Your daily dose of bohemian vibe

Landybridal - your choice for the wedding dress of your dreams


When everyone is thinking about Christmas, I'm thinking about weddings. This year many people I know got married and although I don't plan on doing it any time soon or ever, I love checking out brides dresses.  I do love a good dress and I admire wedding dresses. I think some of them are really stunning. I must admit classic dresses just don't do it for me, I'm more for unique wedding dresses. I saw a few that caught my eye on Landybridal I especially love vintage lace wedding dresses. They are a bit hard to find than the normal, classic dresses, but they're perfect. You'll look ravishing wearing one of these dresses. They can give you that Hollywood old charm.
So if you are getting married somewhere in the near future, you can check out these wedding dresses 2016. You don't need a big budget to look chic and beautiful. Especially in this period when you have a lot of discounts on your favorite products.

Be the perfect bride with Cocomelody


The wedding day is one of the most important day in the life of a couple. Both lovers want to have a special day, like no other, although we all know women are bridezillas. The most important thing for us, women, is the wedding dress. We put a lot of effort and time in finding the perfect dressCocomelody gives us many options to choose from. There are plenty of models that will make you say WOW, trust me! I'm here to make your choice even more difficult. :)) I'm sure you appreciate that. :) So if you are getting married somewhere in the near future, you can check out these 2016 wedding dresses. They're charming, very chic and special. The lovely details make them unique, just like the way you will feel when your destiny will be tide with your loved one. I made a selection of dresses that are not common, because I like things that are different, that can make you stand out. And what better day to stand out than your wedding day?
You can get the perfect dress for your body shape, silhouette, style in the price range you want. 
I know many of you dream of a wedding in summer, on a beautiful beach, hearing the sound of the waves. For that you sure need to have a proper dress. The beach wedding dresses are light, flowy and of course really pretty.
I did some research for you and found these beautiful dresses. Take a look. :)

What to Wear: Holiday parties


Party, party, let's party, girls! This month is full of opportunities to party and I'm sure you are as excited about that as I am. Parties are fun, they are a great opportunity to meet new people and socialize, have a few drinks and interact. The first thought in your mind when you think of an upcoming party is what you will wear. Every taste will be satisfied with the party dresses from Jecicadress
Choose the one right for your personality, body shape and more important, the one that applies to the dress code of the party. Don’t be afraid to be bold, even if you choose a simple dress you can add a statement accessory for a more out of the ordinary look. Long, graceful dresses are always the perfect choice for a classy event. You can never go wrong with this kind of dresses.
Be a stunner! What makes you a stunner? Confidence, baby, confidence! This is the word that can change everything. Think you are the most beautiful woman in the world and you will be, is that simple! And with the help of a dress we can have this feeling.
See my proposals for you below.

Holiday shopping: Tote bags


What better occasion to make ourselves a gift then Christmas? :) Yes, is wonderful to give presents to our loved ones, but is also pretty amazing to buy things that we enjoy. And yes, dear girls, we enjoy bags, we really enjoy them! Today I have in mind for you the tote bag. If you don't know what a tote bag is, the Wikipedia has the right description for you: "is a large and often unfastened bag with parallel handles that emerge from the sides of its pouch". A tote bag never goes out of style. Is the perfect accessory to take you from work to a night out. Nowadays you can find a wide range of tote bags, even runaway-inspired ones, so is easy to choose the perfect one for your needs. Here you can find some of my favorites.
Either is made from leather or faux-leather, has a fun print or a simple design, oversized or small, this kind of bag remains modern and chic no matter the style or season. You can keep it sleek and stylish all day long. They're a definitely must-have.
These bags are great for carrying around your school & office work, groceries, or other shopping purchases. Tote bags are available in a variety of styles and sizes and can complement any outfit. A necessity and a plus of chicness. 
So tell me, does not this type of bag sounds like something you definitely need to own? I really think so. Add it to your shopping list and have the best Christmas gift. :)
I've made a selection of great bags. Let me know which one tickles your senses.

