Your daily dose of bohemian vibe
Showing posts with label crop top. Show all posts
Showing posts with label crop top. Show all posts

The culottes - a controversial piece of clothing


Culottes/Fustă-pantalon - HERE
Top/Bluză - random store
Necklace/Colier - HERE
Sandals/Sandale - Steve Madden

EN: Hello, babes! I don't know why all the fuss with the coming of fall when the temperatures here are extremely high and the sun still burns the skin. And I heard is going to be like that for a while. So, the right thing to do is bring you a summer outfit. I was looking for a place to take photos when I came across this London bus parked somewhere in the city. I really liked it, and although my outfit didn't matched with it, I decided to shoot some photos. I'm wearing the controversial culottes, one of my favorite piece of clothing. You hate them or love them. Is no middle way! You can see me rocking a similar pair in this post: Yellow, it's your time to be worn!. I love culottes and I regret not having more pairs, but I need to take care of this issue!
I'm happy my hair has grown a little and I can wear it like that, I really missed it! In fact I wanted to cut it short this month, but when I saw that now I can do more hairdos with it, I decided it to keep like this for now.
Lately I have a thing for boho-hippie necklaces. I ordered the one from today and I'm excited with it. You can find it here at only 4,83$, so go ahead and knock yourself out!
Gotta go, I got some summer to enjoy!

The girls of summer


Top, pants/Bluză, pantaloni - H&M
Hat/Pălărie - C&A
Sandals/Sandale - random store
Bracelets/Brățări - random stores

EN: Beautiful days of summer begin with good friends. What can be better than sharing some time with the gals, making some photos, enjoying the sun and just talking about whatever. The day when I took these photos was one of those days. I love the days when I smile, when everything is so simple, when all the little things seem so much more important. Too bad that they are not as frequent anymore. I miss those days and I miss the old me. All the things we go through in life really change us, maybe not that deep down, but they still do. Sometimes we forget to smile and we just need somebody to remind us how to do it. Do you have that somebody in your life?
The outfit is that outfit perfect for summer: loose, comfy pants, a crop top and a hat. Simple, yet chic. Casual, yet fancy. Just like that.

The cool kid on the block


Crop top/Bluză - HERE
Skirt/Fustă - Vero Moda
Sneakers/Teniși - Mim
Watch/Ceas - JORD
Earrings/Cercei - Mini Prix

EN: OK, I confess, I really liked New Kids On The Block in my teenager years. That's why the title of this post. I even had posters with them, in fact I had posters with a lot of musicians and actors. They were all duct taped to my closet. :)) It looked like an altar. What music band you loved most when you were a teenager?
And although the title says "cool kid" I wasn't that cool kid everyone loved. I was the misfit, the weird, the kid that played football or handball with the boys, dressed in loose clothes or in sports shorts (you know why, for the football). I was the best at skanderberg, I was the one studying and reading when everyone else was going out, I've collected stamps and chewing gum surprises (Turbo mostly). I was the kid that would rebel and fight for everyone's rights. I hated injustice, I still do. I was the kid that wasn't afraid of anything and thought conquering the world was a piece of cake.
I frequently miss that kid.
I became the woman I am today because of that kid. I've had a lot of difficulties and hard times along the way, but I do hope a part of that kid is still here. I just need to bring it to surface.
But today you will see the woman, that sometimes acts like a kid (a photo below will show you that :))) and sometimes is more serious than an elder.

Crop tops - how to decently show some skin


Crop top/Bluză - Mini Prix
Blazer/Sacou - Dresslily (also worn here)
Jeans/Blugi - H&M 
Shoes/Pantofi - Stradivarius
Necklace/Colier - Meli Melo 

EN: Folks, how are you today? Did you celebrated the International Worker's Day on May 1? I never do something special for that occasion, unlike most of my fellow Romanians. Well, in fact, I did something different, I went out in a club, but on May 2nd. Clubbing is not my type of entertainment so I do it very rarely. I usually like to hear people when they are talking to me. :))
The rest of the weekend I just did a big nothing, I think spring asthenia is having a lot of saying here. I hope you did something more interesting than me and you will tell me all about it.

