Your daily dose of bohemian vibe
Showing posts with label lace dress. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lace dress. Show all posts

White lace makes an outfit more chic


Dress/Rochie - Mini Prix
Shoes/Pantofi - Stradivarius
Jacket/Geacă - SheInside
Earrings/Cercei - Crown Fashion
Belt/Curea - handmade

EN: Hello, sugar pies! It's almost the end of the week and I'm hoping for a weekend full of activities if the weather will allow it. The past weekend was rainy and windy and I was stuck indoors. I'm still hoping for warmer days of spring and for the trees to be green and in bloom. 
As for the outfit, this time I went with the classic black and white combo. I wore a lace dress, is been a while since I wore anything lace, and chose to accessorize it with only black pieces. I think it gives more chicness to the outfit. I'm in love with the retro shoes, that by the way were a bargain. Bought them on sales at Stradivarius for only 9 euros. 
Wish a lovely weekend!

That perfect dress for New Year's Eve


EN: New Year's Eve is just around the corner. I guess many of you are wondering what to wear that night, I know I do. I always like to wear a fancy dress to celebrate the night between years. In this post I have a proposal for you: this navy beauty made from velvet and lace. Isn't it gorgeous? I've discovered it on the Miss Grey site and just loved it! Is classy, exquisite, but with a tad of sexiness, just how I like it. What do you think about it? Did you choose your outfit for New Years Eve?

RO: Revelionul e foarte aproape. Bănuiesc că multe dintre voi vă întrebați ce să purtați în acea seară, eu sigur mă gândesc la asta. Îmi place să port rochii șic în noaptea dintre ani. În postarea de azi am o propunere pentru voi: această rochie bleumarin creată din catifea și dantelă. E superbă, nu? Eu am descoperit-o pe site-ul Miss Grey și m-am îndrăgostit de ea! Este elegantă, rafinată, dar în același timp și sexi, exact cum îmi place mie. Cum vi se pare? Voi v-ați ales ținuta pentru Anul Nou?

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