Your daily dose of bohemian vibe
Showing posts with label blue hair. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blue hair. Show all posts

How to create a simple, yet effective look


Sweater/Pulover - HERE
Skirt/Fustă - Stradivarius
Boots/Cizme - HERE
Earrings/Cercei - Letiția Pintilie

EN: I've planned a deep and meaningful post for today, but laziness took over and it seems I can't get in its way. But let me tell you, it would have been a good read for you if I wrote it. :))) Next time, I promise. For now let's stick to our usual routine, talking a bit about the outfit. Is a simple, yet effective one. 

You can create a similar one too. And although in winter we mainly wear dark colors and simple pieces of clothing, accessories are the one that saves us. In this particular case I wore a chic pair of earrings and I choose some otk boots to give to the outfit that special touch. You can go for a hat, a scarf, a bag, a cool necklace. Just try to add accessories to a look that you think is a bit dull and the way you see it will change in a sec: from dull to wow!

This dark navy sweater saved me on many occasions, is so easy to wear, you can combine it with everything. Don't forget when you go shopping to buy some basic pieces that can go with anything.

2015: A chameleonic year for La Bohème


EN: I'm late! Oh no, stay put, this is not a post announcing a pregnancy. I'm not that type of "late". :)) I'm just late with the retrospective of my 2015's outfits. There were so many fun outfits in this forsaken blog of mine, so many fun hairdos, so many smiles, so many sad faces. I've shared plenty of things, but at the same time I hid many things. I can't say something good about 2015, so I prefer to say nothing. This bastard has just passed and I'm looking forward to meet the handsome fellow 2016 promised to be. No resolutions for me this time, I will just live one moment at a time.
Kisses, babes! Cheers to a fantastic year! ;)

RO: Sunt o întârziată! Nu, nu, stați liniștiți, asta nu e o postare în care anunț o sarcină. Nu sunt acel fel de "întârziată" (băi, sună mult mai bine în engleză, citiți varianta aia :)))). Am întârziat cu retrospectiva ținutelor din 2015. Au fost multe ținute interesante pe acest blog uitat al meu, multe coafuri interesante, multe zâmbete, dar și multe fețe triste. Am împărtășit cu voi multe lucruri, dar în același timp v-am ascuns multe. Nu prea pot să spun nimic bun despre 2015, așa că prefer să nu zic nimic. Nemernicul tocmai a trecut și aștept cu nerăbdare să îl cunosc pe tipul chipeș ce a promis să fie 2016. Nici o rezoluție pentru mine de data asta, voi trăi momentele așa cum vin.
Vă țuc, gagici! Să avem un an fantastic! ;)

Fringes addict


Top/Tricou - Zara 
Skirt/Fustă - H&M
Sandals/Sandale - LovelyShoes
Rings/Inele - Six, Meli Melo

EN: I have an euphoric state from some time now, I don't know for what reason, but I just find myself smiling like a fool. I can't complain, I do prefer this instead of being sad. Maybe is because of my hair color, sorry, my hair colors, they  make you have a good mood. Or who knows? Might be something in the air.
And yeah, your vision is just fine, is me that is wearing fringes again...and again and again. I told you I have gone cuckoo over fringes. I have the feeling you will see them more often.  I keep following the same pattern, one elegant look, one casual look.
I have to go now, have lots of things to do. Have a cool end of the week!

Dare to mix prints!


Pants/Pantaloni - Zara via Kurtmann.ro
Top/Bluză - H&M
Sandals/Sandale - Zara
Watch/Ceas - I Like Paper
Bag, sunglassses/Geantă, ochelari de soare - Meli Melo
Hair dye/Vopsea de păr - Pravana

EN: Since my hair got blonde, I've decided to go wild and do to it whatever I feel like it. Now I'm in the blue/green period. In fact I wanted to do just some highlights in blue, green, purple, pink and orange, but when I washed it the blue spread to all the other colors. :)) The result: this undetermined hair color. :)) I do think it looks funky though. Again I have to thank Pravana for all the amazing hair dyes. I just love the colors they have. The Vivids, Pastels and Neons ranges are the best! You have to try them if you want colorful hair. They also have the ChromaSilk range that it is unique in that it can be used both as permanent dye, as well as semi-permanent dye, simply using a different oxidant. The hair care products and the hair styling products are really good too. I'm sure if you try something from Pravana you will become a loyal customer.
As for the outfit, wild is the word too. I've dared to mix different type of stripes and I think the outfit turned out pretty nice, if you ask me. The pants were 3/4, but because I'm really short that length was really weird on me, so I just opened the stitch and made them for my liking. They are very light and good for wearing in summer. 
What do you think of my new look?

Tips on how to get a colorful hair: My story


EN: Darlings, you know I'm a big fan of colorful hair and I always like to try new shades. I started to diy my hair in crazy colors more than a year ago, made all sorts of combos: simple green, blue, pink and purple, green with blue, green with purple, purple with blue, pastels. Can't wait to try more! My trusty friend has been Pravana Romania. I love their collections, especially Chromasilk Vivids and ChromaSilk Pastels. They have the most amazing colors! All you have to do is bleach your hair, or if you are already a blonde you are lucky, and choose the color for you! Is so easy to apply. Tell me your favorite combo!
For my Romanian readers, you can find more details on the Romanian version.

RO: Dragilor, dacă îmi urmăriți postările știți că sunt un mare fan al părului colorat și că îmi place tot timpul să încerc nuanțe noi. Am început să îmi colorez părul cam acum un an și ceva și am făcut tot felul de combinații: verde, mov, albastru, roz, verde cu albastru, verde cu mov, mov cu albastru, pasteluri. Și d-abia aștept să încerc și alte nuanțe! Multe dintre voi m-ați întrebat ce folosesc. Ei bine, prietenul meu de nădejde în aventura asta a fost și este Pravana România. Ador colecțiile lor de vopsele, în special Chromasilk Vivids și Chromasilk Pastels. Sunt minunate! Sunt și foarte simplu de folosit, tot ce trebuie să faceți este să vă decolorați părul sau dacă sunteți deja blonde sunteți norocoase, să vă alegeți nuanța preferată și să o aplicați. Mie, de obicei, îmi rezistă cam o lună pe păr, dar asta depinde de mulți factori: de culoarea inițială a părului, de structura sa, de calitatea părului. Mie îmi convine că se duce cam într-o lună, pentru că pot încerca mereu alte combinații.
Vă recomand să încercați pentru vară nuanțele din colecția de pasteluri, sunt divine! Vi le voi prezenta mai jos pe toate.
Pravana România o găsiți pe www.pravana.ro sau pe pagina de Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Pravana-Romania/156039187807732.

These are my recent acquisitions: Too Cute Coral, Blissful Blue, Mystical Mint.
Iată și achizițiile mele recente: Too Cute Coral, Blissful Blue, Mystical Mint.

 Pravana Chromasilk Pastels

Pravana Chromasilk Vivids

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