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Showing posts with label Choies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Choies. Show all posts

On trend boots this fall


Boots season! Yey, yey! Ok, so now that the fall is here I am more than excited to wear boots. And I have so many models to choose from. Joy for my eyes and for my feet! A big hit this autumn are over the knee boots, they are chic, they are sexy. Chunky heels are also very on trend, I always loved chunky heels because they are comfortable and cool too. Let's not forget about studs, a huge YES to studs that can spice up any outfit.
So, girls, we have many options this season. Let's take advantage of them.
See some of my favorites below.

The cool kid on the block


Crop top/Bluză - HERE
Skirt/Fustă - Vero Moda
Sneakers/Teniși - Mim
Watch/Ceas - JORD
Earrings/Cercei - Mini Prix

EN: OK, I confess, I really liked New Kids On The Block in my teenager years. That's why the title of this post. I even had posters with them, in fact I had posters with a lot of musicians and actors. They were all duct taped to my closet. :)) It looked like an altar. What music band you loved most when you were a teenager?
And although the title says "cool kid" I wasn't that cool kid everyone loved. I was the misfit, the weird, the kid that played football or handball with the boys, dressed in loose clothes or in sports shorts (you know why, for the football). I was the best at skanderberg, I was the one studying and reading when everyone else was going out, I've collected stamps and chewing gum surprises (Turbo mostly). I was the kid that would rebel and fight for everyone's rights. I hated injustice, I still do. I was the kid that wasn't afraid of anything and thought conquering the world was a piece of cake.
I frequently miss that kid.
I became the woman I am today because of that kid. I've had a lot of difficulties and hard times along the way, but I do hope a part of that kid is still here. I just need to bring it to surface.
But today you will see the woman, that sometimes acts like a kid (a photo below will show you that :))) and sometimes is more serious than an elder.

Braid my hair and make me pretty!


Hair by Braidy
Skirt/Fustă - HERE
Top/Bluză - Casa de Modă Fancy
Necklace/Colier - Choies
Shoes/Pantofi - SuperPantofi.ro

EN: Last Friday I've met up with Rox from Braidy in a lovely park from Bucharest so she can work her magic. Her magic being the creation of beautiful braids. I've chose this Russian-style braiding thinking of this skirt I have for a while now. Rox did these cute braids in just 10 minutes and I like how they turned out. Braids are really in trend now so if you are thinking of this type of hairdo, you must know that Braidy comes to your home or office, you don't have to go to a beauty salon. 

I'm a fan of midi skirts and I love the color green, so you can imagine how I love this skirt. Is out of stock now, but you can find many more beautiful models right here, a lot of them on sale now.
This being said let me now tell you my bf's reaction to my braids: "Sid, is that you?!". If you don't know who Sid is, I will tell you. Sid is the sloth from Ice Age, definitely a funny character, not a very attractive one though. :))) You can find some photos here. Yes, that is how my bf's complements me and makes me feel good. :))) I must admit, I laughed my ass off. So, girls, I'm Sid, nice to make your acquaintance! ;)

Let's have a cozy weekend!


EN: Weekend, how I like this word! For me a cold autumn weekend is all about laziness, most of the weekends I'm a couch potato. :)) I'm really not that kind a girl that has a fabulous life and has all kinds of activities. I usually don't go to clubs or parties. I just like to do the things I couldn't during the week, whether is doing some cleaning, chores, watching some movies, having a mulled wine at a pub with the bf, reading a good book, writing some blog posts, spending time with the family. I just love cozy weekends! How do you usually spend your weekend, are you party rocker or you're just like me?
The look from today is a bit old, I've made the photos some weeks ago when it was a lot warmer, hence the short skirt and tee. Definitely not the best photos, but let's just enjoy this relaxed, casual outfit.

RO: Weekend, cât îmi place cuvântul ăsta! În weekend-urile reci de toamnă îmi place să lenevesc, clar activitatea mea preferată! Nu sunt fata care are o viață fabuloasă și are tot felul de activități. Merg extrem de rar în cluburi sau la petreceri. Îmi place ca în weekend să fac lucruri pe care nu le-am putut face în cursul săptămânii, asta putând însemna curățenie prin casă, aranjarea a tot felul de lucruri, vizionarea unor filme, să beau un vin fiert bun la un bar cu prietenul, citirea unei cărți, scrierea unor postări pentru blog, petrecerea timpului cu familia. Îmi plac weekend-urile comode! Voi cum vă petreceți weekend-ul de obicei, sunteți petrecăreți sau semănați mai mult cu mine?

Ținuta de azi e de acum câteva săptămâni când era mult mai cald, de aceea mă și vedeți în fusta asta scurtă și în tricou. Nu sunt cele mai grozave poze, dar hai să ne bucurăm de o ținută relaxată și casual.
Vă pup!

Jacket/Jachetă - SheInside
T-shirt/Tricou - Ruvix
Skirt/Fustă - Choies
Oxfords/Pantofi oxford - Storets
Headband/Bentiță - Alice&Sara

You can also find me on Facebook - Twitter Bloglovin' - Pinterest -Instagram.

