Your daily dose of bohemian vibe
Showing posts with label orange hair. Show all posts
Showing posts with label orange hair. Show all posts

2015: A chameleonic year for La Bohème


EN: I'm late! Oh no, stay put, this is not a post announcing a pregnancy. I'm not that type of "late". :)) I'm just late with the retrospective of my 2015's outfits. There were so many fun outfits in this forsaken blog of mine, so many fun hairdos, so many smiles, so many sad faces. I've shared plenty of things, but at the same time I hid many things. I can't say something good about 2015, so I prefer to say nothing. This bastard has just passed and I'm looking forward to meet the handsome fellow 2016 promised to be. No resolutions for me this time, I will just live one moment at a time.
Kisses, babes! Cheers to a fantastic year! ;)

RO: Sunt o întârziată! Nu, nu, stați liniștiți, asta nu e o postare în care anunț o sarcină. Nu sunt acel fel de "întârziată" (băi, sună mult mai bine în engleză, citiți varianta aia :)))). Am întârziat cu retrospectiva ținutelor din 2015. Au fost multe ținute interesante pe acest blog uitat al meu, multe coafuri interesante, multe zâmbete, dar și multe fețe triste. Am împărtășit cu voi multe lucruri, dar în același timp v-am ascuns multe. Nu prea pot să spun nimic bun despre 2015, așa că prefer să nu zic nimic. Nemernicul tocmai a trecut și aștept cu nerăbdare să îl cunosc pe tipul chipeș ce a promis să fie 2016. Nici o rezoluție pentru mine de data asta, voi trăi momentele așa cum vin.
Vă țuc, gagici! Să avem un an fantastic! ;)

The pink girl


Dress/Rochie - Emamoda
Shoes/Pantofi - Stradivarius

EN: An outfit that I wore a month and a half ago at the 7 years anniversary party of Marie Claire Romania. A lovely party that took place at a new pool from Bucharest in a rainy summer day.
All I can say is that I got soaking wet on my way to the party, underwear wet, if you know what I'm saying. :)) So I had to head back home, dry my hair, redo my make-up, dry my clothes and get back on the road to the other side of Bucharest...yeah, dreamy! I got a little wet at the party too, but Meli Melo offered some umbrellas and saved the situation a little.
Yes, I'm wearing a lot of pink, so take a long look, because you won't see me like that very soon. And the hair still had an orange hue, because now I'm a blonde, weather I want it or not.
Have a breezy Sunday, dears!

Orange is the new black


Dress/Rochie - Hybrid 
Coat/Haină - SheIn
Sandals/Sandale - Steve Madden
Watch - JORD
Earrings/Cercei - Rossetti

EN: Oh, man, is been a while since my last outfit post! The truth is I have been a bit busy these last weeks, but also in no mood to post something. I guess summer does that to a person, makes it wanna go out more and have fun. :)
The outfit you are seeing today is the one I wore at the Digital Divas event. You can also notice a new hair color and haircut. What do you think about it? In love with that orange, but unfortunately after just two washes I'm almost a blondie. Already thinking of my next hair color. It will be a wild one, as most of the ones I had were.
You already saw this coat in a previous post, as well as the watch. The novelty in this outfit is this laser cut faux leather mini dress in black & lime. Is pretty awesome and is modern and cool, just how I like it. You will definitely stand out from the crowd in a dress like this. You can wear it at an event or on a night out.
Darlings, thank you for reading my blog and I hope I will see you on Instagram and Facebook too. :)

The cool kid on the block


Crop top/Bluză - HERE
Skirt/Fustă - Vero Moda
Sneakers/Teniși - Mim
Watch/Ceas - JORD
Earrings/Cercei - Mini Prix

EN: OK, I confess, I really liked New Kids On The Block in my teenager years. That's why the title of this post. I even had posters with them, in fact I had posters with a lot of musicians and actors. They were all duct taped to my closet. :)) It looked like an altar. What music band you loved most when you were a teenager?
And although the title says "cool kid" I wasn't that cool kid everyone loved. I was the misfit, the weird, the kid that played football or handball with the boys, dressed in loose clothes or in sports shorts (you know why, for the football). I was the best at skanderberg, I was the one studying and reading when everyone else was going out, I've collected stamps and chewing gum surprises (Turbo mostly). I was the kid that would rebel and fight for everyone's rights. I hated injustice, I still do. I was the kid that wasn't afraid of anything and thought conquering the world was a piece of cake.
I frequently miss that kid.
I became the woman I am today because of that kid. I've had a lot of difficulties and hard times along the way, but I do hope a part of that kid is still here. I just need to bring it to surface.
But today you will see the woman, that sometimes acts like a kid (a photo below will show you that :))) and sometimes is more serious than an elder.

