Your daily dose of bohemian vibe
Showing posts with label Pull & Bear. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pull & Bear. Show all posts

The darkest of falls


Pants/Pantaloni - Pull & Bear via Kurtmann.ro
Sweater/Pulover - from grandma

EN: I'm a weird person. It took me a while to accept that, but when I finally did, things got a little easier. Is like I took a breath of fresh air. Although until I will completely know myself it will take some time. People perceive me as a fighter, like a strong person that some times gets over things too easily. But you know what, man, I'm tired of being put in the position of being the strongest, because that means I have to always overcome painful things that happen' in my life. For once, I want to be fragile.
I'm wearing an outfit consisted of dark colors, just like my state of mind. These are the most comfortable pants ever, I can wear them non-stop. They are still available here.
Thanks for being here. See you soon!

My skirt brings all the boys to the yard


Top/Bluză - Pimkie via Kurtmann.ro
Skirt/Fustă - Pull&Bear
Sandals/Sandale - Steve Madden
Necklace/Colier - Estarer

EN: Is weekend so I have for you a simple, casual outfit, maybe appropriate for a walk if you replace the high heels with some sneakers. I thought I should take advantage of these incredibly hot days we're still having and wear again a mini skirt (did the same in this previous post). At least now when the weather allows it I have to bare my legs, because I will definitely miss it in the next months. What surprises me is the fact that although we are having a heat wave, many people still dress like in autumn, just because is September. Come on, guys!
I'm wearing a jeans skirt and a casual-chic top that it seems I didn't picked right, is has a smaller bust than what I possess. :)) You can see that in the photos too, but let's not go there. :))
Is almost my 5 years blog's anniversary, so I have some surprises in store. Stay close! :)

A goodbye to the summer


EN: A goodbye to the summer. What better way to remember summer than to wear the specific ensemble: the swimsuit. For me it wasn't a tumultuous summer, didn't went to the sea or in fact, had a vacation. That is why today's photos, although in a bathing suit, are indoors.
Not that proud of my body, but I have to accept it with flaws and all. Right now it is in a constant transformation. I hope in my next swimsuit photos I will have some six packs to show you. :))) We do have to love our bodies, ladies, right?! Do you love yours? I love imperfection, is what makes us special!
You will be missed, summer!

RO: Un omagiu adus verii, un "la revedere". Și ce altă metodă mai bună de a ne aminti de vară decât purtând ținuta specifică acestui sezon: costumul de baie. Eu nu am avut o vară tumultuoasă, nu am ajuns la mare, de fapt nu am avut vreo vacanță. De aceea și pozele de astăzi, deși în costum de baie, sunt în interior. Costumul este de la Kurtmann, le găsiți (costumele) acum la 60% reducere alături de peste alte 500 de modele de haine, accesorii și încălțăminte.
Colierul face parte din comanda mea de pe Crown Fashion, ați văzut și alte accesorii luate de la ei aici, aici și aici. Îmi place tare mult, e șic și versatil.
Nu mă mândresc cu corpul meu, dar îl accept cu toate defectele. Acum este într-o continuă transformare, așa că sper ca în următoarele mele poze în costum de baie să vă arăt și niște "pătrățele". :)) Totuși trebuie să ne iubim corpurile, dragilor, nu?! Eu iubesc imperfecțiunea, ea ne face speciali! :)
Îți voi simți lipsa, vară!

Swimsuit/Costum de Baie - Pull & Bear via Kurtmann.ro
Necklace/Colier - Crown Fashion
Cardigan/Jerseu - Etic
Hat/Pălărie - random store

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