Descoperă colecția TAKKO primăvară/vară 2016


Fete dragi, mi-a fost dor să vă scriu. Viața a dat năvală peste mine și nu am mai avut timp să mă ocup de nimic. Trebuie să recunosc că nici starea necesară de a posta pe blog nu am avut-o. Însă m-am întors, cu forțe proaspete, zic eu. Azi vreau să vă povestesc despre experiența mea la prezentarea colecției TAKKO primăvară/vară 2016. Am avut o zi pe cinste la Premier Palace Spa Hotel, unde am descoperit colecția printre relaxantele tratamente oferite acolo. Iar astăzi vreau să vă arăt doar câteva dintre produsele care mi-au făcut cu ochiul. Apreciez tare mult colecția pentru versatilitatea ei, include piese ce pot fi purtate în diferite momente ale zilei și la diferite ocazii. Să nu mai spun despre categoria Mărimi mari care mi se pare foarte utilă. 
O parte dintre produse sunt deja în magazine, iar altele vor intra în magazine începând cu luna ianuarie. Așadar vă recomand cu drag colecția și vă urez spor la shopping.

Evening dresses for the perfect holiday party


Girls, girls, is time to talk about dresses once again, especially now that the holidays are just around the corner. We want to look our best, to have all eyes on us when we enter into the room. I have just the right evening dresses for you if you want to stand out. Long, graceful dresses are always the perfect choice for a classy event. You can never go wrong with this kind of dresses. You can choose one that suits your needs, because you can find a large variety of dresses in many colors, shapes, fabrics, models on Jecicadress.com.
You can choose an A-line style, a mermaid gown, an empire or column silhouette. If you are a fan of off-the-shoulder dresses you are lucky, this is the place to look for them, as well as one shoulder, v-neck, strapless, high-neck, straps, scoop, halter dresses and so on. You can also choose the hemline of your liking: a mini dress is perfect for short girls as well as tall girls, a court train brings extra elegance to your look, the asymmetrical style makes your look more modern, the ankle length is appropriate for any occasions, the floor length brings elegance to another level.
Find some of my suggestions below.

Frumusețea se întreține cu Nomasvello!


Fete dragi, vouă vă vine să credeți cât de puțin mai este până la sărbători? Eu nu prea realizez, ce-i drept. Însă știu că tuturor ne place să fim cât mai în formă pentru petrecerile de Crăciun și Revelion. Așa că eu astăzi vin cu câteva recomandări pentru voi, tratamente testate pe propria piele și care au primit ok-ul meu. Am avut ocazia să încerc câteva servicii la Nomasvello, lider mondial în epilare definitivă cu IPL. 

Nomasvello a luat ființă în 2007 în Spania și în 8 ani s-a extins în 16 țări de pe 3 continente: Spania, Italia, Portugalia, Marea Britanie, Elveția, Slovenia, Bulgaria, Polonia, Bosnia, Georgia, Brazilia, Mexic, Venezuela, Croația, Emiratele Arabe și România. În România a apărut în anul 2010 și în 5 ani a deschis deja 20 de centre în București, Constanța, Craiova, Galați, Bacău, 
Cluj, Baia Mare,Timișoara, Brasov, Iasi și Ploiesti.
Nomasvello este cea mai mare rețea de înfrumusețare din lume, cu 1200 de centre pe plan mondial. Este specializată în epilare definitivă și terapii faciale (riduri, linii de expresie, pete solare şi de bătrăneţe, acnee) care utilizează lumina intens pulsată (IPL).

What to Wear: Party dresses

Oh my, the holidays are just around the corner! I'm already excited about Christmas and New Year's Eve. I also can't wait for the parties that are held with these occasions, to get all pampered and classy.  So I was in the search for the perfect dress, and not only that I found one, I found many. Now it will be a hard decision to only pick one. 
Here they are. You tell me which one is your favorite.

Sweater weather


Sweater/Pulover - Only via Kurtmann.ro
Jeans/Blugi - H&M
Shoes/Pantofi - Stradivarius
Bag/Geantă - The Bag Shop

EN: We have a mild autumn. I'm glad that the weather has been kind to me, because everything else hasn't. I feel a constant aching. I yearn for better days, I yearn...for lots of things. I think I should make an anonymous blog where I should write my thoughts. :) I don't think this is the place to express them.

As for the outfit, lately I live in pants, in jeans to be more precise. Jeans and sweaters. Like the pretty one from today's post. The embellishments on this sweater makes it really chic, the side cuts makes it interesting. The sweater season is here and I plan on taking advantage of it.
What do you like to wear most in fall/winter?