Houndstooth print and some not very good news


Jacket/Geacă - Sheinside
Tights/Dresuri - Esmara
Bag/Geantă - Eponge
Brooch/Broșă - BURP
Shirt/Cămașă - Tina R
Skirt/Fustă - second hand store
EN: Hi, guys! I'm going through a difficult period. After feeling very ill last week I took some exams and found out I have some health issues I didn't knew about, two important ones. So from now on I need to stick to a precise diet for...I don't know, all my life maybe. I just have a few options of aliments (a very short list) I can eat and I have to say goodbye forever to chocolate (my favorite), coffee and sweets in general. I don't want to make a tragedy out of this, but this news got me by surprise and I still need some time to accept it. As you could have guessed already I wasn't in the mood for outfit photos lately, the weather didn't helped either and I heard is going to be worse these days, snow and shit. This look is from 3 weeks ago. I still have another one prepared and I hope after that I will be able to shoot some other outfits too. 
Have a great week!

Green & orange make a great combo!


Sweater/Pulover - Zara
Skirt/Fustă - FrontRowShop
Boots/Cizme - Filty
Bag/Geantă - random store
Earrings/Cercei - Six

EN: Hello, gals! I'm back with a new look. Can you believe I thought of this combo with just 5 minutes before I went out the door?! I needed to go somewhere and almost wanted to quit going because I didn't know what to wore and then suddenly the idea of this outfit crossed my mind. I think it turned out quite nicely for an outfit prepared in such short time. Do you agree? Do you ever find yourself in this situation?

Roses & biker jacket


Jacket & blouse/Geacă & bluză - SheInside
Pants/Pantaloni - second hand store
Boots/Cizme - Filty

EN: I'm having a bit of a problem with my camera. All of these photos are overexposed and the colors are different from reality (for example these pants are green, they sure don't look green in the photos). Might have been the cold, might have been the humidity, I don't know, but the fact is they don't look good. I was so happy when I found these stairs with the color green because they matched my pants beautifully...but guess what?! I was fooled, because my camera decided that she is in charge with the color palette that day. Do you have this kind of problems with your camera?
God, I know I've said it in a previous post, but I can't believe how often I wore pants lately! Me, the skirts and dresses lover. But now with the spring around the corner I will return to my old habits. Can't wait!
Wish a great week, guys! Ta-ta!

Flirty red


Sweater/Pulover - HERE
Skirt/Fustă - FrontRowShop
Boots/Cizme - Filty

EN: Hello, guys! Do you have any exciting plans for this weekend? Me, I guess I will just chill with the boyfriend, maybe watch some movies, take a few walks. 
Lately I've discovered I have a thing for the color red. I didn't thought that red will look that good with orange hair. This sweater gave me headaches, it looks just like a scarf with sleeves, it was an adventure figuring out how to wear it. But once I put it on, I loved it.
I will keep it short and sweet today and just leave you with the photos. :)
Have a fun weekend!

A pants kinda gal?!


Top/Bluză - Zara via Kurtmann.ro
Jeans/Blugi - Zara via Zoto.ro
Boots/Cizme - Filty
Cardigan, belt/Jerseu, curea - random stores
Earrings/cercei - Rossetti

EN: I don't know what happened, but for a skirts and dresses lady I wore lots of pants lately. And I have more outfits coming where I also wear pants. I remember that in 2 or 3 years of blogging (I don't know the number of years exactly) I wore pants only 3 or 4 times, but in the last year I began wearing them more and more. I don't know the reason, but I bet when spring and summer will be here, you will see me only in dresses and skirt. 
This cool pair of jeans is from Zoto.ro. I chose it for the interesting color and the fit. I had another look with it in mind, but not finding the clothes I wanted to pair it with in my messy closet didn't helped at all. So I improvised something 10 minutes before I went out the door. Anyways, I hope you like it.
Ohh, let's not forget about the decoupage blouse from Kurtmann.ro. I find its design very in and very beautiful. Is still available here at a great price.
Enjoy your week, guys!

