Your daily dose of bohemian vibe
Showing posts with label wedges. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wedges. Show all posts

Double meow!


EN: Meeeeoooowwww! Double cat action! :) My yesterday's outfit revolves around cat prints and white. I've missed wearing socks with shoes and I've decided to do it when I've order both from Chicnova. When I first saw them I thought: these two will look good together! And I think they do. Do you think the same? Would you wear shoes with socks? So the entire outfit was created starting from these two pieces.
I wore the same cardi in my latest post, I think is very versatile.
I'm thinking on doing a recap of my summer outfits. Would you like that?

RO: Miiiaaaauuuu! Dublă acțiune pisicească! :) Ținuta mea de ieri a fost compusă din imprimeuri cu pisici și alb. Mi-a fost dor să port pantofi cu șosete și am decis că trebuie să o fac iar când le-am comandat pe amândouă de pe Chicnova. Primul gând care mi-a venit în minte când le-am văzut pe site a fost: ar arăta tare bine împreună! Și chiar cred că arată. Nu? Voi ați purta pantofi cu șosete?
Așadar întreaga ținuta a fost compusă plecând de la aceste două piese.
Cardiganul l-am purtat și în postarea trecută, îl am de foarte mult timp și cred că este foarte versatil.
Mă gândesc să fac o recapitulare a ținutelor din această vară. V-ar plăcea?

Shoes/Pantofi - here
Socks/Șosete - here
Dress/Rochie - Romwe
Cardigan/Cardigan - Etic

You can also find me on Facebook - Twitter Bloglovin' - Pinterest.

I'm gonna make your summer colorful


EN: Those of you who read my blog for a while know I love colors, for those of you who are here for the first time this post is a huge proof that I'm a big fan of colors! :)
I love this dress from Dorothy Perkins and I think that my new wedges from Oasap are perfect for it. They really cute and what I love most about wedges is that they are at the same time comfy and chic..and these ones have a floral print too - this being a big plus for me!
Don't mind my awful hair..I just made these photos one minute after I got out of the fitting room where I've tried on 4 or 5 dresses at 40 degrees Celsius temperatures, so I think this hair is rather acceptable for those conditions. :))

P.S: Guys, do enter the amazing giveaway Oasap.com is doing. You can win one of the 152 items (dresses and blouses) they offer! Join it here.

RO: Aceia dintre voi care imi citesc blogul de ceva vreme stiu ca iubesc culorile, pentru aceia dintre voi care sunt aici pentru prima oara postarea asta este o dovada imensa ca sunt un mare fan al culorilor!
Ador rochia asta de la Dorothy Perkins si cred ca noile mele platforme de la Oasap se potrivesc de minune cu ea! Sunt foarte dragute si ce iubesc cel mai mult la platforme este ca sunt sic si confortabile in acelasi timp, iar acestea au si un imprimeu floral - inca un plus pentru mine!
Nu bagati in seama parul meu ingrozitor..am facut pozele la un minut dupa ce am iesit din cabina de proba unde am probat 4 sau 5 rochii  la 40 de grade Celsius, asa ca as putea spune totusi ca parul meu arata acceptabil pentru acele conditii. :))

P.S: Nu uitati sa va inscrieti la uimitorul concurs de pe Oasap.com. Puteti castiga unul din cele 152 de premii (rochii si bluze)! Inscrieti-va aici!

Dress/Rochie - Dorothy Perkins
Wedges/Platforme - Oasap
Necklace/Colier - Handmade by Ruxish
Bracelets/Bratari - random stores
Bag/Geanta - Moa

Shoe me all day long!


YES, today it's all about the shoes, although I'm not a shoe person and I don't own too many pairs of shoes( maybe because I have such a small feet and I can't find anything that I like in my size-how I hate that! I wear an EU35/US5/UK2½). This selection of shoes is from ModCloth, a site that I love, not only for the shoes, but for all the clothes and accessories.
But enough with the talking, let's just enjoy these beautiful shoes! I adore them!

Floral love!


This will rock my world!

Wedge+flower=Big love



One of my favorites! 

Great color!

Peacocks! Peacocks!

Yellow jellow!:P

Retro chic

Lace me up!

Sexy red



The little bow
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