu are de gând să facă asta prea curând. Voi ce faceți când aveți asemenea blocaje? Niște sfaturi ar fi utile.
Ținuta de azi este construită în jurul culorii mele preferate: verde. Am combinat diferite nuanțe de verde pentru a crea o ținută tomnatică. Combinația de culori merge de minune cu paleta coloristică a toamnei. 
Îmi place tare mult noua mea rochie! Ce mă deranjează este că e mărimea S, dar îmi este totuși mare. Deși eu port M de obicei, acum ar fi trebuit să comand un XS. Partea de sus, asemănătoare pielii, este cea care m-a atras. Cred că ziua în care am făcut pozele a fost ultima zi în care am purtat sandale anul ăsta. Perechea asta de sandale e ușor de inclus în aproape orice ținută. La revedere, dragile mele sandale, ne vedem vara următoare!

(click the pink word for the exact link/dați click pe cuvântul roz pentru link-ul exact)
Dress/Rochie - HERE
Sandals/Sandale - HERE
Earrings/Cercei - Bohemian Sin
Rings/Inele  - H&M
Cardigan/Jerseu - random store

You can also find me on Facebook - Twitter Bloglovin' - Pinterest -Instagram.

Yellow, it's your time to be worn!


EN: Heya, sugar pies! :D I'm here with a brand new outfit. I had a hard time with this yellow culottes. Bought them from a second store after trying them on and really liked how they looked. A few days later, after washing them I've tried them on again at home and hate them, they made me look huge. I've ironed them, ohh, it was a challenge, those pleats and the fabric gave me headaches. I thought of this combo and suddenly began liking the culottes again! The human nature is so changing and undecided! 
These sorts of things happens to you too?
I won the fall-inspired clutch on a giveaway and I think is just perfect for this season.
Ok now, gotta leave! I'm going to a pub opening tonight and I need to see what I will wear.
Have a great week, guys!

RO: Salutare! Am revenit cu o nouă ținută. Fusta asta pantalon mi-a făcut ceva probleme. Am cumpărat-o de la un second hand după ce am probat-o și mi-a plăcut cum îmi vine. După câteva zile, după ce am spălat-o, am probat-o din nou acasă și am urât-o, mi s-a părut că mă făcea uriașă. Am călcat-o (vai, a fost o adevărată provocare,  pliurile alea și materialul mi-au dat adevărate dureri de cap) și apoi mi-a venit în minte combinația asta și parcă fusta nu mai arăta atât de rău, am început să o plac din nou. Cum e și natura asta umană, schimbătoare și indecisă!
Și vouă vi se întâmplă la fel: să vă îndrăgostiți de o haină, apoi să nu vă mai placă deloc? Și poate, în cele din urmă, să o adorați iar?
Plicul inspirat din toamnă l-am câștigat la un concurs și cred că e perfect pentru sezonul ăsta.
Eu trebuie să vă las acum. Mă duc la deschiderea unui pub în seara asta și trebuie să cotrobăi un pic în șifonier după o ținută. :)
O săptămână faină să aveți!

Blazer/sacou - ZLZ
Top/Bluză - Bershka
Skirt-pants/Fustă-pantalon - second hand store
Clutch/Plic - Spicul de grâu
Sandals/Sandale - Zara via Kurtmann.ro
Earrings/Cercei - H&M

Yeah, I'm great! :)))
Îhîm, sunt extraordinară! :)))
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