Your daily dose of bohemian vibe
Showing posts with label SheInside. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SheInside. Show all posts

Reinventing the suit


Suit dress/Rochie sacou - HERE
Skirt/Fustă - Front Row Shop
Shoes/Pantofi - Stradivarius
Bag, necklace/Geantă, colier - Meli Melo
Watch/Ceas - random store

EN: The suit dress is very in trend right now. Although I'm not a trend follower, when I love an item I do wear it. I think the suit dress brings more chicness and at the same time sexiness to a look. It can make you more confident and can be easily dressed up or down: perfect for office or a business meeting, but also perfect for a casual day when wore with sneakers. I could also definitely wore the one from today without the skirt if I went clubbing. For day time, not so appropriate without the skirt, because is a bit short. 
I have a busy day, so unfortunately I have to keep it short. Don't forget today is the last day when you can vote for La Bohème as Best Fashion Blog at Digital Divas. The link for the voting is this one: http://www.expremio.com/digitaldivas/. Instead of La Bohème they wrote La Boh, that is me, so just check that box and click the "Vote" button. Thank you!

The IT watch and a cool-casual look


Jacket/Jachetă - HERE
Jeans/Blugi - HERE
Watch/Ceas - JORD
Sandals/Sandale - Stradivarius
Earrings/Cercei - Rossetti
Top/Maiou - Terranova

EN: Ok, I must admit, I wasn't a watch aficionado. That was until I saw the JORD watches and felt deeply in love with them! I need to have every single one, is not nice to discriminate and want just a few. :))! You will feel the same after you see the one I got and check their site for other goodies. These watches are made from different types of wood, the JORD style is guided by a deep appreciation for natural elements and modern design. 
I'm so happy I got my hands on this piece and I can show it to you! I think is very versatile and I can wear it with almost everything.
And how about the outfit?! This time I went with a cool-casual look. This is my first pair of distressed jeans and I want more. I pretty much like them, although I thought I won't. And they are still a hit this year too. Pair them with a long, flowy jacket, a simple top, a pair of platforms and the highlight of the outfit, the JORD watch.
I also have a good news, for me at least :))), I'm nominated at the Best Fashion Blog category at the Digital Divas Awards. So, babes, if you like my blog and what I'm doing here you can cast your vote at this link: http://www.expremio.com/digitaldivas/. I will be extremely happy if you will and you will have my eternal appreciation. :D Thank you!

GIVEAWAY: Win with Sheinside.com!



Hello sweeties, spring is here and Sheinside wants to thank my readers for their support, so they are sponsoring a giveaway for your spring closet..
You will have a chance to win one item from this link: http://goo.gl/DSquL1.
Can't wait ? You can also get special discounts on these six items , click HERE to check.

 All you need to do (mandatory steps) :
1) Register on Sheinside. (Click the following link to register on sheinside.com: http://goo.gl/We1LvJ).
2) Like La Bohème on Facebook.
3) Follow my blog via GFC (the "Join this site" box on the side bar).
4) Leave a comment under this post with your email address (same one you used for signing up), your Facebook name and the name that you followed me via GFC.

For an extra chance, share this giveaway public on Facebook and leave me the link in the comment box.

So easy, right?
The giveaway is open to Romanian and international readers, will last for a week and there will be one winner. So you better hurry and try your luck!
I will pick the winner via random.org.

UPDATE: The winner is Nikolina. Congratulations! I will e-mail you shortly.

Blue, do I have a crush on you?!


Skirt/Fustă - HERE 
Dress worn as top/Rochie purtată ca bluză - Atmosphere
Tights/Dresuri - Esmara
Shoes/Pantofi - Stradivarius

EN: Hello, darlings! Hope you had a lovely Easter, those of you who celebrated it this Sunday. I had a nice dinner with my family and after that met up with my girls, Adina & Mihaela, and spent a night full of laughters and fun. You won't believe how crazy girls can get when they are put together in a room for a night. :)) We had the most unbelievable conversations and danced to the worst music. :)) Is a good thing we didn't filmed the experience, if it got in the wrong hands we would have been blackmailed for life. :)))
On another note, this outfit was wore a while ago. It seems I have a thing for blue, although my favorite color is green. I'm pretty much in love with this beaded pleated skirt, is just gorgeous! You can find it on black too. I chose this color because is more appropriate for spring. If you are wondering how you can wear this skirt you can go with a combination similar to mine: a simple top and heels or you can dare more and wear a printed top or shirt.
The shoes were another bargain from Stradivarius online, caught them on sales along with the ones I've showed you here and here and another pair I hadn't worn yet. And I'm not kidding when I say bargain, all 4 pairs cost me 52 euros.
Kisses, gals, and have a fantastic week! ;)

