Your daily dose of bohemian vibe
Showing posts with label white sweater. Show all posts
Showing posts with label white sweater. Show all posts

Casual doesn't mean boring


EN: I know that lately my outfits lacked color, so I promise the next post will be a colorful one. Today's outfit is casual, but not boring. Maybe if I wore only the jeans and the sweater the look would have been dull, but adding the right accessories can indeed change the whole appearance of an outfit. Always count on the accessories and if you aren't a big fan of them choose to play with textures and lengths, so that your look will be original. Be creative!
Changing the subject, this week my dear blog will have a new look that I hope you will like and enjoy. I'm very excited about this, it was about time to give it a new face. This theme doesn't represent me anymore. I'm looking for something more modern, more me. Can't wait to hear your thoughts when the change is going to be made! :)

RO: Știu că în ultima vreme ținutelor mele le-a lipsit culoarea, așa că promit solemn că următoarea postare va fi una colorată. Look-ul de astăzi este casual, dar nu neinteresant. Poate dacă aș fi purtat doar blugii și puloverul ținuta ar fi fost plictisitoare, însă adăugarea accesoriilor a schimbat total aspectul. Contați întotdeauna pe accesorii dacă vreți o ținută șic, sau dacă nu vă plac accesoriile jucați-vă cu texturi și lungimi pentru un look original. Fiți creative!
Schimbând subiectul, săptămâna asta blogul va avea o nouă înfățișare ce sper să vă placă. Eu sunt foarte entuziasmată! Tema de acum nu mă mai reprezintă, caut ceva mai modern, ceva care să îmi reflecte personalitatea. D-abia aștept să vă citesc părerile când voi face schimbarea! :)

Fourth look: Chic


Here it is: the last outfit with the pink floral dress. Happy that I'm done with them, guys?!:D
I think this look works for a Christmas office party, the kind of party that doesn't require a formal outfit.
And what better words to describe the outfit that the ones Angie used on her article:
" Mona is combining her pink floral dress with a lovely white headband for a little bohemian feel and a shiny white ribbon to accentuate the waistline. Going for the sweet color scheme of pink and whites the outfit is sugary sweet and chic all at once."

Ribbon-from a blouse
Stockings-Golden Point
The rose ring-Raluca Botez
Ring-Meli Melo
Shoes-no name

Sock it!


My darlings, how you all have been?  Didn't posted an outfit for almost a week I think, but now it's time.
Saturday went to a stand-up comedy show, those of you who are from Romania should check out The Aristocrats who are doing shows every Saturday on Club Prometheus, and this is what I wore. I know everybody wears otk socks these days, but I love them and I'm wearing them from 2 years now and people here still stare like they saw some kind a freak. People aren't that open-minded about fashion in my country. Well they aren't open-minded, period. But I'm used to this, although I admit I wish things were different.
What I like about this outfit are of course the accesories, I'm talking about my handmade belt from Burp and my birdie necklace from Buy Hand . Aren't they cute? Besides the socks and accesories I wear a simple white sweater with nice details on the shoulders, a black pencil skirt with ruffles, black tights, black shoes with low heels. This gray jacket is from when I was 17, that means is 10 years old, but it still looks so darn fine! The floral scarf I bought from Accesorize on sales and it's my favorite scarf.

On another note, I want to start a diet. Anybody from Bucharest who knows a good nutritionist or anybody who knows a great diet (although I prefer to see a doctor before I start a diet)?

Thanks for reading, you guys!

Skirt, shoes, jacket-no name
Otk socks-Golden Point
Necklace-Buy Hand

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