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Showing posts with label fall. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fall. Show all posts

Pick the right boots and you will rock this fall!


I know in my country it still feels like summer, but trust me, fall is so near, my dears. I bet in many of your countries it already installed. And although I refuse to accept it we have to think about our fall wardrobe. We should concentrate on basics, but not forget to add cool pieces: prints, colors, interesting cuts etc. I can't wait to layer my clothes and make fun combos. Shoes are an important part of our wardrobe, boots especially now the cold season is almost here. They can complete an outfit in a great way, making it look even more spectacular. Either you wear a sporty outfit or a classy one you can find the pair of boots you want by visiting Rosegal. From high heeled boots to flat boots, from pointed toe boots to round toe boots, from white to black, from boots with laces to boots with fringes or rivets, from suede to faux-leather, you can find them all here. You can incorporate them in any type of outfits: either you are wearing a skirt or a dress, pants or a romper.  Boots are not only stylish, but a necessary item in fall/winter. We like to keep our feet warm and cozy and boots will do just that!
You know that feeling when you find the perfect piece at a great price and has a beautiful design and good quality?! You will get that feeling buying a pair from this site. 
You don't have to go with the classical boot, there are so many models out there that you can go and have a blast choosing the most funky, quirky, interesting ones. Quality is very important, because you want something you can wear season after season, design as well, you want something in style that can put you in the spotlight. Well, I have just the right thing for you: this great selection of fashionable boots. Enjoy!

Cozy dresses for the cold seasons


Hello, darlings! Are you having a nice weekend? I hope you do. And to make it even nicer I thought I show you, ladies, a few cheap online dresses that will keep you warm and chic through fall and winter. I'm the kind of girl that likes to wear dresses in any season and I'm happy when I find cozy ones for cold days. I pair them with boots, comfy tights and some cute accessories and I'm ready to go. When you are in a hurry they are the best, because all you need to do is put the dress on and you are good to go. Don't shy away from bright colors, don't go only for black, white or neutrals. Bright colors can definitely lift your mood and make other people perceive you like a happy person.
You can pick your favorite piece from these wholesale women dresses: http://www.tidebuy.com/c/Dresses-100035/.

What to Wear on a cold fall day


It's very clear that the cold autumn is already here. In Bucharest it almost feels like winter, tomorrow we will have 5 degrees Celsius/41F, so the layers and cozy sweaters are here to stay. Today I want to recommend to you some pieces of clothing that will make the cold more bearable. And since the people at www.tidestore.com  have a great Thanksgiving sale: http://www.tidestore.com/h/Thanksgiving-Day-29/ I will show you some pieces from there with discounts up to 85%.

Cozy Knitwear


Chic Jeans

Elegant dresses for special occasions

Bags for Fall

Keeping it classy with burgundy


EN: Just finished my exercises with Mr. Shaun T (yummy guy :))), had a shower and now I'm ready to show you one of the looks from last week. Btw, if you're a fitness aficionado I definitely recommend you to try Focus T25. Is just perfect for your health and body! I'm doing it for a while and made a lot of progress. I just need to stop eating unhealthy snacks from time to time and things will get even better. I don't know why, but lately I've ate a lot of sweets and started drinking Coke now and then. I will stop that and just focus on my exercises and on healthy food. And I will be a lean, mean machine in no time! =)))
Now, let's share some details about the outfit. First of all it was worn at the Rusanda's “Confessions of a Baobab” collection launch last Friday. I have the skirt from March, but I could'n fit in it. Now is large on the waist, but still a bit tight on the hips, I still got the bootie, babe! :)) I'm happy I am able to wear it, because I just love it! I'm a huge fan of leather skirts!
Will leave you with the outfit now. Have a fantastic weekend!

RO: Tocmai mi-am terminat exercițiile cu domnul Shaun T (ce bărbat yummy :))), am făcut un duș, iar acum sunt pregătită să vă arăt o ținută purtată săptămâna trecută. Apropo, dacă sunteți fani ai fitness-ului vă recomand să încercați Focus T25. Este un program perfect pentru trup și sănătate! Eu îl urmez de ceva vreme și am făcut multe progrese. Mai e nevoie doar să mă opresc din mâncatul snacks-urilor nesănătoase și lucrurile vor sta și mai bine. Nu știu de ce, dar de la o vreme am mâncat cam multe dulciuri și am început să beau și Cola din când în când. Chestia asta trebuie să se oprească și să mă întorc la obiceiurile sănătoase. Clar voi deveni, vorba americanului " a lean, mean machine"! =))
Haideți să vă spun și câteva cuvinte despre look-ul de azi. Am purtat ținuta vinerea trecută la evenimentul de lansare al colecției “Confessions of a Baobab” al brandului Rusanda. Fusta o am din martie, dar intram doar cu un picior în ea .:))) Acum îmi este largă în talie, însă încă destul de strâmtă la șolduri și fund. I still got the bootie, babe! :)) Sunt tare fericită că o pot îmbrăca în sfârșit, pentru că îmi place foarte mult. Sunt un fan al fustelor din piele.
Vă las cu ținuta acum. Să aveți un weekend fantastic!

Skirt, shirt/Fustă, cămașă - Choies
Jacket/Jachetă - She Insider
Bag/Geantă - Sammydress
Shoes/Pantofi - Lovelyshoes

You can also find me on Facebook - Twitter Bloglovin' - Pinterest.

