Your daily dose of bohemian vibe
Showing posts with label Zara. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Zara. Show all posts

Mix it: the bomber jacket and the bodycon dress


Jacket/Jachetă - Alcott
Dress/Rochie - Zara
Boots/Cizme - NewChic
Earrings/Cercei - BuyHand

EN: Life is a constant running, but none of the marathon runners want to reach the finish line. The finish line means we have to stop forever, but we love to always move. Sometimes too much that we overlook that the moments when we stand still and just breathe are vital. We engage on all sorts of activities, one after another, without stopping. We believe that only they define us as a person. We forget to truly live, to be just us and a pleasant tranquility. Let's stop running on and on and remember to be happy with the moments of pause when we don't search or chase anything, when we don't hunt anything, when we don't plan strategies, when we don't think of the next day's projects, when we just live. 

As for the outfit: I promise I will not wear these boots for a while, I'm sure you're sick of them. :)) If you follow my posts you might remember this jacket, I also wore it here: The cheerleader jacket and the coolest graffiti.

Have the coolest weekend! ;)

That bodycon dress


Skirt/Fustă - Zara via kurtmann.ro
Shoes/Pantofi - Pepe Jeans
Necklace/Colier - Estarer
Ring/Inel - handmade from a fair

EN: I admit today is not my best day, but when I saw the photos from this post with that big smile the day began to get a little better. I was thinking there are only two months left until my 32 years anniversary. Not so excited about that, all that crosses my mind is: oh my, only 8 years until 40. :)) I have in mind some major changes, some of them have already been made (if you remember I've talked about that in a previous post), some of them will be soon. I just hope I will find the courage and the determination that I need.
Returning to the outfit. I have a crush, not hidden as you can see, on bodycon dresses. I hadn't wore one in ages and it was about time I do it. The one from today is Zara via kurtmann.ro. I saw it worn by other lovely bloggers in many interesting combo. Now is my turn to show it. Enjoy!
Have a great week, babes!

Rock me, rock me, rock me, baby!


Vest/Vestă - Pimkie via Kurtmann.ro
Top/Maiou - Zara via Kurtmann.ro
Sandals/Sandale - Tally Weijl via kurtmann.ro
Earrings, bracelets/Cercei, brățări- random store

EN: Babes, I've missed wearing jeans. I took advantage of the low temperatures we had here more than a week and a half ago and with lots of courage I've put them on. I don't dare to wear long jeans in summer, the heat is criminal. Not to tell you that I was so eager to wear this cool vest! I already imagine many combos for fall. It looks pretty nice paired with this top in tartan print and with a delicate detail, black lace.

I had a rather peaceful week and I must admit I miss some fuss. I hope the weekend will bring the much wanted fun! Fingers crossed! :)

Dare to mix prints!


Pants/Pantaloni - Zara via Kurtmann.ro
Top/Bluză - H&M
Sandals/Sandale - Zara
Watch/Ceas - I Like Paper
Bag, sunglassses/Geantă, ochelari de soare - Meli Melo
Hair dye/Vopsea de păr - Pravana

EN: Since my hair got blonde, I've decided to go wild and do to it whatever I feel like it. Now I'm in the blue/green period. In fact I wanted to do just some highlights in blue, green, purple, pink and orange, but when I washed it the blue spread to all the other colors. :)) The result: this undetermined hair color. :)) I do think it looks funky though. Again I have to thank Pravana for all the amazing hair dyes. I just love the colors they have. The Vivids, Pastels and Neons ranges are the best! You have to try them if you want colorful hair. They also have the ChromaSilk range that it is unique in that it can be used both as permanent dye, as well as semi-permanent dye, simply using a different oxidant. The hair care products and the hair styling products are really good too. I'm sure if you try something from Pravana you will become a loyal customer.
As for the outfit, wild is the word too. I've dared to mix different type of stripes and I think the outfit turned out pretty nice, if you ask me. The pants were 3/4, but because I'm really short that length was really weird on me, so I just opened the stitch and made them for my liking. They are very light and good for wearing in summer. 
What do you think of my new look?

Glam up with some pretty balloons!


