Your daily dose of bohemian vibe
Showing posts with label summer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label summer. Show all posts

Overalls fans, let's unite!


Overall/Salopetă - Takko Fashion
Cardigan/Cardigan - Etic
Shoes/Pantofi - Modlily
Necklace/Colier - Six
Bag/Geantă - Meli Melo

EN: Yo, bro, is really summer here! How did I realized that you wonder? Well, I don't know. It might be because of all the uncovered bellies of hot, ferocious males that stroll the city or from all the alluring and inviting scents that "live" in the public means of transport or from all the barbecues that are at every corner: come take the sausage and steak, people! or maybe from the half naked buttocks that delight my vision immediately after I step out the door. Hmm, is possible. As it is possible also to be because of the sound of waves that hit the shore, of easy-breezy dresses, of sunburnt skin, of dreamy sunrises and sunsets, of the breeze that gives you goosebumps, of  kisses with burning lips. 
I think is an amalgam of all of the above.

And in summer you want comfy clothes, that is why I chose to wear this overall. The only downsize: a bit difficult to manoeuvre if you want to do number one or even two, it doesn't matter. :))) Well, sometimes you just have to hold it in, sacrificies are needed to be made if you want to look nice and presentable. :))

I'm done, I'll let you enjoy the summer, but not before asking what this season represents to you. Let me hear ya!

Essentials for summer: breezy clothes & funky swimwear


Wow, is so hot here in Romania! It definitely feels like summer. These high temperatures make
me think of vacation, sandy beaches, sun, a lot of cocktails. :P Hot weather asks for breezy, flowy clothes. Dresses, tops, shorts in soft fabrics are the ideal choices for this season. Go with pastels and bright colors, white is a great option too. Funky prints are in trend and also unusual designs.
I'm a sucker for summer items that are easy to wear, but chic at the same time. Lately I like more practical designs. 
I've made a list of perfect pieces for summer from Chicuu

This chiffon dress is definitely very comfy, but looks great too. The off-the-shoulder design is trendy and the loose fit makes it the right choice for summer when the last thing we want are clothes that are tight. 

The pink girl


Dress/Rochie - Emamoda
Shoes/Pantofi - Stradivarius

EN: An outfit that I wore a month and a half ago at the 7 years anniversary party of Marie Claire Romania. A lovely party that took place at a new pool from Bucharest in a rainy summer day.
All I can say is that I got soaking wet on my way to the party, underwear wet, if you know what I'm saying. :)) So I had to head back home, dry my hair, redo my make-up, dry my clothes and get back on the road to the other side of Bucharest...yeah, dreamy! I got a little wet at the party too, but Meli Melo offered some umbrellas and saved the situation a little.
Yes, I'm wearing a lot of pink, so take a long look, because you won't see me like that very soon. And the hair still had an orange hue, because now I'm a blonde, weather I want it or not.
Have a breezy Sunday, dears!

Summer is here, pick the perfect swimwear!


Uh-la-la, summer is here! I can only think of sandy beaches, the blue sea, the warm sun, the flirty looks, the tanned skin. I already had a mini-vacation at the sea side a few days ago and the weather was amazing. Hope this summer will be all about this kind of vacations.
We want to look our best when we are relaxing at the beach or the pool, that is why we focus on what swimwear to choose. I know choosing the right swimsuit can give you headaches, so I'm here to make your job easier. You need to know one important thing: pick a bathingsuit that is flattering for your body type. It doesn't matter if you like the model of a swimwear, if it doesn't look great on you it won't make you feel great. I'm sure you can find one that will make you say "Wow" and it will make you feel amazing!
The good thing is that a lot of gorgeous models are on trend right now.

You can go all retro and you won't be wrong, because these pieces are beautiful.
1. HERE, 2. HERE

"Meow" is the word of the day!


EN: Hello, sweeties! Yeah, I still can't let go of summer! :)) So I'm here with you with another summer outfit, the one I wore almost two weeks ago at the Takko fashion event (you can read about it here). It was an extremely windy day, my hair was all over the place, I could barely made a few normal photos, as you will see.
The pretty green skirt was a real bargain, I bought it on sales with just 2,5 euros and I love that is so versatile! I already wore it in many combos. The top is a very old one, I think I have it for more than 6-7 years, but I wore it just a few times.
I will just leave you with the photos, because I'm in a bit of a hurry.
Kisses, my darlings! :)

