Your daily dose of bohemian vibe
Showing posts with label boots. Show all posts
Showing posts with label boots. Show all posts

Pick the right boots and you will rock this fall!


I know in my country it still feels like summer, but trust me, fall is so near, my dears. I bet in many of your countries it already installed. And although I refuse to accept it we have to think about our fall wardrobe. We should concentrate on basics, but not forget to add cool pieces: prints, colors, interesting cuts etc. I can't wait to layer my clothes and make fun combos. Shoes are an important part of our wardrobe, boots especially now the cold season is almost here. They can complete an outfit in a great way, making it look even more spectacular. Either you wear a sporty outfit or a classy one you can find the pair of boots you want by visiting Rosegal. From high heeled boots to flat boots, from pointed toe boots to round toe boots, from white to black, from boots with laces to boots with fringes or rivets, from suede to faux-leather, you can find them all here. You can incorporate them in any type of outfits: either you are wearing a skirt or a dress, pants or a romper.  Boots are not only stylish, but a necessary item in fall/winter. We like to keep our feet warm and cozy and boots will do just that!
You know that feeling when you find the perfect piece at a great price and has a beautiful design and good quality?! You will get that feeling buying a pair from this site. 
You don't have to go with the classical boot, there are so many models out there that you can go and have a blast choosing the most funky, quirky, interesting ones. Quality is very important, because you want something you can wear season after season, design as well, you want something in style that can put you in the spotlight. Well, I have just the right thing for you: this great selection of fashionable boots. Enjoy!

Chic shoes and sweaters for winter


Hello, babes! Let's have a little chit-chat about shoes today. I know we, women, are big fans of shoes. I might say that we are a bit obsessed with them. I might admit that for a big period of time I wasn't head over heels for shoes, I was a more of a jewelry/accessories type of girl, but lately I'm beginning to obsess about shoes too. And since this month is sales month, I got my eyes on these cheap shoes and boots from TBdress: http://www.tbdress.com/Cheap-Shoes-101913/. Discounts here are up to 75%. A great opportunity to get your hands on your favorite shoes. I do have a lot of favorites, but I will just show you some of them. TBdress really is cheap online shoes store for women.
If we are on this subject, sales, I have to tell you that until 27 November you have Thanksgiving Sweater Dealshttp://www.tbdress.com/Topic/Thanksgiving-Day-Sweater-Deals-17-101057/. Sweaters are the perfect pieces of clothing for winter time. Chic and cozy, they are a must-have.
Now let's see some of my suggestions for winter time.

Black Friday Sale on Tidebuy


I love Black Friday! How can I not?! If you love sales you definitely love this day! I'm sure all of you do! All those items that have been waiting quietly in your wishlist, can now belong to you. Between 26th and 30th November you can find lots of goodies at incredibly small prices on Tidebuy.com. You can view Tidebuy Black Friday Sales right here: http://www.tidebuy.com/s/Blackfriday-167/ You won't believe how many items they have in store! Sales apply to clothing, shoes and boots, intimates, wedding dresses, jewelry, beauty products, bedding sets electronics and many more. Is a fantastic opportunity to buy the clothes you want for winter time, to buy that phone you have your eyes on, those cosmetics you need. 
Can't wait to get my hands on some fluffy sweaters, some cozy coats and an amazing pair of boots...or more! :)
What will you buy on Black Friday?

Women shoes for fall


Shoes. We women have a huge obsession for this accessory. And I can understand why, shoes are so fabulous! We can choose from stilettos, pumps, flats, boots, sneakers, sandals and so on. So many options that can make our live wonderful! :) The good thing about fall is that it is a season where we can wear different types of shoes: boots, flats, pumps.
Now I want to show you some examples of cheap shoes (because of course we love women shoes that look amazing and are inexpensive). I will show you some cheap designer shoes also.
You can find these cheap shoes online here: http://www.tbdress.com/Cheap-Shoes-101913/.








EN: Hello, guys! I have so many outfits posts prepared for this week, I just hope I have the time to make them. I will begin with this rock-chic look that I wore last week on a rainy day. Although I usually wear more feminine and girly outfits, I must admit that I feel best in outfits like the one from today. I think they express my personality better.
The dress is so cool, it has some very unusual details! I didn't thought I could pull it off, that it would make me look bigger than I am, but the jacket tones it down a bit and I think I made it work. Don't you think so? How would you wear this dress?
Lately I've attended a lot of interesting events and I can't wait to tell you more about the experiences this week. I will also invite you to a great event. Tip: it involves make-up, hair-styling and nail-art. More soon.

RO: Salutare! Am pregătit atât de multe postări cu ținute săptămâna asta, sper doar să am timp să le fac. Încep cu look-ul pe care l-am purtat într-o zi ploioasă din săptămâna trecută, un look rock-șic. Deși de cele mai multe ori port ținute feminine și jucăușe, trebuie să recunosc că cel mai bine mă simt purtând ținute ca cea de azi. Simt că îmi exprimă personalitatea mai bine.
Rochia e foarte, foarte cool! Are niște detalii foarte neobișnuite. Nu credeam că o să arăt decent cu ea, că mă va face să par mai voluminoasă decât sunt, însă jacheta mai diminuează această impresie și chiar cred că am reușit să îi fac față. :D Nu credeți? Voi cum ați purta-o?
În ultima vreme am luat parte la câteva evenimente foarte interesante despre care d-abia aștept să vă povestesc. De asemenea vă voi invita să luați parte și la un eveniment grozav. Indiciu: implică make-up, hair-styling și nail art. Mai multe în curând.