Hot trend: Backpacks for women


Yes, we women are crazy about bags. Is a known fact. Besides their functionality, they are the perfect accessory. They can definitely make or break an outfit. We are lucky because we have a wide range of bags to choose from and a vast selection of styles. But if you want to be different this season you can try wearing a backpack. It can be very practical and stylish. Its innovative design will make you want to take it everywhere you go. These backpacks for girls are the new trend right now, successfully replacing the normal bag. You can find them in a variety of styles, colors and fabrics. And what's even more great about backpacks is that they allow you to transport items but keep your hands free whilst out and about.
We've entered the era where backpacks are not only for classrooms, they are for day to day wear. Refresh your look, bring that urban feel to it with the help of a backpack. Is that easy!

The darkest of falls


Pants/Pantaloni - Pull & Bear via Kurtmann.ro
Sweater/Pulover - from grandma

EN: I'm a weird person. It took me a while to accept that, but when I finally did, things got a little easier. Is like I took a breath of fresh air. Although until I will completely know myself it will take some time. People perceive me as a fighter, like a strong person that some times gets over things too easily. But you know what, man, I'm tired of being put in the position of being the strongest, because that means I have to always overcome painful things that happen' in my life. For once, I want to be fragile.
I'm wearing an outfit consisted of dark colors, just like my state of mind. These are the most comfortable pants ever, I can wear them non-stop. They are still available here.
Thanks for being here. See you soon!

What To Wear: Sweater Dresses

Babes, is sweater weather! Yeah, I'm good at rimes. :)) I'm even better at giving advices on what to wear this season. And I have to tell you that sweater dresses are a must. They are so easy to wear and definitely comfy an cozy. You can pick from dozens of styles, colors and shapes, depending on your mood and personality. They bring chicness to any look. 
You have lots of options to choose from on Sammydress. Maybe a black sweater dress, it can be a perfect choice for any time of the day and any occasion: school, going out with friends, catching a movie. There is nothing more pleasant than to be stylish and feel warm in a piece of clothing for fall. Plus size sweater dresses or oversized ones are some of my favorites.

Low cut Off-the-shoulder dress - HERE (12,40$)

You can be comfortable and look sexy at the same time. Is very easy if you choose an off-the-shoulder sweater dress. I have to tell you that this type of dress is my favorite. It can be a perfect choice for a night out in the winter time.

Down the rabbit hole


Dress/Rochie - ZLZ
Jacket/Geacă - SheIn
Shoes/Pantofi - SuperPantofi.ro

EN: I'm going to be short and sweet tonight, just like in real life, of course. :))) I got my cute rabbit print dress and I'm not afraid to flaunt it. Isn't this print adorable? I do think so. That's all for now, folks! Keep close for when I will have less work to do and more time to write you something nice. :)


That classic outfit


Jacket/Geacă - Jollychic
Jeans/Blugi - C&A
Top/Bluză - New Yorker
Bracelet/Brățară - Meli Melo
Earrings/Cercei - from a fair
EN: You just need to wait a little bit for the weekend to be here. Oh, the happiness! :) I had a calm week if you've looked from outside, but from inside there were a lot of turbulence. It seems that it became something normal for me. On one hand, is nice to feel of sorts of things you didn't know you can feel again, it makes your blood flow, but on the other hand, is exhausting and most of these things are painful. I fight them and enjoy them at the same time. Is interesting!
If you can believe it, today's outfit is a classic one. I didn't know I still remember this word. So I'm wearing a pair of jeans, a jacket and a top. Yes, me! And not just any jeans, but some classics (yes, I keep repeating this word). The jeans are from the new C&A collection, The Denim. They have tones of great models to choose from and all kinds of jeans: skinny, straight, flared and so on.
One more thing: have a weekend like no other (I'm talking only about positive things :D)!