Yes, what can I say, that day I felt the need to show my belly button and my sculptured abdomen. :)) You know the saying: once you grow old, you go cuckoo. :)) Influenced by these cuckoo birds, me, a woman at almost 32, decided it was the right moment to parade my stomach. I don't know if it was my most wise decision taking in account I've received a lot of comments on the streets, but trust me when I say you will see my like this again. :)) In other words, I haven't learned a thing from this experience.

Addictions: crop tops & statement necklaces


EN: Hello, my dears! How is your week? Today I'm here to make a confession: I'm a crop top addict! Any addicts among my readers? We can make an association, not an anonymous one for this. :) The top from today's post is perfect for a night out, is sexy and chic at the same time. This is my suggestion for a fancy party that doesn't require a specific attire or for a night out with friends.
Another addiction of mine is a perfect statement necklace. This purple piece from Queen A Boutique is my new love! You can find many more models on their Facebook page.
These are some addictions I don't want to cure! :) Tell me yours.
Changing the subject: I can't stand my hair anymore, I'm thinking of cutting it really short again. I can't find any ways to arrange it, is so soft that it doesn't hold for more than a few minutes, no matter the hairdo. What haircut would you suggest for me?

RO: Salutare, fete dragi! Cum e săptămâna voastră? Eu azi vreau să vă fac o confesiune: sunt o dependentă de bluze scurte! Alți dependenți printre cititorii mei? Dacă da, putem face o asociație și asta chiar nu trebuie să fie anonimă. :) Bluza de azi poate fi purtată cu succes într-o seară în oraș, e șic și sexi în același timp. E sugestia mea pentru o petrecere fancy care nu cere o anumită ținută sau pentru o noapte cu prietenii. 
Altă dependență este un colier statement perfect. Cel mov de astăzi este de la Queen A Boutique și mi-a furat inima! :)) Voi găsiți multe alte modele pe pagina lor de Facebook.
Astea sunt câteva dependențe de care nu vreau să scap! :) Spuneți-mi-le pe ale voastre.
Schimbând subiectul: nu mai îmi suport părul, mă gândesc să mă tund iar foarte scurt. Nu mai găsesc nici o modalitate în care să îl aranjez, asta pentru că e foarte moale și ori nu pot face coafura, ori rezistă doar câteva minute. M-a înnebunit! Ce tunsoare îmi recomandați?

Vă aștept pe pagina mea de Facebook, La Bohème, cu un concurs tare fain. Mi-ar plăcea să vă înscrieți.

Top/Bluză - Here
Necklace/Colier - Queen A Boutique
Skirt/Fustă - Esmara (magazin Lidl)
Shoes/Pantofi - SuperPantofi.ro

You can also find me on Facebook - Twitter Bloglovin' - Pinterest.

Summer hit: distressed jeans


EN: As the days go by I realize that summer is almost over and I didn't enjoyed it yet. In the last few years I haven't enjoyed summer like I used to. I miss going to the sea with friends, doing fun activities and sports, just lounging in the sun. I haven't done this anymore, I don't know why. I need to reclaim those moments as soon as possible! Do you get the feeling that as you grow up you begin to not live with the same intensity those little moments like you've used to?

Let's say a few words about today's outfit too. Distressed jeans are a big hit this season and I thought I would try a pair too. Although I ordered boyfriend jeans I got these tight jeans. I guess they are ok, but I sure have preferred a pair of bf jeans. I paired them with an oversized crop top (I'm nuts about crop tops, but I guess you already saw that :D) and some sexy heels from Steve Madden.
The earrings are a new acquisition and I love their baroque feel. You can wear them with a chic dress, with a pair of cigarette pants or with jeans. You have lots of possibilities. If you love them too you can buy them HERE

Have a fantastic week, you guys! ;)

RO: Pe zi ce trece îmi dau seama că vara e aproape de sfârșit și eu încă nu m-am bucurat de ea. În ultimii ani nu am mai trăit vara cum o făceam cândva. Mi-e dor să merg la mare cu prietenii, să fac tot felul de activități distractive sau doar să lenevesc la soare. Nu am mai făcut-o de mult timp, nu știu de ce. Trebuie să recuperez momentele alea cât mai repede! Și voi aveți senzația că cu cât vă maturizați cu atât trăiți, vă bucurați de clipele astea cu mai puțină intensitate?

