Your daily dose of bohemian vibe
Showing posts with label grey hair. Show all posts
Showing posts with label grey hair. Show all posts

Cum mi-am schimbat look-ul


Fotografii: Sabin Barac

Hei, hei! Long time, no see..or talk. :) De ceva vreme râvneam la o schimbare de look, parcă mi-era dor de o nuanță deschisă la păr. Nu mă mai vopsisem din iulie anul trecut, mai-mai că se făcea 1 an. Am început prin a căuta în lung și-n lat un salon care să-mi fie pe plac și m-am oprit când am descoperit pagina de Facebook a salonului Naldis unde am găsit ce voiam: multă, multă culoare și frizuri cool. Am văzut că folosesc produsele Pravana, produse pe care le-am folosit și eu de nenumărate ori pentru a-mi colora părul în nuanțe faine: albastru, verde, bleu, roz, corai, mov și lista poate continua.
Următorul pas firesc a fost a-mi face o programare.
Azi am decis să vă povestesc despre experiența mea la acest salon.

Overalls fans, let's unite!


Overall/Salopetă - Takko Fashion
Cardigan/Cardigan - Etic
Shoes/Pantofi - Modlily
Necklace/Colier - Six
Bag/Geantă - Meli Melo

EN: Yo, bro, is really summer here! How did I realized that you wonder? Well, I don't know. It might be because of all the uncovered bellies of hot, ferocious males that stroll the city or from all the alluring and inviting scents that "live" in the public means of transport or from all the barbecues that are at every corner: come take the sausage and steak, people! or maybe from the half naked buttocks that delight my vision immediately after I step out the door. Hmm, is possible. As it is possible also to be because of the sound of waves that hit the shore, of easy-breezy dresses, of sunburnt skin, of dreamy sunrises and sunsets, of the breeze that gives you goosebumps, of  kisses with burning lips. 
I think is an amalgam of all of the above.

And in summer you want comfy clothes, that is why I chose to wear this overall. The only downsize: a bit difficult to manoeuvre if you want to do number one or even two, it doesn't matter. :))) Well, sometimes you just have to hold it in, sacrificies are needed to be made if you want to look nice and presentable. :))

I'm done, I'll let you enjoy the summer, but not before asking what this season represents to you. Let me hear ya!

Must-have item for spring/summer: the culotte


Blazer/Sacou - SheIn
Culottes/Pantaloni - Bershka
Sandals/Sandale - HERE
Shirt/Cămașă - Abelle
Bag/Geantă - Meli Melo
Bracelets/Brățări - H&M

EN: Yes, yes, still a big fan of culottes. Although I'm petite I would wear this piece of clothing on and on. Being high-waisted makes them easier to wear by not so tall women.  I do think is a versatile item. Combine it with a shirt or classy blouse for an elegant look or with a crop top or oversized tee if you want a casual outfit. For spring and summer be more daring and wear printed culottes in soft, flowy fabrics, you can also go for bright colors or pastels. See how I wore culottes in pale pink and yellow in these posts: The culottes - a controversial piece of clothing and Yellow, it's your time to be worn.

You can spice up any outfit by adding a not so ordinary pair of shoes, just like the one I chose to wear in today's post. Mixing the color nude with the snake printed heels was a great idea, it makes these sandals stand out. You can find these beauties here.

Guys, have a terrific week! ;)

The great combo: short hair, chunky heels and a big smile


Cardigan/Cardigan - SheIn
Top/Bluză - New Yorker
Sandals/Sandale - HERE
Pants/Pantaloni - Mango
Necklace, bracelets/Colier, brățări - Six

EN: Hey, guys! I finally managed to post something, but you know the saying: better late than never. I hope now that the weather is getting better and better to get back to my old schedule.
I'm lacking inspiration for the text today, but I did prepared an interesting one for next time, is about the perks of being a single woman in her thirties, it will be spicy, you have to read it.
Since I've been gone I got a shorter haircut and dyed my hair grey, in the meanwhile my hair grew and the color has faded. :))
These sandals are waiting for some time to be brought to light and now that the weather have became kinder I did just that thing. 
I've chose a simple combo, but I've added some accents to make it a bit more special: the necklace, the bracelets, the sandals.
This being said, have a magnificent weekend, dears!

In the loving memory of who I've used to be


Coat/Palton - HERE
Boots/Ghete - Stradivarius via Kurtmann.ro
Bag/Geantă - Meli Melo
Jeans, earrings/Blugi, cercei - H&M

  I meant to post this in 2015, but I've got tangled up with too many things that I've postpone it, so here it is now.

In a chaos of mixed emotions and stupid mistakes I try to create a new me, a better me, a me that is happy with herself. Is a challenging and difficult task, but I'm sure I will get there sooner or later. I used to like myself and I want to be able to do it again. Maybe I will share this journey with you, my dears. 
As for the outfit, is a simple one, appropriate for the cold winter days. This camel coat has an interesting cut and color and will definitely keep you warm. I decided to combine it with simple items like a black pair of jeans and a black pair of boots.
This being said, have a great weekend! :)
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