Your daily dose of bohemian vibe
Showing posts with label jeans. Show all posts
Showing posts with label jeans. Show all posts

That classic outfit


Jacket/Geacă - Jollychic
Jeans/Blugi - C&A
Top/Bluză - New Yorker
Bracelet/Brățară - Meli Melo
Earrings/Cercei - from a fair
EN: You just need to wait a little bit for the weekend to be here. Oh, the happiness! :) I had a calm week if you've looked from outside, but from inside there were a lot of turbulence. It seems that it became something normal for me. On one hand, is nice to feel of sorts of things you didn't know you can feel again, it makes your blood flow, but on the other hand, is exhausting and most of these things are painful. I fight them and enjoy them at the same time. Is interesting!
If you can believe it, today's outfit is a classic one. I didn't know I still remember this word. So I'm wearing a pair of jeans, a jacket and a top. Yes, me! And not just any jeans, but some classics (yes, I keep repeating this word). The jeans are from the new C&A collection, The Denim. They have tones of great models to choose from and all kinds of jeans: skinny, straight, flared and so on.
One more thing: have a weekend like no other (I'm talking only about positive things :D)!

What to Wear on a cold fall day


It's very clear that the cold autumn is already here. In Bucharest it almost feels like winter, tomorrow we will have 5 degrees Celsius/41F, so the layers and cozy sweaters are here to stay. Today I want to recommend to you some pieces of clothing that will make the cold more bearable. And since the people at www.tidestore.com  have a great Thanksgiving sale: http://www.tidestore.com/h/Thanksgiving-Day-29/ I will show you some pieces from there with discounts up to 85%.

Cozy Knitwear


Chic Jeans

Elegant dresses for special occasions

Bags for Fall

Casual Sunday


EN: I'm finally back with a new post. The past week we had rain every single day and I couldn't take any outfit photos. Let's hope this week will be better, although it doesn't seem so. 
This is my casual Sunday look. I wore the outfit for a walk and visiting my grandparents. The blazer is a recent purchase and it has the most beautiful print. You already know I'm a sucker for florals, so this is the perfect blazer for me. It has a very light fabric and can easily be worn in summer if the temperatures aren't above 35 degrees Celsius.
How is your week? Any exciting plans?

RO: În sfârșit reușesc să postez din nou. Vremea ploiasă de săptămâna trecută nu m-a lăsat deloc să fac poze. Să sperăm că va fi mai bine săptămâna asta, deși nu prea cred.
Asta e ținuta mea casual de duminică. Am purtat-o la o plimbare și la o vizită la bunici. Sacoul e o achiziție recentă. Are cel mai frumos imprimeu. Voi știți deja că sunt înnebunită după imprimeurile florale, așa că nu e nimic surprinzător că am ales încă o piesă cu acest imprimeu. Are un material subțire și merge purtat și vara, asta dacă nu sunt temperaturi de peste 35 de grade. Atunci cel mai bine e să mergi în pielea goală. :))
Cum e săptămâna voastră? Ce planuri interesante aveți?

Blazer/Sacou - Here
T-shirt/Tricou - H&M
Ring, bag/Inel, geantă - Meli Melo
Jeans, shoes/Blugi, pantofi - random stores

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Ride the horsie through galaxies far away!


EN: Ok, I'm in love, I admit it! In love with this top! It's darn perfect! Colorful, comfy, chic, the top has it all! :) I've redeemed it a while ago from Chictopia and it arrived yesterday and I couldn't wait to wear it. So here it is, in my outfit today! And yes, your eyes are fine, I'm indeed wearing jeans. I think is the first time, if I'm not mistaken, on this blog's history that a look with pants appears. First time in almost 2 years and a half. I could almost mark it like a life event. :)))
And I will complain a little more about the weather: still shitty, still raining for a week now. No, and I don't have just old news, I have a new one too: now is very windy also! How is the weather where you live?

RO: Băi, iar m-am indrăgostit, recunosc! M-am îndragostit de bluza asta! E perfectă, domne! Colorată, comodă, călduroasă, șic, le are pe toate! Am luat-o de pe Chictopia în schimbul unor puncte și a ajuns ieri, iar azi imediat am purtat-o. Și da, ochii voștri sunt în regulă, chiar port blugi. Iată că s-a întâmplat minunea! Cred că e prima oară în istoria acestui blog când apare o ținută unde port pantaloni. Prima oară în aproape 2 ani jumătate. Aș putea ușor să îl cataloghez ca un eveniment important din viața mea, dar nu o s-o fac. :))
Și încă mă mai plâng despre vreme: tot de cacao e, tot plouă întruna de o săptămână. Nu am numai vești vechi însă, am și una nouă: acum bate și vântul ca nebunu'! La voi cum e vremea?

Top/Bluză - Chicwish
Jeans & boots/Blugi & botine - random stores
Rings & necklace/Inele & colier - Meli Melo

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