Shoes for fall: flats


I don't know about you, but I'm a big fan of flats shoes. They are perfect for a busy day, when you have lots of things you need to do that require long walks. Why they are perfect? They are comfortable, they are chic, easy to mix and match and the best friends for your feet. You can find them in a variety of styles suitable for every taste. Don't be afraid to choose a style out of your comfort zone, you might have a surprise and love it!
Below you can find some cheap flats for this season. For more models visit this link: http://www.tbdress.com/Cheap-Flats-101676/.

Shoes for fall: pumps


Fall is making its presence felt and although we don't want to admit it just yet we will have to let go of our dear sandals and start wearing shoes. We need to be prepared and be sure we have the right shoes for any occasion. One of my choices are the high heel pumps, they are chic, never go out of style and they make your legs long and sexy. 
I have selected for you a variety of cheap pumps that are essential for fall. All can be found here: http://www.tbdress.com/Cheap-Pumps-101675/.

Basic pumps: they come in nude, beige, white, black, brown or grey. You need to have at least one of these colors in your wardrobe, because of their versatility. Easy to wear and mix with other colors.

Bright colored pumps: they spice up any outfit and they are definitely a mood lifter.  On a rainy day wear a colorful shoe and you will feel a lot better.

Printed pumps: they add quirkiness to an outfit and they can make you feel unique. The perfect accessories!

Pumps with appliques: You can wear them on a night out with friends, to a party, a fancy or a casual one. Rhinestones and rivets are a good choice!

Metallic pumps: As the pumps with appliques, the metallic shoes are great for going out. They bring that extra shine that an outfit needs!

Which ones are your favorites?

Fall trend: sweater dresses


 A big trend for this fall and winter also are the sweater dresses. I personally love them! They bring chicness to any look, they are comfortable and they are easy to style. Plus they can keep you warm in a cold fall day. You can choose from a variety of colors and styles, depending on your mood and personality. A black sweater dress can be a perfect choice for any time of the day and any occasion: school, going out with friends, catching a movie. There is nothing more pleasant than to be stylish and feel warm in a piece of clothing for fall. Plus size sweater dresses or oversized ones are some of my favorites.
You can find a wide selection on Tidebuy.com. I'm sure you will find the right sweater dress for you right here: http://www.tidebuy.com/c/Sweater-Dresses-100562/. Do tell which style fits you most!

Find them HERE and HERE.

Find them HERE and HERE.

Find them HERE and HERE.

Find them HERE and HERE.

Same dress, two outfits


EN: Hello there, you pretty ladies! Today I've prepared for you two outfits with the same dress. The first one is casual, preppy, you can wear it on a daily base. The second one is a bit edgy, chic, perfect for going out. The versatility of this dress made these two outfits possible and, of course, can make many more possible. You can find this prettiness here in many prints and colors.

RO: Hei, hei! Azi am pregătit pentru voi două ținute cu aceeași rochie. Prima este casual, preppy, o poți purta lejer în orice zi. A doua este un picuț mai îndrăzneață, șic și perfectă pentru o ieșire în oraș la o "citronadă". :P Versatilitatea acestei rochii a făcut posibile cele două ținute și poate face posibile mult mai multe. O găsiți aici în mai multe culori și imprimeuri. 

Outfit 1:
Dress/Rochie - Ax Paris
Oxfords/Oxforzi - Storets
Bag/Geantă - The Bag Shop
Headband/Bentiță - Meli Melo
Cardigan/Cardigan - no name

Outfit 2: 
Dress/Rochie - Ax Paris
Boots/Botine - Tally Weijl via Kurtmann.ro
Necklace/Colier - Biba Bijoux
Bag/Geantă - The Bag Shop

You can also find me on Facebook - Twitter Bloglovin' - Pinterest.

What to wear: coats and jackets for fall


EN: It's autumn. That means we focus on coats and jackets to keep us warm, but that doesn't mean we can't be stylish too. This fall we can go crazy, because we have a large variety of coats to choose from.

RO: E toamnă. Asta înseamnă că ne concentrăm pe paltoane și jachete ca să ne fie cald și bine, neînsemnând că nu putem fii și stilate. În toamna asta ne putem face de cap, pentru că există o mare varietate de haine din care avem posibilitatea să alegem.

Colorful coats: they're chic and they make you feel good, they lift your spirit on a gloomy day.
Paltoanele colorate: sunt șic și îți induc o stare de bine, mai ales într-o zi noroasă.
Find them here, here, here and here.

Printed coats: plaid, army print, floral, stripes anything goes this autumn.
Paltoanele cu imprimeu: tartan, army, floral, dungi, puteți încerca orice toamna asta.
Find them here, here, here and here.

Short coats: they're easy to wear and can be paired with almost everything.
Hainele scurte: sunt ușor de purtat și le puteți asorta cu aproape orice.
Find them here, here, here and here.

Sporty jackets: wear them on a casual, relaxed day or be bold and pair them with flowy skirts and dress.
Jachete sport: poartă-le la o plimbare într-o zi relaxată sau fii curajoasă și combină-le cu rochii și fuste delicate.
Find them here, here, here and here.

You gotta love coats!
Trebuie să iubești paltoanele!

Find them here, here, here and here.

Now go and enjoy the fall!
Acum du-te și bucură-te de toamnă!
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