Your daily dose of bohemian vibe
Showing posts with label mini skirt. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mini skirt. Show all posts

How to create a simple, yet effective look


Sweater/Pulover - HERE
Skirt/Fustă - Stradivarius
Boots/Cizme - HERE
Earrings/Cercei - Letiția Pintilie

EN: I've planned a deep and meaningful post for today, but laziness took over and it seems I can't get in its way. But let me tell you, it would have been a good read for you if I wrote it. :))) Next time, I promise. For now let's stick to our usual routine, talking a bit about the outfit. Is a simple, yet effective one. 

You can create a similar one too. And although in winter we mainly wear dark colors and simple pieces of clothing, accessories are the one that saves us. In this particular case I wore a chic pair of earrings and I choose some otk boots to give to the outfit that special touch. You can go for a hat, a scarf, a bag, a cool necklace. Just try to add accessories to a look that you think is a bit dull and the way you see it will change in a sec: from dull to wow!

This dark navy sweater saved me on many occasions, is so easy to wear, you can combine it with everything. Don't forget when you go shopping to buy some basic pieces that can go with anything.

2015: A chameleonic year for La Bohème


EN: I'm late! Oh no, stay put, this is not a post announcing a pregnancy. I'm not that type of "late". :)) I'm just late with the retrospective of my 2015's outfits. There were so many fun outfits in this forsaken blog of mine, so many fun hairdos, so many smiles, so many sad faces. I've shared plenty of things, but at the same time I hid many things. I can't say something good about 2015, so I prefer to say nothing. This bastard has just passed and I'm looking forward to meet the handsome fellow 2016 promised to be. No resolutions for me this time, I will just live one moment at a time.
Kisses, babes! Cheers to a fantastic year! ;)

RO: Sunt o întârziată! Nu, nu, stați liniștiți, asta nu e o postare în care anunț o sarcină. Nu sunt acel fel de "întârziată" (băi, sună mult mai bine în engleză, citiți varianta aia :)))). Am întârziat cu retrospectiva ținutelor din 2015. Au fost multe ținute interesante pe acest blog uitat al meu, multe coafuri interesante, multe zâmbete, dar și multe fețe triste. Am împărtășit cu voi multe lucruri, dar în același timp v-am ascuns multe. Nu prea pot să spun nimic bun despre 2015, așa că prefer să nu zic nimic. Nemernicul tocmai a trecut și aștept cu nerăbdare să îl cunosc pe tipul chipeș ce a promis să fie 2016. Nici o rezoluție pentru mine de data asta, voi trăi momentele așa cum vin.
Vă țuc, gagici! Să avem un an fantastic! ;)

My skirt brings all the boys to the yard


Top/Bluză - Pimkie via Kurtmann.ro
Skirt/Fustă - Pull&Bear
Sandals/Sandale - Steve Madden
Necklace/Colier - Estarer

EN: Is weekend so I have for you a simple, casual outfit, maybe appropriate for a walk if you replace the high heels with some sneakers. I thought I should take advantage of these incredibly hot days we're still having and wear again a mini skirt (did the same in this previous post). At least now when the weather allows it I have to bare my legs, because I will definitely miss it in the next months. What surprises me is the fact that although we are having a heat wave, many people still dress like in autumn, just because is September. Come on, guys!
I'm wearing a jeans skirt and a casual-chic top that it seems I didn't picked right, is has a smaller bust than what I possess. :)) You can see that in the photos too, but let's not go there. :))
Is almost my 5 years blog's anniversary, so I have some surprises in store. Stay close! :)

Mini skirt, big dreams


Top/Bluză - HERE
Skirt/Fustă - New Look
Sandals/Sandale - Milanoo
Earrings/Cercei - vintage
Bag/Geantă - Meli Melo

EN: The clock keeps ticking, time flies again. It flies so fast that I can't tell whether is night or day. I don't want it to fly like that, I want my time back. The years go too fast, I can't keep up with them. Look, is September already, where did the summer went?! Somewhere where I won't be able to recover it. At least I have these outfits to remind me of it, even though it wasn't the best summer, even though is one more summer I didn't enjoyed.
A summer day in which I wore a skirt that is too short. But you know what? I felt great wearing it. And with the white top it was a perfect match, it made such an interesting contrast. I will be wearing them in autumn too in other lovely combos.
I'm listening to the clock again, this time hoping it will bring a new better day.

