Your daily dose of bohemian vibe
Showing posts with label giveaway. Show all posts
Showing posts with label giveaway. Show all posts

Join the Sherry London giveaway


Hello, lovely ladies! This post today will bring you joy, because I want to announce that the people at Sherry London are organizing a giveaway. You can win this sexyeye-catching black cocktail dress, one shoulder, sleeveless, short, and made of Chiffon. The rules to enter are pretty simple: you have to visit them on Facebook, Google +, follow them on Pinterest. For extra entries you can tweet, refer friends or write a blog post via Gleam Competition. Darlings, join the giveaway here: http://www.sherrylondon.co.uk/black-cocktail-party-dress-giveaway-ezp-102.html.

GIVEAWAY: Win a 50$ shopping spree at WalkTrendy.com!


Hello, gals! One giveaway after another here on the blog. :D Today I have another surprise for you: a 50$ shopping spree at walktrendy.com. I'm crazy about the items on their online store, they're just perfect for spring. Even if you don't enter the giveaway you have to check out their site, you will love it. 

If you want to enter the giveaway, just follow the steps on the Rafflecopter form (only the entries there are counted).

1. Register on www.walktrendy.com.
2. Leave your e-mail address, the one you've registered with.
3. Like La Bohème on Facebook.
4. Follow my blog via GFC (the "Join this site" box on the side bar).

Public share the giveaway on Facebook (you can do this once per day).
Follow La Bohème via Instagram here.

The giveaway is open to Romanian and international readers and it will end on 5th May. Good luck!

GIVEAWAY: Win with Sheinside.com!



Hello sweeties, spring is here and Sheinside wants to thank my readers for their support, so they are sponsoring a giveaway for your spring closet..
You will have a chance to win one item from this link: http://goo.gl/DSquL1.
Can't wait ? You can also get special discounts on these six items , click HERE to check.

 All you need to do (mandatory steps) :
1) Register on Sheinside. (Click the following link to register on sheinside.com: http://goo.gl/We1LvJ).
2) Like La Bohème on Facebook.
3) Follow my blog via GFC (the "Join this site" box on the side bar).
4) Leave a comment under this post with your email address (same one you used for signing up), your Facebook name and the name that you followed me via GFC.

For an extra chance, share this giveaway public on Facebook and leave me the link in the comment box.

So easy, right?
The giveaway is open to Romanian and international readers, will last for a week and there will be one winner. So you better hurry and try your luck!
I will pick the winner via random.org.

UPDATE: The winner is Nikolina. Congratulations! I will e-mail you shortly.

GIVEAWAY: $80 to shop at Jollychic.com!


EN: Babes, I have a new giveaway for you. I'm sure you'll like it! You can win a $80 voucher to shop at Jollychic.com. I just got my order from them and I love the items. You will see a part of them in my next post. Until then I invite you to join the giveaway. Below you can see some of my favorites for spring.

RO: Fete cucuiete, am un nou concurs pentru voi. Sunt sigură că vă va plăcea! Puteți câștiga un voucher de $80 pentru cumpărături pe Jollychic.com. Eu tocmai mi-am primit comanda de la ei și îmi plac foarte mult produsele primite. Veți vedea o parte dintre ele în următoarea postare. Până atunci vă invit să vă înscrieți la concurs. Mai jos vedeți și câteva dintre produsele mele preferate pentru primăvară.

Enter the form below to join the giveaway. The first 4 rules are mandatory. 
The giveaway is open INTERNATIONALLY from March 21 to April 5.
Completați formularul de mai jos pentru a fi înscriși în concurs. Primele 4 cerințe sunt obligatorii. 
Concursul este deschis internațional între 21 martie și 5 aprilie.
a Rafflecopter giveaway

GIVEAWAY: Win two gift cards with Choies.com!


EN: Hello, sweetie pies! Is that time again: the GIVEAWAY time! This time I have two great prizes for you: a $30 and a $20 gift cards to shop at Choies.com. The rules are easy, as always. You just need to complete the steps from the Rafflecopter form.
Below you can see some of my favorite items under $30.

RO: Seara bună, dragilor! A venit momentul vostru preferat, momentul pentru un CONCURS! De data asta am două premii pentru voi: $30 și $20 pentru cumpărături pe Choies.com. Regulile sunt simple, ca de obicei. Trebuie doar să completați pașii din formularul Rafflecopter.
Mai jos vedeți câteva din lucrurile mele preferate sub $30.

Enter the form below to join the giveaway. The first 4 rules are mandatory. 
The giveaway is open INTERNATIONALLY from February 17 to March 1st.
Completați formularul de mai jos pentru a fi înscriși în concurs. Primele 4 cerințe sunt obligatorii. 
Concursul este deschis internațional începând cu 17 februarie până la 1 martie.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

GIVEAWAY: $50 to shop at SheInside.com!


EN: Hello, guys! I have a lovely surprise for you, a giveaway sponsored by SheInside where you can win a $50 voucher to shop at their site. I love their items and I frequently wore them in my posts (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13). Below you can see some of my favorite pieces from the site, each of them under $50. Believe me, you can pick from hundreds of items under $50.