REVIEW: Infinite Love - dragostea fără sfârșit pentru parfumuri

Până acum câțiva ani, recunosc că nu eram un fan al parfumurilor. Rareori le foloseam, mă înțelegeam mult mai bine cu loțiunile de corp și gelurile de duș. Asta până când am primit un parfum de care m-am îndrăgostit: Fragonard - Etoile. De atunci am vrut tot mai multe, fiind îndrăgostită în principal de esențele mai speciale. Am încercat destule, de la branduri renumite la parfumuri no name. 
De ceva timp am descoperit parfumurile de la Infinite Love. Este un brand ce comercializează esențe create după parfumuri celebre. Infinite Love este atât online: infinitelove.ro, cât și în câteva centre comerciale din București. Parfumurile lor poartă nume de orașe, iar în descriere găsiți și parfumurile cu care se aseamănă.

Eu mi-am ales 3. Unul bărbătesc și două pentru gagici. :) Milano E14 (Giorgio Armani - Aqua Di Gio Pour Homme), Quebec K169 (Chloe - Love, Chloe) și Sinai K178 (Dolce & Gabbana - Rose The One).

This fall wear the coolest dress


Dress/Rochie - Asos via Kurtmann.ro
Tights, boots/Dresuri, ghete - Tally Weijl via Kurtmann.ro
Jacket/Jachetă - SheIn

EN: Is a new week and I'm planning of enjoying it to the maximum. How, I don't know, but I do. It seems I really need to make some plans. :) Do you have something in mind for this week, besides work I mean? :)
Of course I'm in the mood to wear dresses, like always. I will do it until the weather won't let me, but I have a feeling I will do it then too. I do fancy this cool Asos dress, I really like the cut-out shoulders, they bring that "je ne sais quoi" to this piece. I'm sure it will have its share of wears.
Hope you enjoy the outfit and stay close, because I will post some old looks, some photos I took last spring that didn't had the chances to be featured until now.

What to Wear: coats & jackets for fall/winter

EN: Baby, is cold outside! Really cold if you ask me. All I can think of is cozy clothes to keep me warm this season. Cozy and chic, of course. Those are the two qualities I seek. So I'm searching for the perfect jacket or coat. I don't think it will be such a difficult job with all the proposals we have this fall/winter. A lot of wonderful items we can find on Banggood.com, a site that provides all kind of products, from electronics, computer & networking to jewelry and watches, from sports & outdoors to toys, home & garden and so on. Not to talk about clothes, shoes, bags. So you can find everything on this site, literally everything. :) But today we focus on coats. And below are some of my suggestions. Take in mind that they have really good prices. Not to mention they are must haves this season.
Your favorite?

RO: Vorba melodiei: "Baby, is cold outside!". Foarte frig, dacă mă întrebați pe mine. Mă gândesc doar la haine care să îmi țină de cald, de fapt care să îmi țină de cald și să fie șic. Astea sunt cele două calități pe care le caut. Așa că m-am apucat să caut jacheta sau paltonul care să îmi îndeplinească cerințele. Nu a fost o sarcină prea grea cu toate propunerile pentru sezonul toamnă/iarnă. O grămadă de produse faine găsiți pe Banggood.com, un site care are de toate, de la electronice, computere la bijuterii și ceasuri, de la produse de outdoor la jucării și produse pentru grădină și așa mai departe. Să nu mai vorbesc de haine, încălțăminte și poșete. Dar astăzi ne concentrăm pe jachete. Mai jos găsiți câteva din sugestiile mele, toate piesele la prețuri foarte bune. 
Preferata ta?

Women Red Lapel Coats Black Breasted Pocket Coat

Changes, maxi dresses and boho necklaces


Dress/Rochie - HERE
Necklace/Colier - HERE
EN: It comes a time in your life when you feel the need for a change. Sometimes you have the guts to do it, sometimes not. If you dare to do it, all that matters is not to regret it, even if it didn't turned out like you've wanted, it was an experience that helped you grow as a person. I did that change, I still didn't figured out if it was the right decision, but I'm sure I will discover that eventually.
I did a change in my haircut too, as you can see. Although the photos were taken in a very windy day and my hairdo wasn't the best. I've wore a maxi dress at the beginning of the fall, Maxi dresses are for short girls too, and now I've did it again. You can find really great maxi dresses online, mine is from GCGme and it has the best fabric that falls beautifully on the body and the most intense shade of blue. I so like it! You can find it now at almost half of the initial price right here. More colors are available.
I had just received this boho necklace from Happiness Boutique when I decided to wore the dress and they made a interesting match. For some while I prefer this type of necklaces, more boho-hippie, and this one is just perfect. You can find a great selection on their site.
I leave you with the photos. Have a fun day!