Haideți să vă zic câteva vorbe și despre ținută. Blugii rupți sunt un mare hit al acestui sezon și m-am gândit să încerc și eu o pereche. Deși mi-am comandat blugi boyfriend am primit o pereche de blugi mulați. Sunt ok și ăștia, dar chiar aș fi preferat cealaltă variantă. Îi port cu un tricou supradimensionat scurt (sunt înnebunită după tricourile astea, dar cred că ați observat deja :D) și niște sandale sexy de la Steve Madden.
Cerceii sunt achiziționați recent și îmi place mult aerul lor baroc. Îi puteți purta în multe combinații: cu o rochie șic de vară, cu o pereche de pantaloni țigaretă sau cu blugi. Să vă vând și un pont: cerceii îi găsiți la promoție, la doar 7 lei AICI. Disponibili și pe albastru.

O săptămâna fantastică să aveți, dragilor!

(click the pink word for the exact link/dați click pe cuvântul roz pentru link-ul exact)
Top/Tricou - Bershka via Kurtmann.ro
Jeans/Blugi - Chicnova
Earrings - Crown Fashion
Sandals/Sandale - Steve Madden
Ring/Inel - Meli Melo

You can also find me on Facebook - Twitter Bloglovin' - Pinterest.

Crop it!


EN: Hi, guys! I had something witty and interesting to say today, but God dammit, I forgot! :)) Instead of that I will tell you just a few words about the look. I will begin by saying that this is my favorite type of outfit. The crop top is a huge trend right now and if you know how to wear it (I recommend a high waisted skirt or pair of pants) you will look amazing! Stripes, as well as pencil skirts, are always in style and they can be worn in a casual or elegant way. And you can never go wrong with a pair of cat eye sunglasses! All these items are part of today's outfit, an outfit I felt great wearing. I want to show you that you can go for a more casual look if you go shopping, for a walk etc. You can wear sneakers for this one. And if you want to go out with your friends you can choose to wear heels. See both looks below. 
What is the outfit you feel most comfortable in?
Have a fantastic week!

RO: Salutare! Aveam ceva inteligent și interesant să vă spun astăzi, dar fir-ar să fie, am uitat! :))
Așa că mă rezum în a vă spune doar câteva cuvinte despre ținută. O să încep zicându-vă că ăsta e tipul meu de ținută preferat. Topul scurt este foarte în trend acum, iar dacă știi cum să îl porți (eu recomand fustele sau pantalonii cu talie înaltă) vei arăta extraordinar! Dungile, la fel ca fustele creion, sunt întotdeauna la modă și pot fi purtate atât într-o ținută casual, cât și într-una elegantă. Și nu poți greși cu o pereche de ochelari de soare în stilul "cat eye"! Toate elementele astea fac parte din look-ul ce vi-l arăt azi. Puteți fi mai casual, purtând o pereche de teniși, dacă mergeți la cumpărături, la o plimbare etc. sau puteți purta tocuri pentru o ieșire în oraș. Vedeți ambele variante mai jos.
Care este tipul de ținută în care vă simțiți cel mai confortabil!
Un weekend fain să aveți!

P.S: Fetelor, am o SURPRIZĂ pentru voi. Citiți mai multe aici.

(click the pink word for the exact link/dați click pe cuvântul roz pentru link-ul exact)
Crop top/Top scurt - Here
Sunglasses/Ochelari de soare - Here
Skirt - Stradivarius via kurtmann.ro
Snakers/Teniși - random store
Shoes/Pantofi - SuperPantofi.ro
Ring/Inel - Meli Melo

The big smile. :D
Rânjetul. :D
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