RO: Salutare! Am o surpriză drăguță pentru voi astăzi: un concurs sponsorizat de SheInside la care puteți câștiga un voucher de cumpărături de $50. Mie îmi plac foarte mult produsele lor și le-am purtat în multe dintre postările mele (12345678910111213). În imaginile de mai jos găsiți piesele mele preferate de pe site, fiecare dintre ele fiind sub $50. Credeți-mă, aveți de unde alege, există sute de produse sub $50.

Enter the form below to join the giveaway. The first 4 rules are mandatory. 
The giveaway is open INTERNATIONALLY from January 9 to January 25.
Completați formularul de mai jos pentru a fi înscriși în concurs. Primele 4 cerințe sunt obligatorii. 
Concursul este deschis internațional de la 9 ianuarie la 25 ianuarie.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

GIVEAWAY: $100 to shop at Jollychic.com!


EN: Hello, my dears! It's been a long time since I haven't organize a giveaway. The holidays are a perfect moment to do it. The price is $100 to shop at Jollychic.com. You can choose from a large variety of items on their site. Below are a few of my favorites.

RO: Bine v-am găsit, dragilor! A trecut ceva vreme de când nu am mai organizat un concurs, iar perioada sărbătorilor e un moment propice pentru a o face. Premiul este $100 pentru cumpărături pe Jollychic.com. Puteți alege dintr-o mare varietate de piese de pe site-ul lor. Mai jos vedeți preferatele mele.

Enter the form below to join the giveaway. The first 4 rules are mandatory. 
The giveaway is open INTERNATIONALLY from December 20 to January 4.
Completați formularul de mai jos pentru a fi înscriși în concurs. Primele 4 cerințe sunt obligatorii. 
Concursul este deschis internațional între 20 decembrie și 4 ianuarie.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Dior, not war!/Giveaway


EN: Do you like wearing logos of brands on your clothes? I'm not a big fan of that, but I can be one when the logos become fun! Like the ones from the F*UCK FASHION collection from Ruvix. When Cartier becomes Cuntier, when Jean Paul Gaultier becomes Jean Paul Gangstier, when YSL becomes LSD, then I can wear logos. 
From the collection I've choose this "Dior, not war" tee and decided to create a rather bold look. Paired with my new retro shorts and new cool jacket, the awesome JC boots and some big, statement rings and I was ready to go. You can find the shorts here and the jacket here.

RO: Vă place să purtați logourile brandurilor pe haine? Eu nu sunt un fan prea mare al acestei practici, dar pot deveni unul când logourile devin amuzante! Ca cele din colecția F*UCK FASHION de la Ruvix. Când Cartier devine Cuntier, când Jean Paul Gaultier devine Jean Paul Gangstier, când YSL devine LSD, ei bine atunci pot purta logouri.
Din această colecție am ales tricoul "Dior, not war" și am decis să creez o ținută mai îndrăzneață. L-am purtat cu noii mei pantaloni scurți retro și noua mea jachetă, cu botinele JC și cu niște inele statement. Pantalonii îi găsiți aici, iar jacheta aici.
Iar voi, dragilor, aveți șansa să câștigați orice tricou din colecția F*UCK FASHION dacă respectați câteva reguli simple:
1. Like paginilor de Facebook Ruvix și La Bohème.
2. Dă share pe Facebook acestei postări.
3. Lasă un comentariu cu tricoul pe care vrei să îl câștigi, numele de Facebook, link-ul către share și o adresă de e-mail.

Concursul se încheie pe 12 noiembrie, iar câștigătorul va fi desemnat în termen de 3 zile. Succes!

Câștigătoarea concursului este Ale. Felicitări, draga mea! Te voi contacta pentru a afla cum intri în posesia premiului.

T-shirt/Tricou - Ruvix
Shorts/Pantaloni scurți - Mango via kurtmann.ro
Jacket/Jachetă - SheInside
Rings/Inele - Meli Melo, Accessorize
Boots/Botine - Jeffrey Campbell 



In my latest post you saw me wearing a watch and a necklace from I Like Paper, both made of paper and tearproof and waterresistant TYVEK. Today I have a surprise for you, you too can own a necklace and watch from this awesome site just by joining my giveaway. I'm in love with these accessories! They're one of a kind and very chic! The giveaway is international.

Below you can see the prize.

Here are the rules to enter:
1. Like I Like Paper and La Bohème on Facebook.
2. Follow La Bohème via GFC ("Join this site" button on the right column).
3. Share the giveaway image.
4. Leave a comment with your Facebook and GFC username, the link for the share and an e-mail address.

Optional (leave a separate comment for every entry):
Visit the I Like Paper site and leave a comment with your favorite accessory.
Follow this blog via Bloglovin'.
Follow this blog via Pinterest.
Follow this blog via Twitter.

The giveaway ends on October 15th and is open internationally. The winner will be announced in maximum 3 days after the competition ends. Good luck!

The winner is Madalina Antonescu! Congrats, my dear! I will e-mail you shortly with the details.

These are some of my favorite items from the site:

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