The best fall dresses for 2015

Girlies, is October already, I cannot believe it. The cold weather is here to stay. And as a big fan of dresses this makes me a little sad. The good thing is that are plenty of fall dresses we can wear. If it were up to me I would put a dress on no matter the weather. :)
We can choose cool prints, comfy fabrics, interesting cuts and we can make all sorts of beautiful combos. 
I do think you can find some amazing fall dresses on SheIn. You know I often wear their items and they are one of my favorite online stores. Below you can see my suggestions and if you want to know more about a specific dress just click the link. :)

The cheerleader jacket and the coolest graffiti


Jacket/Jachetă - Alcott via Kurtmann.ro
Top/Maiou - H&M
Jeans/Blugi - SheIn
Shoes/Pantofi - Stradivarius
Earrings/Cercei - Six

EN: Is freaking cold in Bucharest, it feels like winter. Come on, I want some fall first! 
As you might have guessed, this look is from a while ago when the weather was more friendly. This jacket, very similar to those worn by cheerleaders in the US, is very popular for some time now. This is my first acquisition and I'm planning on owning more pieces like this. Do you fancy them? I do think they are versatile and can be worn easily with a dress or skirt and sneakers maybe. I chose a casual combo with a twist: ripped jeans and heels. You can also see another way I wore those jeans in the IT watch and a cool-casual look post.
I do have some other outfits in store, so be prepared to see a few looks this upcoming week.
I will keep it short this time too, because I have a terrible headache. Kisses and have the coolest week!

Find the prom dress of your dreams


My dears, we as girls love to always look our best, to be the center of attention, to have the most beautiful dress in the room. Shopping is in our nature, I'm sure none of you can argue with that. We love to check stores after stores, but also love to shop online. We all know that is easier, we can check more products and all from the comfort of our house. 

And I know now that the school started you think of the prom night, that special night. And prom means searching for the perfect dress.  I have just the right solution for you, the Promtimes.co.uk site. You have a large selection of gorgeous, chic dresses to choose from. I even wish I had my prom to have the opportunity to wear one of their dresses. Is great that you have different colors to choose from, different silhouettes, fabrics, hemlines, necklines, embellishments, back details. I'm sure these prom dresses will steal your heart. I've picked some of my favorites for you, you will definitely like them. Also don't forget there are more than three thousand style for you to admire and make a decision. 

If you are on a budget, you can find prom dresses under 50. I promise you they are as beautiful as a dress can be.
So how do you picture your dream dress? How do you picture the prom night? They must be magical, you can make it magical with your attitude, with the way you feel dressed in that perfect dress.

Wonder Woman is wearing mom jeans


Crop top/Tricou - H&M
Jeans/Blugi - American Apparel
Shoes/Pantofi - Modlily
Earrings/Cercei - random store

EN: I do have a thing for Superhero tops. Now is Wonder Woman, last time was Superman. And it seems I keep pairing them with these mom jeans. :)) They are the go-to item for Superhero tops. :))) And of course, as you might have noticed, I'm wearing a crop top. I'm going nuts with these crop tops!
I will keep it short today, I don't know about sweet, because my apartment needs some good cleaning and it's time to get down to business. Wish me luck, I freaking need it!

