Your daily dose of bohemian vibe
Showing posts with label Meli Melo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Meli Melo. Show all posts

In the loving memory of who I've used to be


Coat/Palton - HERE
Boots/Ghete - Stradivarius via Kurtmann.ro
Bag/Geantă - Meli Melo
Jeans, earrings/Blugi, cercei - H&M

  I meant to post this in 2015, but I've got tangled up with too many things that I've postpone it, so here it is now.

In a chaos of mixed emotions and stupid mistakes I try to create a new me, a better me, a me that is happy with herself. Is a challenging and difficult task, but I'm sure I will get there sooner or later. I used to like myself and I want to be able to do it again. Maybe I will share this journey with you, my dears. 
As for the outfit, is a simple one, appropriate for the cold winter days. This camel coat has an interesting cut and color and will definitely keep you warm. I decided to combine it with simple items like a black pair of jeans and a black pair of boots.
This being said, have a great weekend! :)

Sporty-chic and some thoughts about life


Shirt/Cămașă - Bershka via Kurtmann.ro
Skirt/Fustă - Esmara
Sandals/Sandale - Foymall
Watch/Ceas - I Like Paper
Sunglasses/Ochelari de soare - Meli Melo

EN: Do you ever feel trapped on your daily routine and forget how to live, I mean really live?! I am in this situation for a while and I'm looking for a way out. I feel like I am in vicious circle and I'm in a fight to stop it. I do think we often forget what is important in life and we focus too much on our job, on a project, etc, and we don't take in consideration the small things that makes us happy. We often think success is equal with happiness, but most of the times we sacrificed so much in our way to success that when we finally achieve it we no longer feel content. And after we reached a goal we want more and more and more. How about being happy when we spend time with the family, with our friends or when we are taking a walk, how about we enjoy the coffee in the morning while admiring the view, how about that, guys, how about cherishing those moments? I dare you for a while to forget about everything except what makes you happy, focus on that, find out what really makes you wake up in the morning and make the best of it!

As for the outfit, I'm in the sporty-chic mood right now. The baseball shirt inspired me to create this kind of look. You will see me more often wearing casual clothes with a twist. The watch is pretty awesome because is made of paper and tearproof and waterresistant TYVEK. I have it for while and wore it only once. You can see that outfit here. Let me know your thoughts in the comment section below.
Thanks for reading!

The blonde is wearing fuchsia


Sandals/Sandale - Bershka via Kurtmann.ro
Top/Maiou - Bershka via Kurtmann.ro
Skirt/Fustă - random store
Bag/Geantă - Meli Melo

EN: Yes, instead of posting more often as I said in my latest post, I'm posting even more rarely. Life has been more hectic than I've expected. Every day I have been on the run, so when I finally got a break today my first thought was to make a post on the blog. I missed doing it! 
Of course I'm going to show you soon some photos from the events I've attended lately and they have been a few. I'm also thinking of doing a video in the near future. In fact, I thought for a while about it, but didn't had the time, nor the patience to learn how to edit a video. But I will! 
About the outfit: is finally a more colorful one. I've noticed that in the last month almost all my outfits included black and not so cheerful colors, like they usually did. A change had to be done so today we're having fuchsia, blue, light pink, white.
The piece of resistance are these cool sandals from Bershka via Kurtmann. That transparent heel is pretty amazing. You agree? And the fact they are comfortable is such a big plus. I could wear them non-stop.
Tell me, which colors you love to wear in summer?

Lansare colecție Candy, Meli Melo Prespring 2015 [RO only]


De mâine, 30 ianuarie, Meli Melo vă pregătește o surpriză în magazine și online: lansarea colecției prespring 2015, CANDY, inspirată de femeia delicată, romantică, feminină si elegantă.

Această poveste te va conduce spre o lume simplă si inocentă. 
Imaginează-ți o grădină plină de flori în culori pastel și un miros îmbietor de bomboane! Instant, totul va deveni „dulce”.

Rock-ish Wednesday


EN: Hello, boys and girls! I so missed wearing my floral pants, it's been a while since I didn't rocked them. I've made a rock-chic combo this time. I kept the rest of the outfit simple so the focus will be on the pants. This is my go-to look.
Is going to be a short post, I'm not in such a good mood. I hope next time I can talk more with you.
Have a great week!

RO: Salut, dragilor! Mi-a fost dor să port pantalonii ăstia înflorați, a trecut ceva vreme de când nu i-am mai scos în lume.  Am creat o combinație rock-șic. Am ales să adaug piese simple pentru ca focusul să fie pe pantaloni. Ăsta-i genul de ținute pe care îl port de obicei când sunt pe grabă și vreau să ies repede pe ușă fără a îmi bate capul cu ce mă îmbrac.
Cam atât pentru astăzi, nu am o stare prea bună. Sper ca data viitoare să vă scriu mai mult.
O săptămână frumoasă!

