Your daily dose of bohemian vibe
Showing posts with label sales. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sales. Show all posts

Cyber Monday sales on Tidestore.com


Guys, have you heard of Cyber Monday? Is a marketing term for the Monday after Thanksgiving in the United States. The term "Cyber Monday" was created by marketing companies to persuade people to shop online. The term made its debut on November 28, 2005, in a Shop.org press release entitled "'Cyber Monday Quickly Becoming One of the Biggest Online Shopping Days of the Year". For example, on www.tidestore.com  you have up to 90% off for outerwear, dresses, tops and shoes: http://www.tidestore.com/h/Cyber-Monday-1/.
If you want to buy yourself or your family cheap outerwears with high quality, than 2014 Cyber Monday Outerwears sales at Tidestore is the perfect time to do it. If you want a perfect dress you have lots of options to choose from. You can take advantage of online deals for fancy tops too. Also you can buy the most chic shoes for the Christmas and New Years parties.





Chic shoes and sweaters for winter


Hello, babes! Let's have a little chit-chat about shoes today. I know we, women, are big fans of shoes. I might say that we are a bit obsessed with them. I might admit that for a big period of time I wasn't head over heels for shoes, I was a more of a jewelry/accessories type of girl, but lately I'm beginning to obsess about shoes too. And since this month is sales month, I got my eyes on these cheap shoes and boots from TBdress: http://www.tbdress.com/Cheap-Shoes-101913/. Discounts here are up to 75%. A great opportunity to get your hands on your favorite shoes. I do have a lot of favorites, but I will just show you some of them. TBdress really is cheap online shoes store for women.
If we are on this subject, sales, I have to tell you that until 27 November you have Thanksgiving Sweater Dealshttp://www.tbdress.com/Topic/Thanksgiving-Day-Sweater-Deals-17-101057/. Sweaters are the perfect pieces of clothing for winter time. Chic and cozy, they are a must-have.
Now let's see some of my suggestions for winter time.

Cutie pie


EN: When I saw this skirt I was fascinated: colorful leather and cute drawings..ohh, a perfect combo for a skirt! The skirt is made by Gabriela Atanasov and the drawings by Andra Badea. Gabriela is a blogger and a designer. You can find her lovely creations on www.sweetpaprika.ro, I strongly recommend that you visit her site. Andra is the owner of Cuteoshenii, her characters are fun and cute, of course, and you can find them on about anything: furniture, bags, clothes, boxes and so on.
I felt great wearing this prettiness! Don't you just love it?

RO: Când am văzut fusta asta am fost fascinată și m-am repezit ca un prădător asupra ei. :)) Și cum să nu fac asta când văd piele colorată și desene haioase, una dintre combinațiile mele preferate!
Minunăția este creată de Gabriela Atanasov, iar desenele de către Andra Badea. Gabriela este blogger și designer, iar creațiile sale pot fi găsite pe www.sweetpaprika.ro. Vă recomand să vizitați site-ul ei, veți găsi haine extraordinare. Andra se ocupă de Cuteoshenii, personajele ei sunt simpatice (după cum spune și numele), distractive și pot fi întâlnite cam peste tot: pe mobilier,  pe genți, pe haine, pe cutii etc.
Eu m-am simțit foarte bine purtând frumusețea asta! Nu că-i tare faină?

Sweater/Pulover - gift from grandma
Skirt/Fustă - Sweet as Paprika/Cuteoshenii
Accessories/Accesorii - Meli Melo
Shoes/Pantofi - SuperPantofi.ro

And now let't talk about some amazing sales. I admit I will do some shopping these days! You should too, because the discounts are huge!
Romwe has two big sales. One for Black Friday, the other for the "Rose D" sweater.

1. Romwe Black Friday Sale
Up to 75% off, over 3000+ styles
Biggest discount! Most styles ever!
Date: 11/26/2013 -11/30/2013

2. Romwe “Rose D” flash sale, only 24 hours!
$19.99 only, with original price $39.99, on 26th November!
500 pieces, but size M is only 200 pieces!
4507 customers have already added “Rose D” to their shopping bag, so adding it into your shopping bag in advance, and then you can pay directly when it begins just in case it's sold out.
24 hours only!
Don’t miss, girls!!!

Combo of the day: floral and leather


EN: Meet the fluffy hair! :) The wig-like hair. :)) And meet my lovely floral top. Well, in fact is a dress, but is too small for me so I decided to wear it like this. I really like it so I needed to put it to use. :) You can find it here, also available in other colors. Ohh and sorry for the grumpy face, the sun was in my eyes non-stop.
Floral and leather, what do you think of this combo?

RO: Faceți cunoștință cu pufoșenia de păr! :) Cu părul care arată ca o perucă. :)) Și mai faceți cunoștință și cu bluza mea cu imprimeu floral...care de fapt e o rochie, însă e prea mică pentru șoldurile mele nu tocmai mici. Astfel am decis să o port ca bluză. Chiar îmi place și nu puteam să o las să stea părăsită în dulap. O puteți găsi aici, disponibilă și pe alte culori. Aaa, scuze pentru fața morocănoasă, mi-a venit soarele în ochi non-stop.
Imprimeu floral și piele, cum vi se pare combinația?