McVitie's - biscuitul digestiv englezesc


McVitie’s te provoacă să descoperi biscuitul digestiv Original 
McVitie’s, biscuiţii creaţi în Anglia în anul 1892, provoacă acum românii să descopere gustul primei reţete de biscuiţi digestivi. Conform unui studiu intern realizat de McVitie’s, primii biscuiţi digestivi din lume, în prezent o treime dintre consumatorii din România aleg gustări cu un conţinut ridicat de fibre, proteine şi cereale integrale.
Reţeta McVitie’s - mai bună şi diversificată în timp
McVitie’s au fost produşi pentru prima dată în anul 1892 de Sir Alexander Grant, după mai bine de 50 de ani de experienţă în producerea biscuiţilor. De atunci, reţeta originală a fost permanent îmbunătăţită, s-au redus grăsimile şi zaharurile şi au fost create numeroase sortimente noi. În 1925 au fost realizaţi primii biscuiţi digestivi cu ciocolată, în 1985 a urmat gama McVitie’s HobNobs – biscuiţii cu ovăz, o altă inovaţie McVitie’s, iar în 1987 varianta lor cu ciocolată și lapte.
În prezent, aceşti biscuiţi fără arome artificiale sau coloranţi, produşi din ingrediente atent selecţionate, cu făină de grâu, faina integrală şi bicarbonat de sodiu, bogaţi în fibre (3,6%) şi elemente nutritive sunt cei mai îndrăgiţi biscuiţi englezeşti, aflaţi în topul preferinţelor consumatorilor din peste 100 de ţări. În Marea Britanie, biscuiţii digestivi sunt consumaţi cu ceai, în Suedia sunt savuraţi cu brânză, iar în Italia cu cafea, la micul dejun. Cei mai mulţi însă au descoperit noi posibilităţi de a-i consuma, cum ar fi în cheesecake, budincă sau fursecuri.

The crop shirt and the midi skirt


Shirt/Cămașă - Glow
Skirt/Fustă - Lovelyshoes
Shoes/Pantofi - Modlily
Earrings/Cercei - random store

EN: I have to wake up at 6 a.m tomorrow and I have a super busy day, but I got the feeling I will have another sleepless night. It won't be the first one, in fact if I slept will be a first lately. I'm proud that I can still function normally, but I do need my rest. And I need better days too, these sad days aren't of any help. Don't want them anymore! I will stop, I have to get ready for Webstock.
Guys, I invite you to see a new outfit. It seems this summer I had a passion for crop tops, fall is here and the passion is still going strong. Is shirts time to be too short and the one from today's post really is. I've wore it with a midi skirt and the coolest shoes. Tell me, you fancy it?

Still in the summer mood


Dress, jeans/Rochie, blugi - H&M
Sandals/Sandale - Modcloth
Earring/Cercel - B.A.D Style
Rings/Inele - Six

EN: It's raining cats and dogs, is cold and I'm showing you a summer outfit. That's me, always against the current. :)) I still have some summer outfits in store, so you need to appreciate that I want you to think of summer. :P But stay close, the fall ones will be here soon if the rainy weather allows it.
I have to tell you that on September 22 I've celebrated 5 years of blogging. Is been such an wonderful journey, it definitely had its ups and downs, but all in all, I loved it. I'm not sure how many years from now on I will do it, but I do hope will be many. And I do hope you will still be here and read all my blabbering and admire or criticize my outfits. :)
As for this look, I wore a dress as a top, paired with some skinny jeans and chunky floral heels and that's it. It has a boho vibe. Hope you enjoy it! Have a fantastic week, guys!

Ne vedem la Webstock 2015 pe 2 octombrie!

Măi dragilor, azi vă scriu pentru a vă spune că pe 2 octombrie, adică chiar vinerea asta, are loc Webstock 2015 la JW Marriott Bucharest Grand Hotel. Webstock este cea mai importantă conferință dedicată social media din România. Evenimentul este împărțit în două categorii: conferințe și premii, premii ce vor fi acordate celor mai bune proiecte și campanii în social media din ultimul an.

Eu sunt blogger acreditat pentru al doilea an consecutiv, așa că vă voi ține la curent cu ce se întâmplă acolo pe parcursul zilei, așa că vă aștept să mă urmăriți pe toate canalele de social media: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter.

Sweaters & blazers for fall


Is sweater weather! The rainy season is here, so is blazer weather too. :) We all like to feel cozy, but we must not forget about the chic factor. Cozy doesn't imply the absence of chicness. This fall we can wear elegant blazers, fancy knitted sweaters. We can go wild and wear cool prints, bold colors. 
Don't be afraid to choose new styles, go out of your comfort zone, experiment and you will like it. 
Here are some suggestions. Which one would you pick?

1. HERE, 2. HERE, 3. HERE, 4. HERE

On trend boots this fall

Boots season! Yey, yey! Ok, so now that the fall is here I am more than excited to wear boots. And I have so many models to choose from. Joy for my eyes and for my feet! A big hit this autumn are over the knee boots, they are chic, they are sexy. Chunky heels are also very on trend, I always loved chunky heels because they are comfortable and cool too. Let's not forget about studs, a huge YES to studs that can spice up any outfit.
So, girls, we have many options this season. Let's take advantage of them.
See some of my favorites below.

