Your daily dose of bohemian vibe

Rock-ish Wednesday


EN: Hello, boys and girls! I so missed wearing my floral pants, it's been a while since I didn't rocked them. I've made a rock-chic combo this time. I kept the rest of the outfit simple so the focus will be on the pants. This is my go-to look.
Is going to be a short post, I'm not in such a good mood. I hope next time I can talk more with you.
Have a great week!

RO: Salut, dragilor! Mi-a fost dor să port pantalonii ăstia înflorați, a trecut ceva vreme de când nu i-am mai scos în lume.  Am creat o combinație rock-șic. Am ales să adaug piese simple pentru ca focusul să fie pe pantaloni. Ăsta-i genul de ținute pe care îl port de obicei când sunt pe grabă și vreau să ies repede pe ușă fără a îmi bate capul cu ce mă îmbrac.
Cam atât pentru astăzi, nu am o stare prea bună. Sper ca data viitoare să vă scriu mai mult.
O săptămână frumoasă!

Jacket/Geacă - SheInside
Pants/Pantaloni - She Likes
Sweater/Pulover - Bershka via kurtmann.ro
Boots/Ghete - Romwe
Bag/Geantă - Meli Melo

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  1. I love the mixture of girly and edgy, amazing leather jacket by the way. I hope you feel better.

    Princess Audu

  2. Love the floral pants so much! Such a beautiful colour palette for autumn! The jumper and jacket make it warm and cozy! Awesome outfit! :)

  3. I love your shoes :)

    Mae from

  4. I love those pants, and oh..the jacket is so perfect! Kisses


  5. Fabulous look and I totally want to steal those pants!


  6. Love this look! U r one very pretty Romania girl.

    From Jing at www.bejingxu.com

  7. I am in LOVE with this outfit!! The floral print is awesome!


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