Dress/Rochie - Chicnova
Skirt/Fustă - second hand store
Shoes, belt/Pantofi, curea - random stores
Earrings/Cercei - Ribbonline
Bracelet/Brățară - hobbywan
Bag/Geantă - Moa

Algo go to Romwe for a Leggings Flash Sale of their new collection.
Only $19.99 for any pair. 3 days only!

My week & some big sales


EN: Hi, dears! Just a quick post to tell you about a great sale and how my week was.

First of all, yesterday I was at the Cora event - the presentation of their new collection Influx. More about it in the next few days.

RO: Salutare! O postare rapidă despre niște mari reduceri și despre cum a fost săptămâna mea.

În primul rând, ieri am fost la evenimentul Cora - prezentarea noii colecții Influx. Mai multe despre asta în următoarele zile.

Days of walking in the park and running errands.
Zile de plimbări în parc și de rezolvat treburi.

And the big sale on RomweCheck it out!

1. 20% off selected items
2. Date: 05/25/2013—05/27/2013

Și marea reducere de la Romwe!
1. 20% reducere la anumite produse
2. Durata: 25/05/2013-27/05/2013

Discount coupons and sales at Romwe.com, Oasap.com, Clubcouture.cc and MochiBeaucoup.com


EN: It seems that spring is finally here and we want to look our best, so 4 of my favorite stores have discount coupons and sales. Here they are:

RO: Se pare ca a venit in sfarsit primavara si noi vrem sa aratam cat mai bine, de aceea 4 dintre magazinele mele preferate ofera cupoane de reducere si au reduceri generoase. Iata-le:

Romwe items

Romwe items by boheme-fille featuring retro inspired dresses

1.Coupon code:RomweAprilFools15
$15 off Coupon on Purchase over $60 at Romwe.com and only be used once per customer! Free shipping! 
2.Coupon code:RomweAprilFools25
$25 off Coupon on Purchase over $90 at Romwe.com and only be used once per customer! Free shipping!
3.Coupon code:RomweAprilFools35
$35 off Coupon on Purchase over $120 at Romwe.com and only be used once per customer! Free shipping! 


Oasap.com by boheme-fille featuring a chiffon dress

 Oasap High-Street Fashion has dresses at only $29 and free shipping everywhere in the world. Get your hands on one of these beauties, but hurry because they sell quickly! 

Oasap High-Street Fashion are rochii la doar $29 si transport gratuit oriunde in lume. Neaparat cumparati una dintre aceste rochite minunate, dar grabiti-va pentru ca se vand ca painea calda!


clubcouture.cc by boheme-fille on polyvore.com

Use code CCBLOG15 to get a 15% discount on clubcouture.cc.

Folositi codul CCBLOG15 pentru o reducere de 15% pe clubcouture.cc.


mochibeaucoup.com by boheme-fille featuring a yellow wallet

Use code Boheme20 for a 20% discount on your first order from www.mochibeaucoup.com. Free shipping worldwide.

Folositi codul Boheme20 pentru o reducere de 20% pentru prima voastra comanda pe www.mochibeaucoup.com. Transport gratuit oriunde in lume.

Happy shopping!
Spor la cumparaturi!

Women Day Sales and Unica.ro competition for bloggers


EN: It's Women Day! That means party day or relaxing day for some of you! For me it means SALES day and after that party or relaxing or being spoiled! :) To celebrate all women  Mochi Beaucoup is offering a 25% discount on any order of $25+ plus free shipping for facebook fans. So go shopping at www.mochibeaucoup.com and don't forget to tell me what you bought!

Also, I want to tell you that I've entered a contest for Romanian bloggers organized by Unica.ro. If you like my looks and my style I would really appreciate your vote! I have five looks in the competition and you can vote for your favorite or you can vote for all if you like them. The competition ends on 31st of March so if you are from Romania you can enter too. Wish me luck, guys, and thank you in advance for your votes!
 Here are my looks from the competition:

Don't forget to enter my giveaway with Blushing Goodies!

RO: E Ziua Femeii! Asta inseamna o zi de petrecere sau de relaxare pentru unele dintre voi! Pentru mine inseamna o zi de REDUCERI, apoi de petrecere sau de relaxare sau de rasfatare! Pentru a sarbatori toate femeile Mochi Beaucoup o reducere de 25 % pentru orice comanda peste 25$ plus transport gratuit pentru fanii de pe facebook. Asa ca haideti la cumparaturi pe www.mochibeaucoup.com si nu uitati sa imi spuneti ce v-ati achizitionat!

De asemenea, mai vroiam sa va spun ca m-am inscris la un concurs pentru bloggerii din Romania organizat de Unica.ro. Daca va plac tinutele mele si stilul meu as aprecia foarte mult votul vostru. Am cinci tinute in competitie si puteti vota pentru preferata voastra sau le puteti vota pe toate daca va plac. Concursul se incheie pe 31 martie, iar daca sunteti din Romania va puteti inscrie si voi. Urati-mi noroc si va multumesc in avans pentru voturile voastre!

Nu uitati sa va inscrieti la concursul meu sponsorizat de Blushing Goodies!
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