Your daily dose of bohemian vibe
Showing posts with label 2014. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2014. Show all posts

Christmas in pastels


EN: Merry Christmas, my dears! I hope your holidays were jolly and full of love and happiness! :)
I'm here with you with a Christmassy post. I've selected some photos I've made these days and I hope you will enjoy them. Although this year a very important member of my family passed away we still spent a nice time and were grateful that we have each other.
I'm especially proud of how I've decorated my Christmas tree, trust me, the photos doesn't do it justice.
The weather here is pretty bad, is very cold and some heavy snowing is announced for the upcoming days. So I won't be able to make outfits photos for a while. 
Tell me, what are your plans for New Year's Eve? And what will you wear on the night between years?

RO: Crăciun fericit, dragile mele! Sper că sărbătorile v-au adus multă fericire și momente speciale cu cei iubiți.
Eu am revenit cu o postare "crăciunească". Am selectat câteva fotografii făcute zilele trecute ce sper să vă placă. Deși anul acesta am pierdut un membru al familiei foarte important, am reușit totuși să petrecem un Crăciun frumos și să fim recunoscători că ne avem unul pe celălalt.
Sunt mai ales mândră de cum am împodobit bradul anul ăsta, credeți-mă, pozele de azi nu îi fac dreptate.
Vremea aici a fost destul de rea, e foarte frig și se anunță multă ninsoare în zilele ce urmează, așa că nu voi mai putea face poze cu ținute pentru o perioadă.
Spuneți-mi, ce planuri aveți de Revelion? Și ce veți purta în noaptea dintre ani?

Colecția La Rosa 2014: Linia de verighete Manual/ La Rosa wedding rings 2014


EN: In 2014 La Rosa launches the collection of handmade wedding rings. With a high-class design, unique and special, these wedding rings will fit every taste. Made from 14K or 18K gold, platinum, with diamants or crystals, they are perfection in a ring. Choose your favorite one from a large variety and make your wedding day the best day of your life! I'm sure you will find the right one for you. Will not be easy to pick, because all of them are gorgeous. You can customize the wedding ring to your liking. The engraving is free of charge. Find this classy collection here.
Below you can see some of my favorites. Which one do you like most?

RO: În 2014 La Rosa lansează linia de verighete Manual. Cu un design de înaltă clasă, unice și speciale, aceste verighete pot satisface oricare gusturi. Confecționate din aur de 14K sau 18K, din platină, cu diamante sau cristale, ele reprezintă perfecțiunea într-un inel. Alegeți verigheta preferată dintr-o mare varietate și fă-ți ziua nunții cea mai frumoasă zi din viața ta! Sunt sigură că o vei găsi pe cea potrivită pentru tine, deși trebuie să îți spun că nu va fi ușor, pentru că toate sunt minunate. Poți personaliza verigheta după gustul tău, încât să fie cea ideală pentru tine. Gravura este gratuită. Găsiți această colecție aici. Mai jos vezi câteva dintre preferatele mele. Care îți place cel mai mult?

World Cup Brazil 2014


The World Cup in Brazil is just around the corner, only 16 days left. I guess that many of you are football fans, so today I want to show you several unusual print World Cup T-shirtsSelect your favorite one and cheer for your beloved club, whether you are with your friends on front of the TV or on the stadium. Wearing a t-shirt with a message is more fun!
Here are some examples below (you can find every model in multiple colors).

Look spectacular at your prom!


Prom, prom, prom! Only two months left until the prom for many of you. I'm sure you are wondering what to wear that night, that you want something that will make you look spectacular, but also not very expensive, something chic that will not make you spend all of your money. That is why today I have some proposals of cheap prom dresses for 2014. Some romantic, others more daring, some in bright colors, others in neutral ones, there is one dress for every taste.
Below are my choices. Do you have a favorite one? Did you already choose your dress for the prom?

Be fabulous at your prom!


Is March already, just three more months and many of you will graduate high school or college. I'm sure you now ask yourselves: "What I will wear?"You can opt to find your prom dress online. Is easier, comfortable, the variety of models is very high and the prices are for every pocket. 
I didn't had a prom when I finished high school (so many years ago), maybe that is why I frequently look at sites where this type of dresses are sold. They are enchanting, so I envy those of you who will get to wear a dress like that. A few advices: don't go overboard with the accessories, the simpler, the better, especially if your dress has beaded or sequined details. Go for a light hairstyle, not too fancy, avoiding the hairspray excess, the hair has to breath and to look natural. Choose the dress appropriate for your body type, it doesn't matter if you think a dress is gorgeous, if you think is not right for your body shape, don't buy it. Buy one that is and trust me you will feel a lot better.  
Below are a few of my proposals for your prom dress.

Be fabulous!
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