Jacket/Geacă - SheInside
Pants/Pantaloni - She Likes
Sweater/Pulover - Bershka via kurtmann.ro
Boots/Ghete - Romwe
Bag/Geantă - Meli Melo

You can also find me on Facebook - Twitter Bloglovin' - Pinterest -Instagram.

"Meow" is the word of the day!


EN: Hello, sweeties! Yeah, I still can't let go of summer! :)) So I'm here with you with another summer outfit, the one I wore almost two weeks ago at the Takko fashion event (you can read about it here). It was an extremely windy day, my hair was all over the place, I could barely made a few normal photos, as you will see.
The pretty green skirt was a real bargain, I bought it on sales with just 2,5 euros and I love that is so versatile! I already wore it in many combos. The top is a very old one, I think I have it for more than 6-7 years, but I wore it just a few times.
I will just leave you with the photos, because I'm in a bit of a hurry.
Kisses, my darlings! :)

RO: Hei, hei! :) Da, tot nu pot renunța la vară! :D Așa că iată o nouă ținută văratică purtată acum aproximativ 2 săptămâni la evenimentul Takko (citiți despre el aici). A fost o zi cu un vânt îngrozitor, clar eram îmbrăcată prea subțire pentru temperaturile de afară. D-abia am putut scoate câteva poze mai normale, după cum veți vedea.
Simpatica fustă verde am cumpărat-o doar cu 10 lei de la reduceri, îmi place mult pentru că e versatilă, deja am purtat-o în nenumărate combinații. Bluza e super veche, asta în termeni de ani, vreo 6-7, dar în condiție foarte bună, pentru că am purtat-o doar de cîteva ori.
Vă las, fete dragi, mă cam grăbesc astăzi.
Vă pup! :)

Skirt/Fustă - Glow
Top/Bluză - Terranova
Sandals/Sandale - Zara
Head accessory/Accesoriu de păr - Mini Prix
Necklace/Colier - Meli Melo
Earrings/Cercei - Six
Rings/Inele - H&M, Six

You can also find me on Facebook - Twitter Bloglovin' - Pinterest.

The asymmetric skirt


EN: Every time I go out something happens to me, sometimes are small accidents, other times are important accidents. Some examples from my latest week: two huge men got in fight in the bus just next to me, almost got a punch; both soles of my sandals detached completely when I was out in the city and I just walked like that the rest of the day; my hair was caught in somebody's umbrella as I was walking down the street; three old ladies began long chats with me on the same day like I was the only person around; after a sunny, hot day, the rain just started the moment I wanted to take photos for the blog; tripped more than a few times; choked with some food in a restaurant..and the list could go on. Do these things happen to you or am I a little different? :))

This is the outfit I wore two weekends ago when I went to a fair and spent a lovely day chatting and laughing with dear blogger Adina. I'm wearing an asymmetric faux leather skirt. I love that is not the usual asymmetric skirt that you find in all the stores, is a bit special and it has a gorgeous color and fabric. I'm a sucker for faux leather skirts. I could live in them. You can find this beauty HERE.
Enjoy the week!

RO: Sunt persoana căreia tot timpul i se întâmplă ceva. De fiecare dată când ies din casă am parte de accidente mai mici sau mai mari.  Iată câteva exemple de săptămâna asta: doi bărbați voluminoși s-au luat la bătaie în autobuz lângă mine, mai aveam puțin și primeam un pumn; mi s-au dezlipit complet tălpile de la sandale în timp ce eram în oraș și mi-am continuat drumul așa; mi s-a prins părul în umbrela cuiva în timp ce mergeam pe stradă; trei bătrânici au început discuții lungi cu mine în aceeași zi (la interval cam de o oră) ca și cum aș fi fost singura persoană din jur; după o zi însorită și călduroasă a început ploaia exact în momentul când m-am hotărât să fac poze pentru blog; m-am împiedicat de câteva ori; m-am înecat cu mâncare într-un restaurant...și lista poate continua. Vouă vi se întâmplă lucruri d-astea frecvent sau sunt eu mai specială? :)))

Asta e ținuta pe care am purtat-o acum două weekend-uri când am fost la un târg și am petrecut o zi frumoasă cu draga de Adina. Port o fusta asimetrică din piele artificială. Îmi place că nu este modelul acela de fustă asimetrică pe care îl găsești în toate magazinele, este diferit, are o culoare minunată și un material la fel. Sunt înnebunită după fustele din piele artificială! Aș putea trăi în ele! :)) O puteți găsi AICI.
Bucurați-vă de weekend!

(click the pink word for the exact link/dați click pe cuvântul roz pentru link-ul exact)
Skirt/Fustă - HERE
Top, bracelet/Bluză, brățară - B.A.D Style
Hair accesory, bag/Accesoriu de păr, geantă - Meli Melo
Sandals/Sandale - Yeswalker

You can also find me on Facebook - Twitter Bloglovin' - Pinterest.

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