(click the pink word for the exact link/dați click pe cuvântul roz pentru link-ul exact)
Dress/Rochie - Here
Jacket/Jachetă - Here
Boots/Ghete- Jeffrey Campbell
Ring/Inel - Meli Melo

You can also find me on Facebook - Twitter Bloglovin' - Pinterest.

Thinking of spring...


EN: Hello, pussycats! These warm days of winter made me think of spring and the lovely shoes I can wear then. :) Spring is definitely my favorite season, everything is full of life and color. I think these pairs can make any outfit stand out. Aren't they beautiful?!

RO: Salutare, fete dragi! Zilele astea călduroase de iarnă m-au dus cu gândul la primăvară și la minunații pantofi pe care îi pot purta atunci. Primăvara este, cu siguranță, anotimpul meu preferat, totul este plin de viață și culoare. Cred că perechile de mai jos pot face orice ținută să fie remarcată. Nu-i așa că sunt frumoase?!
Find them here, here, here and here.

But I didn't forgot that is still winter, so it will be better if we wore some fun boots until spring comes.
Dar nu am uitat că e încă iarnă și ar fi mai bine dacă am purta niște ghete interesante până vine primăvara.
Find them here, here, here and here.

And what a pair of shoes mean without a bag to match?
Și ce ar însemna o pereche de pantofi fără o geantă pe măsură?
Find them here, here, here and here.

Find them here, here, here and here.

Rock the socks!


EN: Hello, guys! So the holidays are over and I already miss that time of the year, I think is my favorite one. But now is time to make awesome plans for 2014. I can't wait to see what this year will bring! My most important resolution for this year is not to postpone anymore, I always postpone everything and that is why I never accomplish what I want.
Now let's talk a bit about my outfit. At a first glance you will think is a day to day outfit, maybe suitable for office, but once the coat (find it here) is off you will find a surprise. See the photos to find out what I'm talking about. :)

RO: Salutare! Așadar sărbătorile s-au terminat, iar eu deja le duc lipsa. E perioada mea preferată din an. Dar acum este timpul să îmi fac planuri grozave pentru 2014. D-abia aștept să văd ce îmi va aduce acest an! Cea mai importantă rezoluție a mea ar fi să nu mai amân lucrurile, întotdeauna fac asta și de aceea nu reușesc să îndeplinesc nimic din ce vreau.
Acum haideți să vă spun și câte ceva despre ținută. La o primă privire vă gândiți că e o ținută de zi cu zi, poate chiar potrivită pentru birou, însă din momentul în care paltonul (îl găsiți aici) dispare din peisaj, veți avea o surpriză. Uitați-vă la poze să aflați despre ce vorbesc. :)

Coat/Palton - Here
Socks/Șosete - Here 
Dress, cardigan, bag/Rochie, jerseu, geantă - random stores
Boots/Botine - Tally Weijl


Find these great studded socks here.
Găsiți șosetele aici.

You can also find me on Facebook - Twitter Bloglovin' - Pinterest.

It's time for a wishlist


EN: Hello, darlings! I think is time for a wishlist again. I haven't done one in a while. Wait till you see my Christmas wishlist. :D These days I'm into dress, well, I usually am into dresses, literally and figuratively. And into boots, I haven't found the perfect pair yet...ohh, and bags. :) So you will see those listed above in this post.

RO: Salutare, gagici! Cred că e timpul din nou pentru o listă de dorințe. Nu am mai făcut una demult. Stați să o vedeți pe cea de Craciun, care va fi interminabilă!
Zilele astea mi s-a pus pata pe rochii, de fapt de obicei mi se pune pata pe ele, pentru că mai mult asta port. Și pe cizme, ghete, pentru că încă nu mi-am găsit perechea ideală..aa, și pe genți. :) Așa că veți vedea toate astea în postarea de azi.

Those colorful bags are the cutest! And I also love over the knee boots and laced shoes!
Find these goodies at an awesome price here: http://www.tbdress.com/Cheap-Accessories-101912/.

Fancy dresses and casual dresses can be found here: http://www.tbdress.com/Cheap-Womens-Clothing-100506/.

And now is time for the part of this post that will make you say: : "Awww!".
Și acum partea din postare care implică adorabilitate (știu că nu e un cuvânt, dar descrie cam bine ce urmează). :)

Yes, I know I don't have kids, but these were too adorable not to share. Find a lot more on http://www.tbdress.com/Cheap-Kids-102380/.
Da, știu că nu am copii, dar hăinuțele erau prea adorabile pentru a nu vi le arăta și vouă. Găsiți mult mai multe pe http://www.tbdress.com/Cheap-Kids-102380/.
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