Make cool combos!


Top/Bluză - HERE
Skirt/Fustă - second hand store
Sandals/Sandale - Milanoo
Ring/Inel - Beatrix Color
Earrings, bracelet/Cercei, brățară - Rossetti
Bag/Geantă - Meli Melo

EN: I'm happy that the weather is still good right now. I can wear my lovely tops and skirts easily. But I do get that melancholy knowing the fall is fast approaching. I will definitely miss to bare my legs and enjoy the warm rays of sunshine. But until then let's take advantage of this beautiful summer.
I'm wearing a lovely top that resemblance very much with our Romanian traditional blouse: ia. This was the main reason I've ordered it. It does have a lovely fabric and I can wear it in numerous combination. I usually try to order clothes that can be worn in many outfits, I love versatility. You should get a top like this too, it will definitely make you feel wonderful and very feminine. 
I leave you with the photos. Have the coolest weekend!

The blonde is wearing fuchsia


Sandals/Sandale - Bershka via Kurtmann.ro
Top/Maiou - Bershka via Kurtmann.ro
Skirt/Fustă - random store
Bag/Geantă - Meli Melo

EN: Yes, instead of posting more often as I said in my latest post, I'm posting even more rarely. Life has been more hectic than I've expected. Every day I have been on the run, so when I finally got a break today my first thought was to make a post on the blog. I missed doing it! 
Of course I'm going to show you soon some photos from the events I've attended lately and they have been a few. I'm also thinking of doing a video in the near future. In fact, I thought for a while about it, but didn't had the time, nor the patience to learn how to edit a video. But I will! 
About the outfit: is finally a more colorful one. I've noticed that in the last month almost all my outfits included black and not so cheerful colors, like they usually did. A change had to be done so today we're having fuchsia, blue, light pink, white.
The piece of resistance are these cool sandals from Bershka via Kurtmann. That transparent heel is pretty amazing. You agree? And the fact they are comfortable is such a big plus. I could wear them non-stop.
Tell me, which colors you love to wear in summer?

You go back to her and I go back to yellow


EN: Is been a while since I worn this color. Yellow is definitely not the first color choice for me, but when I saw this pretty shirt I didn't thought twice, it had to be mine. I like oversized clothes and when they are tucked in they look even better. Decided to pair it with an old skirt, I have it for years and now is the second time I wear it. The highlight is on this beautiful, casual and comfy pair of sandals and on the accessories: head over heals for this clutch (see how I previously wore it here) and the funky-chic bracelet.
I'm beginning to like this hairdo, it makes me look taller. :))

Do you happen to discover in your closet old clothes you forgot about? Or even better, clothes that still have their label on? I love when this happens, is almost like I'm buying a new piece of clothing, this is how excited I get. :)) That was the feeling when I found the skirt from today's post. I was happy-happy, joy-joy. :)) I tend to adore clothes more than I supposed to. Sometimes I feel like every piece of clothing has a personality and a memory to go with it. Am I nuts or do you share these feelings too?

