Your daily dose of bohemian vibe
Showing posts with label heels. Show all posts
Showing posts with label heels. Show all posts

Urban cool


Vest, shirt/Vestă, cămașă - Bershka via kurtmann.ro
Jeans/Blugi - H&M
Shoes/Pantofi - Superpantofi.ro
Earrings/Cercei - Rossetti
Bag/Geantă  - Eponge

EN: What do you do when reality doesn't match your greatest dreams? When the years have passed and you didn't became an astronaut, a race pilot or a princess? You stop making plans or you change the ones you had, reorient yourself according to what you think you can achieve in the present? You give up, you stay in that situation without trying to surpass it or you want to reach other goals? For some. taking a decision might be an easy task, while others are struggling to figure out what the wisest decision might be, the one that can change the course of life. Whatever you choose will be decisive for how the rest of your life will be.
Is interesting how a decision that seemed insignificant when we got it changed our course.
Life is like a slop, is full of ups and downs and it only depends on us how we choose to act when we are up or down.

The cheerleader jacket and the coolest graffiti


Jacket/Jachetă - Alcott via Kurtmann.ro
Top/Maiou - H&M
Jeans/Blugi - SheIn
Shoes/Pantofi - Stradivarius
Earrings/Cercei - Six

EN: Is freaking cold in Bucharest, it feels like winter. Come on, I want some fall first! 
As you might have guessed, this look is from a while ago when the weather was more friendly. This jacket, very similar to those worn by cheerleaders in the US, is very popular for some time now. This is my first acquisition and I'm planning on owning more pieces like this. Do you fancy them? I do think they are versatile and can be worn easily with a dress or skirt and sneakers maybe. I chose a casual combo with a twist: ripped jeans and heels. You can also see another way I wore those jeans in the IT watch and a cool-casual look post.
I do have some other outfits in store, so be prepared to see a few looks this upcoming week.
I will keep it short this time too, because I have a terrible headache. Kisses and have the coolest week!

Fringes here, fringes there, fringes everywhere!


Dress/Rochie - HERE
Shoes/Pantofi - Stradivarius
Earrings/Cercei - Six

EN: Fringes, baby! They look so cool! I especially love them in black outfits. This dress from Walktrendy stole my heart! So I dolled up and took her out in the world. :D It was a must, don't you think?
I have lots of outfits that are waiting to be posted, in many of them I even wear jackets, so you can imagine I took the photos a while ago. I haven't managed to load them on the blog, but I hope I will pretty soon. Until then I leave you with the one from today. My lack of inspiration is very noticeable tonight, so I better go before debiting nonsense.
P.S: If you love this dress as much as I do, buy it here

Clothes versatility


Dress/Rochie - Asos
Blazer/Sacou - Lovelyshoes
Bag/Geantă - Newt
Necklace/Colier - L'Atelier Bijou
Oxfords/Oxforzi - Storets
Heels/Pantofi - Stradivarius
EN: I believe in clothes versatility. I think most of the clothes can be worn in various combinations. You just have to not be afraid to experiment, to dare, to think of the most crazy and unexpected combos, those are the ones that makes an outfit unique. One of the most versatile piece of clothing is the classic little black dress. You have tons of ways you can make a LBD unforgettable. For example in today's post I wear a simple midi black dress, accessorized in both outfits with the same accessories, the only difference is the shoes. And is a big difference, because they transform the outfit from casual to elegant. You see, just a small change and you can create a different look. Think about it, if I've changed the accessories, let's say with some punk-cool ones, and instead of the blazer I wore a jacket, a new outfit had been born. The ways in which you can wear this dress are endless. I would also have loved it with a pair of white sneakers and a bomber or varsity jacket, a sporty-chic ensemble.

Girls, I dare you, next week wear the same item in two different combinations, this will expand your horizon! And please do send me photos of those outfits!
Kisses and have a colorful weekend!

Silver is today's word


EN: Rainy days equals lazy days, at least for me. Being a very rainy day today I haven't done a thing. :)) I lie, I did some exercises, because after losing 20 kilograms, I gained 8 kilos. I don't like them, I don't want them, so I will get rid of them. Period. I want to be a skinnier gal! These reminds me, I need to do some elliptical too. After writing this post, I will ride that son of a gun into the sunset! :))
As you might have guessed already, these photos aren't from today, they were made 2 or 3 days ago when it was extremely hot, the fact that I could barely move in this skirt didn't helped at all. But this silver skirt is too amazing not to wear it, even if it is a bit tight. I love its design, very futuristic. I already imagine dozens of combinations. The shirt is pretty cool too, again a great design. I love items that let my shoulders breath and are different.
Ohh, and I finally managed to wear my Zara (#dear_romania) sandals that I bought online here. They are gorgeous, isn't it?!
Have a magnificent weekend, honeys!

RO: Măi, nu știu la voi, dar la mine zilele ploioase înseamnă zile de leneveală. Și cum azi a fost o zi foarte ploioasă, pur și simplu nu am făcut absolut nimic. :D De fapt mint, am făcut câteva exerciții, pentru că după ce am pierdut (dacă le găsește cineva să îmi spună :))) 20 de kilograme, m-am îngrășat 8. Nu îmi plac, nu le vreau, așa că voi scăpa de ele. Punct. Vreau să fiu mai slăbănoagă! Hai că tocmai mi-am amintit, trebuie să fac pe bicicleta eliptică. După ce scriu postarea asta, voi călări mârțoaga spre apus! :))
După cum bănuiesc că ați ghicit deja, pozele astea nu sunt de astăzi, sunt făcute acum 2-3 zile când era foarte cald, și faptul că d-abia mă puteam mișca în fusta asta nu prea a ajutat. Totuși e mult prea faină fusta asta argintie ca să nu o port, chiar dacă e cam strâmtă. Îmi place mult designul, așa futuristic. Îmi imaginez zeci de combinații cu ea. Cămașa e și ea destul de cool, iar un design grozav. Îmi plac piesele ce îmi lasă umerii dezgoliți, piesele diferite.
Da, da, am reușit în sfârșit să port sandalele Zara (#dear_romania) cumpărate online de aici. Sunt superbe, nu-i așa?!
Un weekend magnific să aveți!

(click the pink word for the exact link/dați click pe cuvântul roz pentru link-ul exact)
Shirt/Cămașă - Here
Skirt/Fustă - Here
Sandals/Sandale - Zara
Ring/Inel - Meli Melo
Earrings/Cercei - Rossetti

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