Your daily dose of bohemian vibe
Showing posts with label La Boheme. Show all posts
Showing posts with label La Boheme. Show all posts

2015: A chameleonic year for La Bohème


EN: I'm late! Oh no, stay put, this is not a post announcing a pregnancy. I'm not that type of "late". :)) I'm just late with the retrospective of my 2015's outfits. There were so many fun outfits in this forsaken blog of mine, so many fun hairdos, so many smiles, so many sad faces. I've shared plenty of things, but at the same time I hid many things. I can't say something good about 2015, so I prefer to say nothing. This bastard has just passed and I'm looking forward to meet the handsome fellow 2016 promised to be. No resolutions for me this time, I will just live one moment at a time.
Kisses, babes! Cheers to a fantastic year! ;)

RO: Sunt o întârziată! Nu, nu, stați liniștiți, asta nu e o postare în care anunț o sarcină. Nu sunt acel fel de "întârziată" (băi, sună mult mai bine în engleză, citiți varianta aia :)))). Am întârziat cu retrospectiva ținutelor din 2015. Au fost multe ținute interesante pe acest blog uitat al meu, multe coafuri interesante, multe zâmbete, dar și multe fețe triste. Am împărtășit cu voi multe lucruri, dar în același timp v-am ascuns multe. Nu prea pot să spun nimic bun despre 2015, așa că prefer să nu zic nimic. Nemernicul tocmai a trecut și aștept cu nerăbdare să îl cunosc pe tipul chipeș ce a promis să fie 2016. Nici o rezoluție pentru mine de data asta, voi trăi momentele așa cum vin.
Vă țuc, gagici! Să avem un an fantastic! ;)

Sweater weather


Sweater/Pulover - Only via Kurtmann.ro
Jeans/Blugi - H&M
Shoes/Pantofi - Stradivarius
Bag/Geantă - The Bag Shop

EN: We have a mild autumn. I'm glad that the weather has been kind to me, because everything else hasn't. I feel a constant aching. I yearn for better days, I yearn...for lots of things. I think I should make an anonymous blog where I should write my thoughts. :) I don't think this is the place to express them.

As for the outfit, lately I live in pants, in jeans to be more precise. Jeans and sweaters. Like the pretty one from today's post. The embellishments on this sweater makes it really chic, the side cuts makes it interesting. The sweater season is here and I plan on taking advantage of it.
What do you like to wear most in fall/winter?

The darkest of falls


Pants/Pantaloni - Pull & Bear via Kurtmann.ro
Sweater/Pulover - from grandma

EN: I'm a weird person. It took me a while to accept that, but when I finally did, things got a little easier. Is like I took a breath of fresh air. Although until I will completely know myself it will take some time. People perceive me as a fighter, like a strong person that some times gets over things too easily. But you know what, man, I'm tired of being put in the position of being the strongest, because that means I have to always overcome painful things that happen' in my life. For once, I want to be fragile.
I'm wearing an outfit consisted of dark colors, just like my state of mind. These are the most comfortable pants ever, I can wear them non-stop. They are still available here.
Thanks for being here. See you soon!

This fall wear the coolest dress


Dress/Rochie - Asos via Kurtmann.ro
Tights, boots/Dresuri, ghete - Tally Weijl via Kurtmann.ro
Jacket/Jachetă - SheIn

EN: Is a new week and I'm planning of enjoying it to the maximum. How, I don't know, but I do. It seems I really need to make some plans. :) Do you have something in mind for this week, besides work I mean? :)
Of course I'm in the mood to wear dresses, like always. I will do it until the weather won't let me, but I have a feeling I will do it then too. I do fancy this cool Asos dress, I really like the cut-out shoulders, they bring that "je ne sais quoi" to this piece. I'm sure it will have its share of wears.
Hope you enjoy the outfit and stay close, because I will post some old looks, some photos I took last spring that didn't had the chances to be featured until now.

In the summer keep it simple, yet chic!