Dress/Rochie - HERE
Shoes/Pantofi - Zara
Jacket/Geacă - SheInside
Earrings/Cercei - Crown Fashion

EN: Sweeties, welcome to my blog! I have a very cute post for you today. When I received this gorgeous dress from Chi Chi I instantly thought that I need to make a special photo shoot, because this dress truly deserves it. Some balloons were perfect to add more cuteness to the outfit. The ones from La Party really cheered up the atmosphere. I chose the colors to match my outfit. It was such a fun photo shoot and I hope you like how the photos turned out!
Before I let you enjoy the photos I have to say that this is the most wonderful, feminine and dreamy dress ever. I felt great wearing it! Can easily be worn to a party or a garden party and even to a special event like a wedding. Find the Essie dress right here.
Kisses, my gals!
P.S: Sorry for the overwhelming number of photos. I promise a lot less in my next posts. :)

I'm no Snow White


EN: I know I've been absent for a while, I needed to put some order in my thoughts and in my life and decide what I want to do next. I admit the idea of giving up on this blog crossed my mind, but I finally decided to keep it running, not only that, but soon it will get an upgrade. Maybe you already noticed that now I'm on dot com. I hope you've missed me, guys, I definitely missed being here. So since this is the first blog post I wish you not only a happy year, but a very happy life full of memorable moments and events!
I'm beginning this year with an all black outfit, but with colorful accessories. I could never let go of what represents me. This perfect little black dress, courtesy of Kurtmann.ro, is a must-have in this season. Why is that? Because it keeps you warm while looking chic. The best combo!
Until next time! Kisses!

RO: Știu că am lipsit ceva vreme de pe blog, aveam nevoie să îmi pune ordine în gânduri și în viață și să decid ce vreau să fac mai departe. Recunosc că ideea de a renunța la blog mi-a trecut prin minte, dar am hotărât să îl păstrez, nu numai asta, dar va avea parte de un upgrade cât de curând. Poate deja ați observat că acum mă găsiți pe www.boheme-fille.com. Sper că v-am lipsit, pentru că mie cu siguranță mi-a fost dor de locul ăsta. Cum asta e prima postare pe anul 2015 vă urez nu numai un an nou fericit, ci o viață fericită plină de momente și evenimente memorabile!
Încep anul cu o ținută all black nerenunțand însă la accesoriile colorate. Nu aș putea să renunț la ceea ce mă reprezintă. Această micuță rochie neagră de pe Kurtmann.ro este un must-have în sezonul de iarnă. De ce? Pentru că îți ține de cald și te face să arăți șic. Cea mai bună combinație!
Ne vedem data viitoare! Vă pup!

Dear dark red dress, you are the best!


EN: It's freaking cold in Bucharest, but I still have lots of outfits to show you from when the weather was more friendly. The one from today is one of them. I'm head over heels for this dark red Zara dress, is simple, but at the same time sophisticated and with the right accessories is even perfect for a cocktail. I chose to add some golden accessories to spice up the look a little.
These photos aren't my cup of tea, I don't like a lot of things about them, but I did liked the outfit and decided to show it to you.

Btw, now you can find me on Instagram too: http://instagram.com/boheme.fille. I see an addiction at the horizon! :)) Leave me your links in the comment section so I can follow you.
Do you think we spend too much time on these social media accounts? I'm starting to think I do and I will try to spend more time living the real life, living great experiences and just being happy with the little things. These are just the best things in life. Don't you agree?

RO: E frig tare în București, dar eu am încă destule ținute pe care să vi le arăt de când vremea era mai prietenoasă. Cea de azi este una dintre ele. Îmi place de nu mai pot rochia asta grena de la Zara, este simplă, dar în același timp sofisticată, iar cu accesoriile potrivite o poți purta chiar la un cocktail. Eu i-am adăugat câteva accesorii aurii pentru a o scoate mai mult în relief.
De fotografii nu sunt mulțumită, sunt cele mai proaste din ultima vreme, însă mi-a plăcut ținuta și am decis să vi le arăt oricum.