Keeping it classy with burgundy


EN: Just finished my exercises with Mr. Shaun T (yummy guy :))), had a shower and now I'm ready to show you one of the looks from last week. Btw, if you're a fitness aficionado I definitely recommend you to try Focus T25. Is just perfect for your health and body! I'm doing it for a while and made a lot of progress. I just need to stop eating unhealthy snacks from time to time and things will get even better. I don't know why, but lately I've ate a lot of sweets and started drinking Coke now and then. I will stop that and just focus on my exercises and on healthy food. And I will be a lean, mean machine in no time! =)))
Now, let's share some details about the outfit. First of all it was worn at the Rusanda's “Confessions of a Baobab” collection launch last Friday. I have the skirt from March, but I could'n fit in it. Now is large on the waist, but still a bit tight on the hips, I still got the bootie, babe! :)) I'm happy I am able to wear it, because I just love it! I'm a huge fan of leather skirts!
Will leave you with the outfit now. Have a fantastic weekend!

RO: Tocmai mi-am terminat exercițiile cu domnul Shaun T (ce bărbat yummy :))), am făcut un duș, iar acum sunt pregătită să vă arăt o ținută purtată săptămâna trecută. Apropo, dacă sunteți fani ai fitness-ului vă recomand să încercați Focus T25. Este un program perfect pentru trup și sănătate! Eu îl urmez de ceva vreme și am făcut multe progrese. Mai e nevoie doar să mă opresc din mâncatul snacks-urilor nesănătoase și lucrurile vor sta și mai bine. Nu știu de ce, dar de la o vreme am mâncat cam multe dulciuri și am început să beau și Cola din când în când. Chestia asta trebuie să se oprească și să mă întorc la obiceiurile sănătoase. Clar voi deveni, vorba americanului " a lean, mean machine"! =))
Haideți să vă spun și câteva cuvinte despre look-ul de azi. Am purtat ținuta vinerea trecută la evenimentul de lansare al colecției “Confessions of a Baobab” al brandului Rusanda. Fusta o am din martie, dar intram doar cu un picior în ea .:))) Acum îmi este largă în talie, însă încă destul de strâmtă la șolduri și fund. I still got the bootie, babe! :)) Sunt tare fericită că o pot îmbrăca în sfârșit, pentru că îmi place foarte mult. Sunt un fan al fustelor din piele.
Vă las cu ținuta acum. Să aveți un weekend fantastic!

Skirt, shirt/Fustă, cămașă - Choies
Jacket/Jachetă - She Insider
Bag/Geantă - Sammydress
Shoes/Pantofi - Lovelyshoes

You can also find me on Facebook - Twitter Bloglovin' - Pinterest.

Crop it!


EN: Hi, guys! I had something witty and interesting to say today, but God dammit, I forgot! :)) Instead of that I will tell you just a few words about the look. I will begin by saying that this is my favorite type of outfit. The crop top is a huge trend right now and if you know how to wear it (I recommend a high waisted skirt or pair of pants) you will look amazing! Stripes, as well as pencil skirts, are always in style and they can be worn in a casual or elegant way. And you can never go wrong with a pair of cat eye sunglasses! All these items are part of today's outfit, an outfit I felt great wearing. I want to show you that you can go for a more casual look if you go shopping, for a walk etc. You can wear sneakers for this one. And if you want to go out with your friends you can choose to wear heels. See both looks below. 
What is the outfit you feel most comfortable in?
Have a fantastic week!

RO: Salutare! Aveam ceva inteligent și interesant să vă spun astăzi, dar fir-ar să fie, am uitat! :))
Așa că mă rezum în a vă spune doar câteva cuvinte despre ținută. O să încep zicându-vă că ăsta e tipul meu de ținută preferat. Topul scurt este foarte în trend acum, iar dacă știi cum să îl porți (eu recomand fustele sau pantalonii cu talie înaltă) vei arăta extraordinar! Dungile, la fel ca fustele creion, sunt întotdeauna la modă și pot fi purtate atât într-o ținută casual, cât și într-una elegantă. Și nu poți greși cu o pereche de ochelari de soare în stilul "cat eye"! Toate elementele astea fac parte din look-ul ce vi-l arăt azi. Puteți fi mai casual, purtând o pereche de teniși, dacă mergeți la cumpărături, la o plimbare etc. sau puteți purta tocuri pentru o ieșire în oraș. Vedeți ambele variante mai jos.
Care este tipul de ținută în care vă simțiți cel mai confortabil!
Un weekend fain să aveți!

P.S: Fetelor, am o SURPRIZĂ pentru voi. Citiți mai multe aici.

(click the pink word for the exact link/dați click pe cuvântul roz pentru link-ul exact)
Crop top/Top scurt - Here
Sunglasses/Ochelari de soare - Here
Skirt - Stradivarius via kurtmann.ro
Snakers/Teniși - random store
Shoes/Pantofi - SuperPantofi.ro
Ring/Inel - Meli Melo

The big smile. :D
Rânjetul. :D
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