Top/Bluză - Shein (HERE)
Pants/Pantaloni - second hand store
Sandals/Sandale - YesWalker
Earrings/Cercei - Six
EN: Apart from black that I began wearing increasingly more often, fringes are present quite frequently in my outfits lately. Proof are also these previous posts: Fringes here, fringes there, fringes everywhere! and Babe, stroll with that black fringed dress! Not to tell you that I just received a fringed denim vest. Hello, new obsession! :D
Since I praised so much the fringes, you can imagine how much I like the top (that btw now is on sale at just $9,99) from today's post. It has a boho-hippie air and a soft, easy fabric. I chose to wear it with a pair of 3/4 pants and colorful sandals for a casual, yet chic look. Summer is really here, so you won't see me in pants too often from now on.
Speaking of which, where will you spend your vacation?

Castigator concurs "Alege sa porti rochie!"


Asadar si asa deci...cine a castigat?! M-am gandit ca nu sunteti prea curioase si sa mai aman extragerea castigatorului pana maine! Ce ziceti?:) Mda, glumeam!! Stiu, stiu, excelenta gluma!:))

Castigatorul deja a fost ales cu ajutorul lui random.org si este........
                                                Nr.ul 28, anna

Felicitari! O sa primesti un e-mail imediat si te rog sa imi raspunzi chiar astazi pentru ca este ultima comanda in acest an pe site-ul www.diva-style.ro. Va multumesc tuturor ca ati participat si o sa mai urmeze si alte concursuri si sunt sigura ca va veni si randul vostru sa castigati un premiu. Pana atunci astazi o sa va "delectez" cu o noua postare a unei tinute purtate acum ceva vreme. Nu plecati nicaieri!

Lista participantilor la concursul " Alege sa porti rochie!"


Concursul " Alege sa porti rochie!' s-a incheiat. Eu si Diva Style va multumim ca ati participat! Eu va mai multumesc si pentru cuvintele dragute pe care le-ati spus despre blogul meu:) You, girls, rock!:)
Mai jos aveti lista tuturor participantilor, ca de obicei exista si o lista, de data aceasta scurta, a celor care nu au indeplinit toti pasii si prin urmare nu i-am putut inscrie in concurs. Daca pana maine dimineata cand voi extrage castigatorul vor respecta cerintele ii voi include in lista. Cei care se afla in lista de doua ori au postat pe blogul lor despre concurs. De asemenea, vreau sa va amintesc voua, cat si castigatoarei, ca maine e ultima comanda pe acest an pe www.diva-style.ro, asa ca grabiti-va daca doriti vreun produs pentru Sarbatori.

Iata si listele:


1. Anca
2. maddailade
3. handmade.mititel
4. extramicuta
5. Laura Tenshi
6. Cyanilla Latte
7. Coffee and Clothes
8. Coffee and Clothes
9. The New Wardrobe
10. dedeea
11. dedeea
12. A.M.
13. Andreea’s blog
14. Mad Hatter
15. Cassie’s Shop
16. Cassie’s Shop
17. Extravagance Shop
18. Tessa
19. analuizacristea
20. Admin
21. Simona
22. Andreea >3
23. Ral
24. nico
25. Cristinutza
26. Andreea
27. anna
28. anna
29. ana
30. carlita
31. carlita
32. Alexandra Clepsa
33. Bianca
34. Bianca
35. ank_eliza_01
36. chicandchip
37. chicandchip
38. Jules
39. Jules
40. Mona Luiza
41. strumfita cu esarfa
42. ada90
43. BohemianSin
44. andreeabacau
45. andreeabacau
46. kittenhood
47. Racoti Bianca
48. Racoti Bianca
49. georgianatiganasu
50. Alexxa
51. ib
52. Claudia
53. Pixie
54. larisa.ella
55. miha.ela
56. miha.ela
57. Chisi’s Corner
58. Schoolgirl
59. issa
60. miry_blue18
61. Paula
62. Paula
63. cazacu
64. happy.ending93
65. Marin Loredana
66. Marin Loredana
67. Cris
68. jo_jox
69. Alexandra.
70. mariaaa
71. berzantu alina
72. Eu BlAcK tU wHiTe
73. Eu BlAcK tU wHiTe
74. Tony
75. Tony
76. Andrei
77. Elena
78. TheMuffinGirl
79. TheMuffinGirl
80. vios77ro
81. queensoft
82. ritza
83. oana

elena banu

Mult succes, fetelor!
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