Your daily dose of bohemian vibe
Showing posts with label I like paper. Show all posts
Showing posts with label I like paper. Show all posts

Sporty-chic and some thoughts about life


Shirt/Cămașă - Bershka via Kurtmann.ro
Skirt/Fustă - Esmara
Sandals/Sandale - Foymall
Watch/Ceas - I Like Paper
Sunglasses/Ochelari de soare - Meli Melo

EN: Do you ever feel trapped on your daily routine and forget how to live, I mean really live?! I am in this situation for a while and I'm looking for a way out. I feel like I am in vicious circle and I'm in a fight to stop it. I do think we often forget what is important in life and we focus too much on our job, on a project, etc, and we don't take in consideration the small things that makes us happy. We often think success is equal with happiness, but most of the times we sacrificed so much in our way to success that when we finally achieve it we no longer feel content. And after we reached a goal we want more and more and more. How about being happy when we spend time with the family, with our friends or when we are taking a walk, how about we enjoy the coffee in the morning while admiring the view, how about that, guys, how about cherishing those moments? I dare you for a while to forget about everything except what makes you happy, focus on that, find out what really makes you wake up in the morning and make the best of it!

As for the outfit, I'm in the sporty-chic mood right now. The baseball shirt inspired me to create this kind of look. You will see me more often wearing casual clothes with a twist. The watch is pretty awesome because is made of paper and tearproof and waterresistant TYVEK. I have it for while and wore it only once. You can see that outfit here. Let me know your thoughts in the comment section below.
Thanks for reading!



In my latest post you saw me wearing a watch and a necklace from I Like Paper, both made of paper and tearproof and waterresistant TYVEK. Today I have a surprise for you, you too can own a necklace and watch from this awesome site just by joining my giveaway. I'm in love with these accessories! They're one of a kind and very chic! The giveaway is international.

Below you can see the prize.

Here are the rules to enter:
1. Like I Like Paper and La Bohème on Facebook.
2. Follow La Bohème via GFC ("Join this site" button on the right column).
3. Share the giveaway image.
4. Leave a comment with your Facebook and GFC username, the link for the share and an e-mail address.

Optional (leave a separate comment for every entry):
Visit the I Like Paper site and leave a comment with your favorite accessory.
Follow this blog via Bloglovin'.
Follow this blog via Pinterest.
Follow this blog via Twitter.

The giveaway ends on October 15th and is open internationally. The winner will be announced in maximum 3 days after the competition ends. Good luck!

The winner is Madalina Antonescu! Congrats, my dear! I will e-mail you shortly with the details.

These are some of my favorite items from the site:

Paper, black & blue


EN: Hi, guys! The weekend is just around the corner, so let's get excited. But before you go out and have fun you must read and see my post :)), so don't hurry just yet.
Wore this number a few days ago. I really wanted to take my new accessories out in the world. :) Can you believe the necklace and watch are made of paper?! Yup, that's right, paper and tearproof and waterresistant TYVEK. Pretty awesome if you ask me! You can find them both on the I Like Paper site. You can choose from hundreds of designs made by well known artists. They not only sell watches and necklaces, they also sale wallets, hats and cases for iPhones and iPads. You can get your hands on a watch and necklace if you follow my blog next week when I have a giveaway planned for you.

RO: Hei, hei! Weekend-ul e tare aproape, așa că putem să țopăim în sus de bucurie deja. Dar înainte ca voi să faceți asta trebuie să citiți și să vedeți postarea mea, abia apoi puteți să vă faceți de cap. :)
Am purtat ținuta asta cu ceva zile în urmă. Am vrut neapărat să scot în lume noile mele accesorii. Vă vine să credeți că ceasul și colierul sunt făcute din hârtie? Da, ați auzit bine, hârtie și TIVEK rezistent la apă și rupturi. Mi se pare grozav conceptul! Le puteți găsi pe site-ul I Like Paper. Aveți sute de modele, create de artiști cunoscuți, din care puteți alege și la prețuri excelente. Și nu găsiți doar ceasuri și coliere, găsiți și portofele, carcase de iPhone și iPad și șepci
Săptămână viitoare să urmăriți blogul, pentru că voi avea un concurs unde veți putea câștiga un ceas și un colier de la ei.

Watch, necklace/Ceas, colier - I Like Paper
Skirt/Fustă - Stradivarius via kurtmann.ro
Shoes/Pantofi - SuperPantofi.ro
Cardigan, top/ Cardigan, maiou - random stores

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