Octombrie ne întâmpină cu două concerte extraordinare: Joe Satriani și Dan Andrei Aldea

Dragilor, dragilor, e luni și eu îmi fac planuri pentru săptămâna care tocmai a început. Se anunță câteva evenimente importante: Webstock, unde sunt blogger oficial, un concert și câteva întâlniri. Și că tot veni vorba de concerte, vreau să vă anunț că în octombrie vor avea loc două concerte extraordinare: Joe Satriani și Dan Andrei Aldea.
Vă dau mai multe detalii mai jos plus că pregătesc și o surpriză pentru voi. Stați pe aproape, oameni faini!

That bodycon dress


Skirt/Fustă - Zara via kurtmann.ro
Shoes/Pantofi - Pepe Jeans
Necklace/Colier - Estarer
Ring/Inel - handmade from a fair

EN: I admit today is not my best day, but when I saw the photos from this post with that big smile the day began to get a little better. I was thinking there are only two months left until my 32 years anniversary. Not so excited about that, all that crosses my mind is: oh my, only 8 years until 40. :)) I have in mind some major changes, some of them have already been made (if you remember I've talked about that in a previous post), some of them will be soon. I just hope I will find the courage and the determination that I need.
Returning to the outfit. I have a crush, not hidden as you can see, on bodycon dresses. I hadn't wore one in ages and it was about time I do it. The one from today is Zara via kurtmann.ro. I saw it worn by other lovely bloggers in many interesting combo. Now is my turn to show it. Enjoy!
Have a great week, babes!

Get your party on with the perfect mermaid evening dress!


Gosh, I feel like is time for a party! Is been a while since I've attended a cool party, either a fancy one or a more relaxed one. And I'm so in the mood. I'm thinking more of a fancy, chic party. I really want to dress up. I do have in mind some vintage evening dresses, you know I'm a woman who loves a good vintage, if you combine it with something modern, even better. Long, graceful dresses are always the perfect choice for a classy event. You can never go wrong with this kind of dresses. You can choose one that suits your needs, because you can find a large variety of dresses in many colors, shapes, fabrics, models and so on. But I do have to admit I have my eyes on mermaid evening dresses. I love their shape! A mermaid dress is form-fitting at the bodice, and the skirt is designed to resemble a mermaid's tail in silhouette, about mid or lower calf the skirt flares out. How can you not love them!? If you want to know where you can find some, I have to tell you I stumbled upon some gorgeous models on Wishesbridal. I've noticed some two-pieces that are pretty amazing also. Pick from lace, silk, sequins, prints, pleats and more.
Let me show you some lovely gowns that will be perfect for a party or an event.

Backless Long Black Scoop Trumpet Mermaid Prom Dress 

My skirt brings all the boys to the yard


Top/Bluză - Pimkie via Kurtmann.ro
Skirt/Fustă - Pull&Bear
Sandals/Sandale - Steve Madden
Necklace/Colier - Estarer

EN: Is weekend so I have for you a simple, casual outfit, maybe appropriate for a walk if you replace the high heels with some sneakers. I thought I should take advantage of these incredibly hot days we're still having and wear again a mini skirt (did the same in this previous post). At least now when the weather allows it I have to bare my legs, because I will definitely miss it in the next months. What surprises me is the fact that although we are having a heat wave, many people still dress like in autumn, just because is September. Come on, guys!
I'm wearing a jeans skirt and a casual-chic top that it seems I didn't picked right, is has a smaller bust than what I possess. :)) You can see that in the photos too, but let's not go there. :))
Is almost my 5 years blog's anniversary, so I have some surprises in store. Stay close! :)

Mini skirt, big dreams


Top/Bluză - HERE
Skirt/Fustă - New Look
Sandals/Sandale - Milanoo
Earrings/Cercei - vintage
Bag/Geantă - Meli Melo

EN: The clock keeps ticking, time flies again. It flies so fast that I can't tell whether is night or day. I don't want it to fly like that, I want my time back. The years go too fast, I can't keep up with them. Look, is September already, where did the summer went?! Somewhere where I won't be able to recover it. At least I have these outfits to remind me of it, even though it wasn't the best summer, even though is one more summer I didn't enjoyed.
A summer day in which I wore a skirt that is too short. But you know what? I felt great wearing it. And with the white top it was a perfect match, it made such an interesting contrast. I will be wearing them in autumn too in other lovely combos.
I'm listening to the clock again, this time hoping it will bring a new better day.