How to wear a sparkly cardigan


Cardigan/Jerseu - MNG via Zoto.ro
Skirt/Fustă - Villa via Kurtmann.ro
Boots/Ghete - Romwe
Earrings, rings/Cercei, inele - H&M
Bag/Geantă - Eponge
EN: I'm a huge fan of the Seinfeld series, huge! And although is not something to brag about,  I have so many similarities with George Costanza, yeah I'm like that! :) Describing my state these past months a quote from this man comes to my mind: "I'm disturbed. I'm depressed. I'm inadequate. I got it all!". My mood lately hasn't been the best. I'm trying to get out of it, but it seems that I get even deeper in it. I don't know, I need a big impulse, a change in my life so that the things will get on the right track. 
Now I'm just enjoying this lovely sparkly cardigan I got from Zoto.ro. I really love it, I think you can incorporate it in a casual or in a more fancy look. It can make any outfit pop. I've also ordered another adorable cardi with butterflies and a pair of jeans that I will show you in my next posts. All items look great and I can't wait to wear them! If you love my cardigan, you can choose from a large selections of tops right here.
Tell me, how would you wear it?

Casual doesn't mean boring


EN: I know that lately my outfits lacked color, so I promise the next post will be a colorful one. Today's outfit is casual, but not boring. Maybe if I wore only the jeans and the sweater the look would have been dull, but adding the right accessories can indeed change the whole appearance of an outfit. Always count on the accessories and if you aren't a big fan of them choose to play with textures and lengths, so that your look will be original. Be creative!
Changing the subject, this week my dear blog will have a new look that I hope you will like and enjoy. I'm very excited about this, it was about time to give it a new face. This theme doesn't represent me anymore. I'm looking for something more modern, more me. Can't wait to hear your thoughts when the change is going to be made! :)

RO: Știu că în ultima vreme ținutelor mele le-a lipsit culoarea, așa că promit solemn că următoarea postare va fi una colorată. Look-ul de astăzi este casual, dar nu neinteresant. Poate dacă aș fi purtat doar blugii și puloverul ținuta ar fi fost plictisitoare, însă adăugarea accesoriilor a schimbat total aspectul. Contați întotdeauna pe accesorii dacă vreți o ținută șic, sau dacă nu vă plac accesoriile jucați-vă cu texturi și lungimi pentru un look original. Fiți creative!
Schimbând subiectul, săptămâna asta blogul va avea o nouă înfățișare ce sper să vă placă. Eu sunt foarte entuziasmată! Tema de acum nu mă mai reprezintă, caut ceva mai modern, ceva care să îmi reflecte personalitatea. D-abia aștept să vă citesc părerile când voi face schimbarea! :)

I'm no Snow White


EN: I know I've been absent for a while, I needed to put some order in my thoughts and in my life and decide what I want to do next. I admit the idea of giving up on this blog crossed my mind, but I finally decided to keep it running, not only that, but soon it will get an upgrade. Maybe you already noticed that now I'm on dot com. I hope you've missed me, guys, I definitely missed being here. So since this is the first blog post I wish you not only a happy year, but a very happy life full of memorable moments and events!
I'm beginning this year with an all black outfit, but with colorful accessories. I could never let go of what represents me. This perfect little black dress, courtesy of Kurtmann.ro, is a must-have in this season. Why is that? Because it keeps you warm while looking chic. The best combo!
Until next time! Kisses!

RO: Știu că am lipsit ceva vreme de pe blog, aveam nevoie să îmi pune ordine în gânduri și în viață și să decid ce vreau să fac mai departe. Recunosc că ideea de a renunța la blog mi-a trecut prin minte, dar am hotărât să îl păstrez, nu numai asta, dar va avea parte de un upgrade cât de curând. Poate deja ați observat că acum mă găsiți pe www.boheme-fille.com. Sper că v-am lipsit, pentru că mie cu siguranță mi-a fost dor de locul ăsta. Cum asta e prima postare pe anul 2015 vă urez nu numai un an nou fericit, ci o viață fericită plină de momente și evenimente memorabile!
Încep anul cu o ținută all black nerenunțand însă la accesoriile colorate. Nu aș putea să renunț la ceea ce mă reprezintă. Această micuță rochie neagră de pe Kurtmann.ro este un must-have în sezonul de iarnă. De ce? Pentru că îți ține de cald și te face să arăți șic. Cea mai bună combinație!
Ne vedem data viitoare! Vă pup!

I'm a bad girl with good intentions


EN: Oh my Goodness, the holidays are almost here and I don't have anything done! Didn't bought all the presents, hadn't cleaned the house, not to talk about decorating the tree. A lot of things to do and so little time. I'm freaking out here, guys! Is there anyone in the same situation? I don't know with what to start first. I envy those of you who have everything ready!
Changing the subject: what do you think about the look? Kinda of a bad girl, right?! :D The shirt is orange, almost like my hair, I don't know why in some of the photos looks rather red. The lipstick too, but it has a totally different color in the photos.
The beautiful necklace is from Meli Melo's new collection, Cabaret. You should definitely check it out if you want some gorgeous accessories for the upcoming parties.
This being said, let's do some cleaning. Yupppiii...not! :D

