Your daily dose of bohemian vibe
Showing posts with label white dress. Show all posts
Showing posts with label white dress. Show all posts

Reinventing the suit


Suit dress/Rochie sacou - HERE
Skirt/Fustă - Front Row Shop
Shoes/Pantofi - Stradivarius
Bag, necklace/Geantă, colier - Meli Melo
Watch/Ceas - random store

EN: The suit dress is very in trend right now. Although I'm not a trend follower, when I love an item I do wear it. I think the suit dress brings more chicness and at the same time sexiness to a look. It can make you more confident and can be easily dressed up or down: perfect for office or a business meeting, but also perfect for a casual day when wore with sneakers. I could also definitely wore the one from today without the skirt if I went clubbing. For day time, not so appropriate without the skirt, because is a bit short. 
I have a busy day, so unfortunately I have to keep it short. Don't forget today is the last day when you can vote for La Bohème as Best Fashion Blog at Digital Divas. The link for the voting is this one: http://www.expremio.com/digitaldivas/. Instead of La Bohème they wrote La Boh, that is me, so just check that box and click the "Vote" button. Thank you!

The girly girl with tons of pigeons


EN: My grandfather loves birds. As long as I know him he had birds: pigeons, canaries, goldfinches, budgerigars. His house was a bird sanctuary. I wasn't a big fan of them, I liked them, but was afraid of them. I must admit I still am a bit. With time my liking for pigeons became more of an aversion towards them. Good thing he doesn't have pigeons anymore. Now every time I see a bunch of pigeons I move away fast. :))) Not this time, as you will see in some of the photos below. I do think they smelled my fear though. :))
Do you love or own birds or any other animal or pet?

The outfit this time is more girly than usual. Every time I wear this kind of outfits my inner child surfaces, I don't know why, maybe because these outfits are pure, delicate just like a kid.
Dyed my hair in mint, but because it was rather orange than blond, the color didn't came out like it supposed to. You can read my article about my favorite hair dye, Pravana, here.
Which version of the outfit you like more: the one with the belt or the one without the belt?

RO: Bunicul meu iubește păsările. De când îl știu eu a avut păsări: porumbei, canari, sticleți, peruși. Casa sa era un sanctuar al păsărilor. Eu nu eram un mare fan al acestora, le plăceam, dar mi-era teamă de ele. Trebuie să recunosc că și acum îmi e. Cu timpul am căpătat mai mult o aversiune față de porumbei. E bine că nu mai are porumbei! :) Acum de fiecare dată când văd un grup de porumbei măresc pasul. :)) Asta până de curând, când m-am aventurat în mijlocul lor. Vedeți în pozele de mai jos. Totuși cred că mi-au mirosit frica. :))
Voi iubiți sau aveți păsări sau animale?

Ținuta e mai feminină decât de obicei. De fiecare dată când port genul ăsta de ținute copilul din mine iese la suprafață, nu știu de ce, poate pentru că ținutele astea sunt mai pure, delicate..ca un copil.
Mi-am vopsit părul în nuanța mentă, dar pentru că el devenise mai mult portocaliu decât blond, culoarea nu a ieșit cum trebuia. Puteți citi articolul meu despre vopseaua mea preferată, Pravana, aici.
Care versiune a ținutei vă face mai mult cu ochiul: cea în care port curea sau cea fără?

Dress/Rochie - random store
Sandals/Sandale - She Likes
Brooches/Broșe - Maia Grozăvescu, BURP

This is my attempt of being delicate around pigeons. :)))
Asta-i încercarea mea de a fi delicată când sunt porumbei în preajmă. :))

Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

The calm before the storm.
Calmul de dinaintea furtunii.
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The white dress at Extravaganza Fashion Fair


EN: A while ago I was invited by the lovely girls from Arta nu mușcă at the Extravaganza Fashion Fair. Before the fair the bloggers were asked to choose a creation from Beliv that they would wear at the event. My choice was this beautiful, hand painted white dress. I felt wonderful wearing it!
Thanks for the invitation, Criss! And here are some photos from the fair. :) Enjoy!

RO: Acum ceva vreme am fost invitată de fetele de la Arta nu mușcă la Extravaganza Fashion Fair, însă înainte să participăm la târg noi, bloggerițele, a trebuit să ne alegem o ținută creată de Beliv, ținută cu care vom apărea la târg. Alegerea mea a fost o rochie albă, pictată manual. M-am simțit grozav purtând-o!
Mulțumesc pentru invitație, Criss!
Iată și câteva poze de la târg. :)

With Irina.

With all the bloggers and Emilia from Beliv. :D

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