Aa, să nu uit, acum am cont de Instagram: http://instagram.com/boheme.fille. Se întrezărește o dependență la orizont! :)) Lăsați-mi link-urile voastre la comentarii pentru a vă da follow.
Voi credeți că petrecem prea mult timp pe conturile astea de socializare? Eu încep să cred că petrec cam mult timp și ar fi cazul să încep să trăiesc mai mult, să am experiențe grozave și să fiu fericită cu lucrurile ce par insignifiante. Astea sunt cele mai bune lucruri în viață! Nu credeți?

Dress/Rochie - Zara via Kurtmann.ro
Sandals/Sandale - Zara via Kurtmann.ro
Rings/Inele - Six, H&M
Necklace/Colier - oNecklace

You can also find me on Facebook - Twitter Bloglovin' - Pinterest.

"Meow" is the word of the day!


EN: Hello, sweeties! Yeah, I still can't let go of summer! :)) So I'm here with you with another summer outfit, the one I wore almost two weeks ago at the Takko fashion event (you can read about it here). It was an extremely windy day, my hair was all over the place, I could barely made a few normal photos, as you will see.
The pretty green skirt was a real bargain, I bought it on sales with just 2,5 euros and I love that is so versatile! I already wore it in many combos. The top is a very old one, I think I have it for more than 6-7 years, but I wore it just a few times.
I will just leave you with the photos, because I'm in a bit of a hurry.
Kisses, my darlings! :)

RO: Hei, hei! :) Da, tot nu pot renunța la vară! :D Așa că iată o nouă ținută văratică purtată acum aproximativ 2 săptămâni la evenimentul Takko (citiți despre el aici). A fost o zi cu un vânt îngrozitor, clar eram îmbrăcată prea subțire pentru temperaturile de afară. D-abia am putut scoate câteva poze mai normale, după cum veți vedea.
Simpatica fustă verde am cumpărat-o doar cu 10 lei de la reduceri, îmi place mult pentru că e versatilă, deja am purtat-o în nenumărate combinații. Bluza e super veche, asta în termeni de ani, vreo 6-7, dar în condiție foarte bună, pentru că am purtat-o doar de cîteva ori.
Vă las, fete dragi, mă cam grăbesc astăzi.
Vă pup! :)

Skirt/Fustă - Glow
Top/Bluză - Terranova
Sandals/Sandale - Zara
Head accessory/Accesoriu de păr - Mini Prix
Necklace/Colier - Meli Melo
Earrings/Cercei - Six
Rings/Inele - H&M, Six

You can also find me on Facebook - Twitter Bloglovin' - Pinterest.

Ohh, those summer days!


EN: It seems that fall finally made its presence felt here in Bucharest. Is been a rainy, cold day, but I'm still thinking of those summer days. That is why today's look is all about summer: colorful dress, good mood, skin touched by the sun.
I have this little number for a while and I wore it a lot (you can find the pretty dress on sale here). You know I'm a huge fan of dresses and although I own lots of them, I couldn't say no when I saw it.
I don't know if I've told you, guys (I just mention it to my Romanian readers), but yesterday was my blog anniversary, 4 years since my first post, an introduction, and today I celebrate 4 years since my first outfit post. I'm so happy with the decision I've made those years ago. This blog made me happy and has created many opportunities for me: meeting you, great people, making new friends, having wonderful collaborations, but must of all it made me grow as a person. Thank you for being here with me on this journey!! I appreciate every single one of you. :)

RO: Iată că astăzi toamna și-a făcut într-adevăr simțită prezența, după amenințările de zilele trecute. A fost o zi ploioasă și friguroasă, însă gândul meu a rămas tot la zilele de vară. De aceea și postarea de azi o să vă amintească de vară: rochie colorată. bună dispoziție, soare.
Rochia o am de ceva vreme și am purtat-o de multe ori (o găsiți acum la reducere aici), dar tot nu mă pot sătura de ea.
Și pentru a sărbători 4 ani de blog am ales să vă arăt ceva colorat, un gen de ținută de care nu mă voi plictisi niciodată.
Ia ziceți, și vouă vă e dor de vară sau vă bucurați că a venit toamna?

Dress/Rochie - HERE
Sandals/Sandale - Zara
Ring/Inel - Meli Melo
Earrings/Cercei - Mini Prix

You can also find me on Facebook - Twitter Bloglovin' - Pinterest.
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