RO: Offf, sărbătorile sunt atât de aproape și eu nu am făcut nimic! Nu am cumpărat toate cadourile, nu am făcut curat în casă, să nu mai vorbesc despre împodobirea bradului. O grămadă de lucruri de făcut și atât de puțin timp la dispoziție. Înnebunesc! Care dintre voi mai e în aceeași situație sau eu sunt singura care s-a trezit pe ultima sută de metri că are chestii de făcut? Nici nu știu cu ce să încep. Îi invidiez pe aceia dintre voi care au totul pregătit!
Schimbând subiectul: cum vi se pare ținuta de astăzi? Cam de fată rea așa, nu?! :D Cămașa este portocalie, aproape aceeași nuanță ca părul, și rujul la fel, nu înteleg de ce în majoritatea pozelor au ieșit roșii. 
Minunatul colier face parte din colecția Meli Melo, Cabaret. Neapărat să vă uitați după ea în magazine sau online dacă doriți să aveți accesorii faine la petrecerile de sărbători.
Acestea fiind spuse, cu mine la curățenie. Nu mai pot de entuziasm! :D

Chic in black and white


EN: Hello, sweetie pies! How is your week? I'm having a week full of nice events. A change is good, because lately I stayed mostly indoors. It's fun to meet up with blogger friends and just enjoy some time together.
This is the outfit I wore at Takko's Christmas party where I went with Adina and Pepa, my good fashion blogger friends. I'm head over heels for this full midi skirt. Is truly incredible! I wasn't sure the length will go ok with my petite figure, but it did. The black swans print is so lovely. What can I tell you, I'm in love with this skirt! You can also find it in the white swan version print on black here.
Do you love midi skirts?

RO: Seara bună, dragilor! Cum e săptămâna voastră? Eu am o săptămână plină de evenimente faine. O schimbare chiar era binevenită, trec printr-o perioadă grea și am stat mai mult în casă. E distractiv să te întâlnești cu alți bloggeri și să petreceți timp împreună. Una dintre activitățile mele preferate.
Ținuta a fost purtată la petrecerea de Crăciun a magazinului Takko, la care am fost cu prietenele mele, bloggerițele de modă Adina și Pepa. 
Sunt înnebunită după fusta asta midi! E incredibilă! Nu eram sigură că lungimea ei va fi potrivită pentru statura mea minionă, dar se pare că e perfectă. Imprimeul cu lebede negre este chiar deosebit. Ce pot să vă spun, o ador! O găsiți aici și în varianta cu lebede albe pe fond negru.

That perfect dress for New Year's Eve


EN: New Year's Eve is just around the corner. I guess many of you are wondering what to wear that night, I know I do. I always like to wear a fancy dress to celebrate the night between years. In this post I have a proposal for you: this navy beauty made from velvet and lace. Isn't it gorgeous? I've discovered it on the Miss Grey site and just loved it! Is classy, exquisite, but with a tad of sexiness, just how I like it. What do you think about it? Did you choose your outfit for New Years Eve?

RO: Revelionul e foarte aproape. Bănuiesc că multe dintre voi vă întrebați ce să purtați în acea seară, eu sigur mă gândesc la asta. Îmi place să port rochii șic în noaptea dintre ani. În postarea de azi am o propunere pentru voi: această rochie bleumarin creată din catifea și dantelă. E superbă, nu? Eu am descoperit-o pe site-ul Miss Grey și m-am îndrăgostit de ea! Este elegantă, rafinată, dar în același timp și sexi, exact cum îmi place mie. Cum vi se pare? Voi v-ați ales ținuta pentru Anul Nou?

When there are no words to describe the feelings...


EN: On December 1st I have lost one of the most important persons in my life, my grandmother. I will not say more, because no words can't and never will describe my love, my feelings for her. She didn't liked when I've dressed in dark colors, especially black, so this very colorful post is dedicated to her, the most amazing woman in the world. 
The photos were taken a day after my birthday, on 28th November.

RO: Pe 1 decembrie am pierdut una dintre cele mai importante ființe din viața mea, draga mea bunică. Nu voi spune mai multe, pentru că nu există cuvinte, și nu vor exista vreodată, care să exprime sentimentele, dragostea mea pentru ea. Nu îi plăcea deloc când mă îmbrăcam în culori închise, în special negru, așa că postarea asta colorată îi este dedicată ei, celei mai extraordinare persoane din lume.
Fotografiile au fost făcute cu o zi după ziua mea de naștere, pe 28 noiembrie.

Skirt/Fustă - HERE
Sweater/Pulover - Mim
Boots/Cizme - Filty
Earrings/Cercei - Rossetti

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