Find the wedding dress for you on Landybridal


For a person that is not a big fan of weddings I talk about them a lot. :)) Maybe you remember that I've told you on one of my previous posts that I've only attended three weddings in my life, one being my parents wedding. That being said you can only imagine how I adore weddings. :)) But I do have to admit I like the dresses. Oh yes, I like them a lot! So if you are getting married somewhere in the near future, you can check out this 2016 wedding dresses. There are plenty of models that will make you say WOW, trust me! I'm here to make your choice even more difficult. :)) I'm sure you appreciate that. :)
I have to tell you that lace wedding dresses are a big hit right now and you can choose the perfect one for you from lots of proposals. These dresses are really sweet and sexy at the same time.
If you have time to scroll through all the offers Landybridal provides you will find the one for you.
Below are some of my suggestions.

Fall wardrobe: jackets

Dear fall, I'm waiting for you impatiently. I so want to rock my fall wardrobe, I miss layering, is so much fun! But I do have to add some pieces of clothing that are missing for this season. One of them is the jacket. I do own a few, but I always want more. I like to have them in different fabrics, models, colors, so I can combine them with most of my clothes.
We can choose from a lot of on trend items. I personally love biker jackets, bomber jackets, parkas, jackets with cool prints. Cozy up in a pretty jacket and you will feel excellent!
What is great is that we have so many options to chose from. Some of my favorites are listed below. I wouldn't mind if I had them all in my closet.
Let me know which one you like more. :)

1. HERE, 2.HERE, 3.HERE, 4.HERE 

The most orange of them all


Dress/Rochie - HERE
Sneakers/Teniși - Mim
Earrings/Cercei - Mini Prix

EN: It's almost a too quiet night. Or it might be the drowsiness caused by the lack of sleep, or the pouring rain, that makes me feel like this. It has been almost two days since I last slept. My insomnia remembered me and doesn't want to go, but I will make it go! I'm wearing my summer shorts and is the first time in months that I get goose bumps and chills, a clear sign that fall is here. I'm not even sleepy, I just have an overwhelming melancholy. Yes, and a disappointment caused by everything that is happening in my life lately. Stop, this is supposed to be a post about fashion and it has to be! Is far from a personal journal.
Fashion, this is what we talk about. And also about how much orange this outfit has. But it is beautiful! This dress is not the most flattering, but I still like it, God damn it! It will look a lot better on a taller and skinnier person. I just didn't cared about that and wore it anyway. A tip: if you also like it you can find it on sales from 75$ to 17,83$. Wow!
All that is left to say is have the most wonderful weekend!

Pick the right boots and you will rock this fall!


I know in my country it still feels like summer, but trust me, fall is so near, my dears. I bet in many of your countries it already installed. And although I refuse to accept it we have to think about our fall wardrobe. We should concentrate on basics, but not forget to add cool pieces: prints, colors, interesting cuts etc. I can't wait to layer my clothes and make fun combos. Shoes are an important part of our wardrobe, boots especially now the cold season is almost here. They can complete an outfit in a great way, making it look even more spectacular. Either you wear a sporty outfit or a classy one you can find the pair of boots you want by visiting Rosegal. From high heeled boots to flat boots, from pointed toe boots to round toe boots, from white to black, from boots with laces to boots with fringes or rivets, from suede to faux-leather, you can find them all here. You can incorporate them in any type of outfits: either you are wearing a skirt or a dress, pants or a romper.  Boots are not only stylish, but a necessary item in fall/winter. We like to keep our feet warm and cozy and boots will do just that!
You know that feeling when you find the perfect piece at a great price and has a beautiful design and good quality?! You will get that feeling buying a pair from this site. 
You don't have to go with the classical boot, there are so many models out there that you can go and have a blast choosing the most funky, quirky, interesting ones. Quality is very important, because you want something you can wear season after season, design as well, you want something in style that can put you in the spotlight. Well, I have just the right thing for you: this great selection of fashionable boots. Enjoy!

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