RO: A trecut ceva timp de când nu am mai purtat culoarea asta. Galbenul nu este, cu siguranță, prima mea alegere, dar când am văzut cămașa asta drăguță nu m-am putut abține și am luat-o, trebuia să o fac a mea. :) Îmi plac hainele supradimensionate, iar când sunt băgate în pantaloni, fustă mi se pare că arată și mai bine. Eu am decis să o combin cu o fustă mai veche, care deși o am de ceva ani acum este a doua oară când o port. Accentul l-am pus pe perechea asta mumoasă de sandale, potrivită pentru drumuri lungi, dar care cer să fii și nițel șic și pe accesorii: sunt îndrăgostită de plic (vedeți cum l-am mai purtat aici) și de brățara asta funky, dar și elegantă în același timp.
Deși inițial am fost reticentă, acum a început să îmi placă coafura asta, parcă mă face mai înaltă. :))

Vouă vi se întâmplă să descoperți în șifonier haine vechi de care uitaseți complet? Sau chiar mai bine, haine care încă au eticheta pe ele? Ce îmi place când se întâmplă asta, parcă aș cumpăra o nouă haină, atât de entuziasmată devin! :)) Așa am simțit și când am găsit fusta de astăzi, se citea fericirea pe chipul meu. :)) Am tendința să ador hainele mai mult decât ar trebui. Câteodată le atribui o personalitate și clar o amintire legată de ele. Sunt eu mai țăcănită sau și voi simțiți la fel?

(click the pink word for the exact link/dați click pe cuvântul roz pentru link-ul exact)
Shirt/Cămașă - Here
Skirt/Fustă - random store
Sandals/Sandale - Here
Clutch/Plic - La Muse Chic
Bracelet/Brățară - Here
Earrings/Cercei - Estarer

You can also find me on Facebook - Twitter Bloglovin' - Pinterest.

Another casual Sunday


EN: In my book Sundays are for relaxation, good, deep relaxation. What relaxes me are walks in the park, lounging in the sun with a good book, being with the boyfriend, laughing. I did just that this Sunday. How do you usually relax? 
Now I'm prepared for a tumultuous week or I hope it will be, because my life has lacked action for a while and I need it back asap. Has lacked fun also, so I'm in need of some major changes. 
On a more happier note, let's say some words about the outfit. I love loose, oversized tops like the one from today. If it has a print even better. Love to pair them with anything and in summer they are the most practical. Sunday I chose to wear it with a mini skirt and some bohemian style sandals. The skirt has a very interesting fabric, is a shame that you can't notice it on the photos. The sandals I wore almost non-stop since I received them, they are so easy to match and you feel like you are walking on a cloud, this is how comfortable they are.
So this was my casual Sunday.

RO: Pentru mine duminicile înseamnă relaxare, relaxare d-aia puternică și adâncă. :) Ce mă relaxează sunt plimbările în parc, tolănelile la soare cu o carte bună, să stau cu prietenul meu, să râd. Și chiar asta am făcut duminică. Voi cum vă relaxați? 
Acum sunt pregătită pentru o săptămână tumultoasă, și sper să fie așa, pentru că acțiunea a cam lipsit din viața mea de un timp și am nevoie de ea neapărat. Și distracția a cam lipsit, așa că se cer niște schimbări majore.
Într-o notă mai pozitivă, haideți să vă spun câteva cuvinte despre ținută. Iubesc topurile supradimensionate ca cel de azi. Dacă are și un imprimeu cu atât mai bine. Îmi place să le combin cu aproape orice, iar vara sunt cele mai practice. Duminică am decis să îl port cu o fustă mini și cu o pereche de sandale în stilul boem. Fusta are un material foarte interesant, păcat că nu se poate observa în poze. Sandalele le-am purtat aproape non-stop de când le-am primit, sunt ușor de asortat și parcă simți că mergi pe un norișor, atât de confortabile sunt. Cred că din cauza pernițelor de pe talpă.
Cam asta a fost duminica mea casual.

(click the pink word for the exact link/dați click pe cuvântul roz pentru link-ul exact)
Oversized top/Maiou supradimensionat - Zara via Kurtmann.ro
Mini skirt/Fustă mini - Zara via Kurtmann.ro
Sandals/Sandale - Here
Sunglasses/Ochelari de soare - Terranova
Skull bracelet/Brățară cranii - Estarer
Bracelets/Brățări - random stores

You can also find me on Facebook - Twitter Bloglovin' - Pinterest.
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