Your daily dose of bohemian vibe
Showing posts with label fuchsia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fuchsia. Show all posts

The blonde is wearing fuchsia


Sandals/Sandale - Bershka via Kurtmann.ro
Top/Maiou - Bershka via Kurtmann.ro
Skirt/Fustă - random store
Bag/Geantă - Meli Melo

EN: Yes, instead of posting more often as I said in my latest post, I'm posting even more rarely. Life has been more hectic than I've expected. Every day I have been on the run, so when I finally got a break today my first thought was to make a post on the blog. I missed doing it! 
Of course I'm going to show you soon some photos from the events I've attended lately and they have been a few. I'm also thinking of doing a video in the near future. In fact, I thought for a while about it, but didn't had the time, nor the patience to learn how to edit a video. But I will! 
About the outfit: is finally a more colorful one. I've noticed that in the last month almost all my outfits included black and not so cheerful colors, like they usually did. A change had to be done so today we're having fuchsia, blue, light pink, white.
The piece of resistance are these cool sandals from Bershka via Kurtmann. That transparent heel is pretty amazing. You agree? And the fact they are comfortable is such a big plus. I could wear them non-stop.
Tell me, which colors you love to wear in summer?

Don't be afraid to rock the colors!


EN: Hello, lovelies! How was your day? Mine was very uneventful. But yesterday was a good day for science, no, no, I'm kidding, was a lovely day for meeting with super cute bloggers (The Lovely Darlings & Blackeyed). And for wearing my new gorgeous sandals. :) Aren't they the prettiest thing? I think they are. You can find them here also in turquoise, black and white.
As always I chose to wear a colorful outfit, I think this kind of outfits really express my personality.
Accessories again all from Meli Melo. I'm developing an obsession with their new collections.

RO: Bună, dragele mele! Cum a fost ziua voastră? A mea a fost lipsită de evenimente. Însă ieri a fost o zi bună pentru știință. Glumesc! A fost o zi bună pentru a mă reîntâlni cu bloggerițe minunate (The Lovely Darlings & Blackeyed)...și pentru a purta noua mea pereche de sandale extraordinare. Vouă vă plac? Le puteți găsi aici disponibile și pe turcoaz, alb și negru.
Ca întotdeauna am ales o ținută colorată, cred că ținutele de felul acesta îmi exprimă cel mai bine personalitatea.
Accesoriile iar sunt toate de la Meli Melo. Întrezăresc începutul unei obsesii pentru noile lor colecții. :))

Dress/Rochie - Atmosphere
Sandals/Sandale - SheLikes
Necklace, bracelets, bag/Lanț, brățări, geantă - Meli Melo

With the girls.
Cu fetele.

And here it is the "flats" version.
Iată și varianta cu balerini.

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