Your daily dose of bohemian vibe
Showing posts with label Christmas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christmas. Show all posts

Christmas in pastels


EN: Merry Christmas, my dears! I hope your holidays were jolly and full of love and happiness! :)
I'm here with you with a Christmassy post. I've selected some photos I've made these days and I hope you will enjoy them. Although this year a very important member of my family passed away we still spent a nice time and were grateful that we have each other.
I'm especially proud of how I've decorated my Christmas tree, trust me, the photos doesn't do it justice.
The weather here is pretty bad, is very cold and some heavy snowing is announced for the upcoming days. So I won't be able to make outfits photos for a while. 
Tell me, what are your plans for New Year's Eve? And what will you wear on the night between years?

RO: Crăciun fericit, dragile mele! Sper că sărbătorile v-au adus multă fericire și momente speciale cu cei iubiți.
Eu am revenit cu o postare "crăciunească". Am selectat câteva fotografii făcute zilele trecute ce sper să vă placă. Deși anul acesta am pierdut un membru al familiei foarte important, am reușit totuși să petrecem un Crăciun frumos și să fim recunoscători că ne avem unul pe celălalt.
Sunt mai ales mândră de cum am împodobit bradul anul ăsta, credeți-mă, pozele de azi nu îi fac dreptate.
Vremea aici a fost destul de rea, e foarte frig și se anunță multă ninsoare în zilele ce urmează, așa că nu voi mai putea face poze cu ținute pentru o perioadă.
Spuneți-mi, ce planuri aveți de Revelion? Și ce veți purta în noaptea dintre ani?

Still in the Christmas spirit


Another Christmassy post.:) This is what I wore going out with my bf the other day, the whole outfit is related to Christmas: reindeers, trees, Santa Claus, snow flakes. Hope you like it!

A big kiss for everyone!

Ho Ho Ho - it is that time of year!


                    Merry Christmas, my dear ones! Hope it is a dreamy one!

And since I promised outfit photos some posts ago I'm keeping my word and delivering! :) The photos are from yesterday! Enjoy them!
Got to leave you now, I'm going to meet with some friends soon.

Lusting for...or just another Christmas wishlist


Christmas is so near, can't believe another year has passed..and it passed so quickly!
And of course Christmas means offering and receiving presents (Ok, you may argue and say that Christmas it's about love, sharing and other things, but you must admit that all of us love to receive presents - and I'm no exception:)). I saw that everybody made a wishlist for Christmas, I will make one too:), but it's not only for Christmas, it's open for all year if it crosses your mind that you want to give me a gift.:)))
So lately I have a big crush for www.storets.com and my list mostly includes their products.

                 Vegan leather sleeve power shoulder shirt - 68 USD

Hermes - Un Jardin Sur Le Nil perfume

Ok, that's about it..or you can add to this list any type of accessories and cosmetics ;)
I'm not demanding, isn't it?

What do you want from Santa this year?

A late "Merry Christmas!"


You know how they say: "Better late then never", so I wish you all, my dear readers, a merry, merry Christmas full of love and understanding. I hope that Santa was generous with you, pls do tell what presents you've received.
If Santa reads this I really want a professional camera next Christmas. I don't mind if it's sooner either.

Although I wasn't on the Christmas spirit at all this year I did what I do on every Christmas Eve: choose the colors in which I want to decorate my Christmas tree and this year it was blue and golden..well, with 4 dark red globes too:) Hope you like it!

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