Your daily dose of bohemian vibe
Showing posts with label New Year's Eve. Show all posts
Showing posts with label New Year's Eve. Show all posts

That perfect dress for New Year's Eve


EN: New Year's Eve is just around the corner. I guess many of you are wondering what to wear that night, I know I do. I always like to wear a fancy dress to celebrate the night between years. In this post I have a proposal for you: this navy beauty made from velvet and lace. Isn't it gorgeous? I've discovered it on the Miss Grey site and just loved it! Is classy, exquisite, but with a tad of sexiness, just how I like it. What do you think about it? Did you choose your outfit for New Years Eve?

RO: Revelionul e foarte aproape. Bănuiesc că multe dintre voi vă întrebați ce să purtați în acea seară, eu sigur mă gândesc la asta. Îmi place să port rochii șic în noaptea dintre ani. În postarea de azi am o propunere pentru voi: această rochie bleumarin creată din catifea și dantelă. E superbă, nu? Eu am descoperit-o pe site-ul Miss Grey și m-am îndrăgostit de ea! Este elegantă, rafinată, dar în același timp și sexi, exact cum îmi place mie. Cum vi se pare? Voi v-ați ales ținuta pentru Anul Nou?

Outfits ideas for New Year's Eve


The New Year's Eve is just around the corner and I'm sure we all ask ourselves what to wear to the party. Believe it or not I don't know what I will do on New Year's Eve, but I know what I would like to wear and I see myself at a fancy party. Below you can see my ideas and maybe you will find inspiration in them too.
All these beauties are from Tidebuy: http://www.tidebuy.com and they are on sale. Discounts between 50% and 80%.

For the fanciest of parties wear these gorgeous dresses. I'm head over heels for them!

You can find them in the category "Party dresses": http://www.tidebuy.com/c/Party-Dresses-5700/.

What to wear: New Year's Eve


EN: Hello, my dears! I know all of you are anxious about Christmas and New Year's Eve and many of you are wondering what to wear. That's why today I'm coming with a proposal for the night between years. Most people say that you can't go wrong with black, but trust me I saw many of them going way wrong with black. :)) So here it is the right way to wear black for holidays, in a chic, simple way. Let the dress do the talking and wear one, maximum two statement accessories.
You can find this lovely dress here.

RO: Bine ați venit pe blog, dragile mele! Știu că toate sunteți nerăbdătoare să vină Crăciunul și Anul Nou, iar multe dintre voi v-ați pus întrebarea: "Eu ce mă îmbrac?". De aceea azi m-am decis să vin cu o propunere de ținută pentru noaptea dintre ani. Cei mai mulți oameni spun că nu poți greși purtând negru, dar credeți-mă că am văzut atâtea persoane greșind și greșind foarte rău. :)) Așa că eu vreau să vă arăt cum puteți purta negru de sărbători într-un mod șic, simplu. Lăsați rochia să vorbească și nu purtați mai mult de unu, două accesorii statement.
Puteți găsi minunata rochie aici.

P.S: Am un concurs fain pe pagina de Facebook. Vă aștept să vă înscrieți aici.

Dress/Rochie - here
Earrings/Cercei - Jewelry Box
Ring/Inel - Meli Melo
Belt/Curea - Andreea Merțoiu

You can also find me on Facebook - Twitter Bloglovin' - Pinterest.

The look I've welcomed 2013 in


EN: So here it is, the first outfit from 2013, the outfit I wore on New Year's Eve. I went with a classy look with a touch of rock, well not exactly a touch, maybe a handful of rock. :D This is exactly the kind of outfit I feel comfortable wearing.
The photos aren't that great, but you get the "picture". :D

RO: Iat-o, prima ținută pe 2013, ținuta pe care am purtat-o de Revelion. Am mers pe un look mai elegant, cu un dram de rock, sau mai bine spus cu un kilogram întreg de rock. :))) Exact genul de ținută în care mă simt foarte confortabil.
Pozele nu sunt prea grozave, dar înțelegeți voi esențialul. :D

Blazer/Sacou - JOY Fashion
Skirt/Fustă - second hand store
Earrings/Cercei - Jewelry Box
Ring/Inel - Accesorize
Top & shoes/ Bluză & pantofi - random stores

You can also find me on Facebook - Twitter Bloglovin' - Pinterest.

What this year was all about...


Today we're saying "Goodbye" to this year, I'm sure for everyone was an year with ups and downs, but let's hope next year will be full of joy. So I'm wishing you a "Happy New Year" and an excellent 2012!
I'm leaving you with a retrospective of this year's outfits, don't worry, they are not so many, because I kinda neglected my blog in 2011, but I'm hoping of a 2012 with many interesting outfits.

Lots of love, darlings!

                                                February and March

April (part 1)

April (part 2)

May (later on this post)





In October I didn't post any outfits (shame on me:D)

May and November


Do you have any favorites?

Wrap me up in lace


Happy New Year again, my dears! How did you spend your New Year's Eve? Hope you had fun and 2011 will be a fantastic year for all of us! As for me, I had a calm night with my bf's brother and his wife and their godfathers. Just talking all night long. It was nice.

This is what I wore on the "night between years", but I made the photos yesterday, because I forgot to take my camera then. I have on my lace dress that I wore as a top with some shiny black leggings and my trusty cardigan tied with a black ribbon. As accessories a pearl brooch and a pearly headband...ohh, and faux leather gloves. Let's not forget about the heels..loving my beige suede shoes.

Lace dress-Etic
Leggings-Phillipe Matignon
Brooch-Biba Bijoux
Shoes, gloves-no name

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