The bohemian-modern look


Blouse/Bluză - HERE
Jeans/Blugi - H&M
Shoes/Pantofi - Stradivarius

EN: You might remember from one of my posts from last week about the new hairdo I've tried. Well, I've also made some outfit photos that day and here they are now. I'm wearing this perfect blouse that I'm in love with and now I'm thinking I should have got it in other colors too. Is available also in black and blue. Pair it with some skinny jeans and heels and got a cute bohemian-modern look.
This week started with terrible weather, it feels like winter. Last week wasn't so great either, incredible windy, but I had some fun and engaging activities so I hadn't got time to complain that much about it. :)) To talk about my activities briefly: On Wednesday I've met with my fellow bloggers for the Deichmann S/S 2015 collection launch and spent a nice time together, on Thursday I said yes to the invitation of Creative Ideas at the Easter workshop where I've made a lovely Easter wreath (you can see it on Instagram). Let's not forget I've spilled my coffee on my white shirt 15 minutes after I've got there and I had to spent the next 2 hours with a lovely stain. Well, also spilled it on my chair and sit there, I was lucky you couldn't see any stains because of my colorful skirt. I've glued my fingers with the glue gun, ohh, how it hurt! :)) Someone almost spilled my food plate on my again white shirt with brown stain. I've made some interesting juggling and managed to catch the plate. All in all it was a fun experience. :)) On Sunday made a photo shoot including my boyfriend and my brother's dog, a great Labrador Retriver. Fun again! So now you can see why I had no time to complain. :D
Can't wait to see what this week brings! :)

Chic in black and white


EN: Hello, sweetie pies! How is your week? I'm having a week full of nice events. A change is good, because lately I stayed mostly indoors. It's fun to meet up with blogger friends and just enjoy some time together.
This is the outfit I wore at Takko's Christmas party where I went with Adina and Pepa, my good fashion blogger friends. I'm head over heels for this full midi skirt. Is truly incredible! I wasn't sure the length will go ok with my petite figure, but it did. The black swans print is so lovely. What can I tell you, I'm in love with this skirt! You can also find it in the white swan version print on black here.
Do you love midi skirts?

RO: Seara bună, dragilor! Cum e săptămâna voastră? Eu am o săptămână plină de evenimente faine. O schimbare chiar era binevenită, trec printr-o perioadă grea și am stat mai mult în casă. E distractiv să te întâlnești cu alți bloggeri și să petreceți timp împreună. Una dintre activitățile mele preferate.
Ținuta a fost purtată la petrecerea de Crăciun a magazinului Takko, la care am fost cu prietenele mele, bloggerițele de modă Adina și Pepa. 
Sunt înnebunită după fusta asta midi! E incredibilă! Nu eram sigură că lungimea ei va fi potrivită pentru statura mea minionă, dar se pare că e perfectă. Imprimeul cu lebede negre este chiar deosebit. Ce pot să vă spun, o ador! O găsiți aici și în varianta cu lebede albe pe fond negru.

Rock-ish Wednesday


EN: Hello, boys and girls! I so missed wearing my floral pants, it's been a while since I didn't rocked them. I've made a rock-chic combo this time. I kept the rest of the outfit simple so the focus will be on the pants. This is my go-to look.
Is going to be a short post, I'm not in such a good mood. I hope next time I can talk more with you.
Have a great week!

RO: Salut, dragilor! Mi-a fost dor să port pantalonii ăstia înflorați, a trecut ceva vreme de când nu i-am mai scos în lume.  Am creat o combinație rock-șic. Am ales să adaug piese simple pentru ca focusul să fie pe pantaloni. Ăsta-i genul de ținute pe care îl port de obicei când sunt pe grabă și vreau să ies repede pe ușă fără a îmi bate capul cu ce mă îmbrac.
Cam atât pentru astăzi, nu am o stare prea bună. Sper ca data viitoare să vă scriu mai mult.
O săptămână frumoasă!

Jacket/Geacă - SheInside
Pants/Pantaloni - She Likes
Sweater/Pulover - Bershka via kurtmann.ro
Boots/Ghete - Romwe
Bag/Geantă - Meli Melo

You can also find me on Facebook - Twitter Bloglovin' - Pinterest -Instagram.

Rock those curves, lady!