RO: Hei, hei! :) Da, tot nu pot renunța la vară! :D Așa că iată o nouă ținută văratică purtată acum aproximativ 2 săptămâni la evenimentul Takko (citiți despre el aici). A fost o zi cu un vânt îngrozitor, clar eram îmbrăcată prea subțire pentru temperaturile de afară. D-abia am putut scoate câteva poze mai normale, după cum veți vedea.
Simpatica fustă verde am cumpărat-o doar cu 10 lei de la reduceri, îmi place mult pentru că e versatilă, deja am purtat-o în nenumărate combinații. Bluza e super veche, asta în termeni de ani, vreo 6-7, dar în condiție foarte bună, pentru că am purtat-o doar de cîteva ori.
Vă las, fete dragi, mă cam grăbesc astăzi.
Vă pup! :)

Skirt/Fustă - Glow
Top/Bluză - Terranova
Sandals/Sandale - Zara
Head accessory/Accesoriu de păr - Mini Prix
Necklace/Colier - Meli Melo
Earrings/Cercei - Six
Rings/Inele - H&M, Six

You can also find me on Facebook - Twitter Bloglovin' - Pinterest.

Ohh, those summer days!


EN: It seems that fall finally made its presence felt here in Bucharest. Is been a rainy, cold day, but I'm still thinking of those summer days. That is why today's look is all about summer: colorful dress, good mood, skin touched by the sun.
I have this little number for a while and I wore it a lot (you can find the pretty dress on sale here). You know I'm a huge fan of dresses and although I own lots of them, I couldn't say no when I saw it.
I don't know if I've told you, guys (I just mention it to my Romanian readers), but yesterday was my blog anniversary, 4 years since my first post, an introduction, and today I celebrate 4 years since my first outfit post. I'm so happy with the decision I've made those years ago. This blog made me happy and has created many opportunities for me: meeting you, great people, making new friends, having wonderful collaborations, but must of all it made me grow as a person. Thank you for being here with me on this journey!! I appreciate every single one of you. :)

RO: Iată că astăzi toamna și-a făcut într-adevăr simțită prezența, după amenințările de zilele trecute. A fost o zi ploioasă și friguroasă, însă gândul meu a rămas tot la zilele de vară. De aceea și postarea de azi o să vă amintească de vară: rochie colorată. bună dispoziție, soare.
Rochia o am de ceva vreme și am purtat-o de multe ori (o găsiți acum la reducere aici), dar tot nu mă pot sătura de ea.
Și pentru a sărbători 4 ani de blog am ales să vă arăt ceva colorat, un gen de ținută de care nu mă voi plictisi niciodată.
Ia ziceți, și vouă vă e dor de vară sau vă bucurați că a venit toamna?

Dress/Rochie - HERE
Sandals/Sandale - Zara
Ring/Inel - Meli Melo
Earrings/Cercei - Mini Prix

You can also find me on Facebook - Twitter Bloglovin' - Pinterest.

A special skirt that every woman desires


EN: Babes, I'm back with a new outfit post! It was about time I took this skirt for a walk! I'm a huge fan of things that are different, special and this skirt sure is. Pleats, asymmetric design, perfect length - all good reasons for me to love it! Front Row Shop is one of my favorite online stores because of their unique designs, I'm wearing two great pieces in today's outfit: the skirt and the transparent bracelet
Although I don't wear red that often, I like it and I included it in this look. The beautiful top deserves to be worn frequently.
I know is normal to have a crush on a person, but my crushes are on pieces of clothing. And I enjoy those crushes! Does it happen to you, to get head over heels for an item? I'm sure I'm not the only one out there. 
Can't wait to wear these again!

RO: Fete dragi, m-am întors cu o nouă ținută! Era timpul să scot fusta asta la plimbare! Sunt un mare fan al lucrurilor ce nu se încadrează în tipare, ce sunt diferite, speciale. Fusta asta este unul dintre ele. Pliuri, design asimetric, lungime perfectă - motive suficiente să o ador! Front Row Shop este unul dintre magazinele mele online preferate pentru design-uri unice ca cele din ținuta de astăzi: fusta și brățara transparentă
Deși nu port roșu prea des, îmi place culoarea foarte mult, iar acum am inclus-o în look. Această bluză minunată merită să fie purtată frecvent.
Știu că e normal să faci o pasiune pentru o persoană, însă pasiunile mele sunt pentru piese vestimentare. Și cât mă bucur de pasiunile astea! Și vouă vi se întâmplă la fel? Recunoașteți, sunt sigură că nu sunt singura de aici!
D-abia aștept să port hainele astea din nou!

Vă aștept pe pagina mea de Facebook, La Bohème, cu un concurs tare fain. Mi-ar plăcea să vă înscrieți.

Top/Bluză - Vero Moda via Kurtmann.ro
Skirt.Fustă - Here
Transparent bracelet/Brățară transparentă - Here
Black bracelet/Brățară neagră - Six
Sandals/Sandale - Steve Madden

You can also find me on Facebook - Twitter Bloglovin' - Pinterest.
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