Your daily dose of bohemian vibe
Showing posts with label Terranova. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Terranova. Show all posts

"Meow" is the word of the day!


EN: Hello, sweeties! Yeah, I still can't let go of summer! :)) So I'm here with you with another summer outfit, the one I wore almost two weeks ago at the Takko fashion event (you can read about it here). It was an extremely windy day, my hair was all over the place, I could barely made a few normal photos, as you will see.
The pretty green skirt was a real bargain, I bought it on sales with just 2,5 euros and I love that is so versatile! I already wore it in many combos. The top is a very old one, I think I have it for more than 6-7 years, but I wore it just a few times.
I will just leave you with the photos, because I'm in a bit of a hurry.
Kisses, my darlings! :)

RO: Hei, hei! :) Da, tot nu pot renunța la vară! :D Așa că iată o nouă ținută văratică purtată acum aproximativ 2 săptămâni la evenimentul Takko (citiți despre el aici). A fost o zi cu un vânt îngrozitor, clar eram îmbrăcată prea subțire pentru temperaturile de afară. D-abia am putut scoate câteva poze mai normale, după cum veți vedea.
Simpatica fustă verde am cumpărat-o doar cu 10 lei de la reduceri, îmi place mult pentru că e versatilă, deja am purtat-o în nenumărate combinații. Bluza e super veche, asta în termeni de ani, vreo 6-7, dar în condiție foarte bună, pentru că am purtat-o doar de cîteva ori.
Vă las, fete dragi, mă cam grăbesc astăzi.
Vă pup! :)

Skirt/Fustă - Glow
Top/Bluză - Terranova
Sandals/Sandale - Zara
Head accessory/Accesoriu de păr - Mini Prix
Necklace/Colier - Meli Melo
Earrings/Cercei - Six
Rings/Inele - H&M, Six

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Meet my earrings 7


EN: Like I've told you in my previous post about my earrings collection, Meet my earrings 6, I still have lots of earrings to show you...meaning that now you're enjoying part 7. :D

RO: Dupa cum va spuneam in cea mai recenta postare despre colectia mea de cercei, Meet my earrings 6, inca mai am multe perechi de cercei pe care sa vi le arat...asta insemnand ca va veti bucura de partea cu numarul 7 acum. :D

1. Ribbons - gift,  2. Ears - Punct G, 3&4. - Bohemian Sin

All sets are from Terranova.


Meet my earrings 5


I know, I know, I didn't posted an outfit in ages...I promise I will do that in my next post, scout's word! ;)
Now I will continue with my earrings collection, yeah that huge earrings collection I was talking about on my previous posts( Meet my earrings 1, 2, 3, 4)..and yeah, those earrings that I haven't worn for half an year!

P.S: When I will reach 500 "likes" on my facebook page I will do another giveaway! So feel free to "like" me, you guys!

1. Tools - Forever Young, 2. Stork and baby - Tricks Box, 3. Bones - I forgot the name of the creator, 4. Leather and Wire - BWE

1,2,3 - random stores, 4. Grey Buttons - Terranova

1. "Pearls" - Accessorize, 2. Dolls - Forever Young, 3. Blue buttons - gift, 4. Black semi-circles - random store


Meet my earrings 4


You guess it right: it's earrings time..again! Part four is here for you, baby!! ;)

                            1. Little flowers-Terranova, 2. Silver feathers-Meli Melo,
                      3. Rio Grande-handmade from a fair,  4.Fake earrings-Ribbonline

 1. Hippie-gift from my brother, 2. Small blue roses-Meli Melo, 3. Glam- random store, 4. Rusty- from a fair

 1. Blue buttons-Terranova, 2. Stripes-random store, 3. Piglets-handmade by a friend, 4. Rods:)-Forever Young

Meet my necklaces 4


I promise this is the last part of my necklaces collection! Hope you enjoyed seeing my "beauties" until now: Meet my necklace 1, Meet my necklaces 2 and Meet my necklaces 3.

So tell me what is your favorite from this list?

1. Bow-gift from Angie, 2. Matrioska-Meli Melo, 3. Pepper-Biba Bijoux

1. The blue one-from a fair, 2.Skeletons-a gift, 3. Pink-Terranova

1. Wood beads-from a fair, 2. White beads-Terranova 
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