EN: Hello, my dears!  How is your week so far? Mine is pretty nice, I'm in the mood to make lots of plans and enjoy every day to the fullest. The outfit that you will see today is from last Thursday when I celebrated Adina's birthday and had a really good time. The highlight of this look is definitely the dress. Isn't it great to own a dress that not only emphasizes your curves, but is comfy and cozy at the same time?!  I do think bodycon dresses are my thing! And when I put my eyes on one perfect for fall and winter I'm more than happy. This knitted dress is a must have for these seasons. Mine is from Be You, an online shop from Romania, and you can find it in more colors on the site.

How about the shoes? Aren't they fun?! That zipper is such an interesting decoration, it caught my attention immediately. They are also available on white and I'm thinking of purchasing them in that color too. What do you think?
Hope you like it, guys! :)

RO: Salutare, dragilor! Cum e săptămâna voastră până acum? A mea se prezintă destul de bine, am chef să îmi fac multe planuri și să mă bucur de fiecare zi din plin. Ținuta pe care o vedeți astăzi a fost purtată joia trecută când am sărbătorit ziua Adinei și am petrecut o dup-masă tare faină. Highlight-ul acestui look este bineînțeles rochia de la Be You, un magazin de haine online ce tocmai a lansat colecția toamnă-iarnă. Nu-i așa că e extraordinar să porți o rochie care nu numai că îți pune în valoare formele, dar este și confortabilă și călduroasă în același timp?! Cu siguranță rochiile de tip bodycon sunt preferatele mele! Iar când pun ochii pe una care este perfectă și pentru toamnă, și pentru iarnă, sunt mai mult decât bucuroasă. Rochia tricotată este un must-have al anotimpurilor reci, așa că ar fi bine să vă achiziționați cel puțin una pentru a fii șic la birou, la o întâlnire sau chiar la o seară cu prietenii. Cea pe care o port eu o găsiți pe site disponibilă în mai multe culori.

De pantofi ce ziceți? Nu-i așa că sunt interesanți? Fermoarul îi face speciali, mi-a atras atenția imediat. Se mai găsesc și pe alb și am de gând să îi achiziționez și pe aceia. Nu?
Sper să vă placă! :)

(click the pink word for the exact link/dați click pe cuvântul roz pentru link-ul exact)
Dress/Rochie - BeYouShop
Shoes/Pantofi - HERE
Jacket/Geacă - SheInside
Necklace/Colier - FrontRowShop

You can also find me on Facebook - Twitter Bloglovin' - Pinterest -Instagram.

Let's have a cozy weekend!


EN: Weekend, how I like this word! For me a cold autumn weekend is all about laziness, most of the weekends I'm a couch potato. :)) I'm really not that kind a girl that has a fabulous life and has all kinds of activities. I usually don't go to clubs or parties. I just like to do the things I couldn't during the week, whether is doing some cleaning, chores, watching some movies, having a mulled wine at a pub with the bf, reading a good book, writing some blog posts, spending time with the family. I just love cozy weekends! How do you usually spend your weekend, are you party rocker or you're just like me?
The look from today is a bit old, I've made the photos some weeks ago when it was a lot warmer, hence the short skirt and tee. Definitely not the best photos, but let's just enjoy this relaxed, casual outfit.

RO: Weekend, cât îmi place cuvântul ăsta! În weekend-urile reci de toamnă îmi place să lenevesc, clar activitatea mea preferată! Nu sunt fata care are o viață fabuloasă și are tot felul de activități. Merg extrem de rar în cluburi sau la petreceri. Îmi place ca în weekend să fac lucruri pe care nu le-am putut face în cursul săptămânii, asta putând însemna curățenie prin casă, aranjarea a tot felul de lucruri, vizionarea unor filme, să beau un vin fiert bun la un bar cu prietenul, citirea unei cărți, scrierea unor postări pentru blog, petrecerea timpului cu familia. Îmi plac weekend-urile comode! Voi cum vă petreceți weekend-ul de obicei, sunteți petrecăreți sau semănați mai mult cu mine?

Ținuta de azi e de acum câteva săptămâni când era mult mai cald, de aceea mă și vedeți în fusta asta scurtă și în tricou. Nu sunt cele mai grozave poze, dar hai să ne bucurăm de o ținută relaxată și casual.
Vă pup!

Jacket/Jachetă - SheInside
T-shirt/Tricou - Ruvix
Skirt/Fustă - Choies
Oxfords/Pantofi oxford - Storets
Headband/Bentiță - Alice&Sara

You can also find me on Facebook - Twitter Bloglovin' - Pinterest -Instagram.
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