Your daily dose of bohemian vibe
Showing posts with label pastels. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pastels. Show all posts

Christmas in pastels


EN: Merry Christmas, my dears! I hope your holidays were jolly and full of love and happiness! :)
I'm here with you with a Christmassy post. I've selected some photos I've made these days and I hope you will enjoy them. Although this year a very important member of my family passed away we still spent a nice time and were grateful that we have each other.
I'm especially proud of how I've decorated my Christmas tree, trust me, the photos doesn't do it justice.
The weather here is pretty bad, is very cold and some heavy snowing is announced for the upcoming days. So I won't be able to make outfits photos for a while. 
Tell me, what are your plans for New Year's Eve? And what will you wear on the night between years?

RO: Crăciun fericit, dragile mele! Sper că sărbătorile v-au adus multă fericire și momente speciale cu cei iubiți.
Eu am revenit cu o postare "crăciunească". Am selectat câteva fotografii făcute zilele trecute ce sper să vă placă. Deși anul acesta am pierdut un membru al familiei foarte important, am reușit totuși să petrecem un Crăciun frumos și să fim recunoscători că ne avem unul pe celălalt.
Sunt mai ales mândră de cum am împodobit bradul anul ăsta, credeți-mă, pozele de azi nu îi fac dreptate.
Vremea aici a fost destul de rea, e foarte frig și se anunță multă ninsoare în zilele ce urmează, așa că nu voi mai putea face poze cu ținute pentru o perioadă.
Spuneți-mi, ce planuri aveți de Revelion? Și ce veți purta în noaptea dintre ani?

Be a chic bridesmaid!


An important and indispensable part of a wedding are the bridesmaid dresses. They need to be gorgeous, chic, classy, but they don't have to outshine the bride. You can choose them from different fabrics, colors and models. They can be short, midi or maxi. Just keep them in the same theme as the wedding. A simple dress is more recommended than a sparkly, glittery one. Keep it classy and add some lovely accessories. If the dress is simple you can go for statement jewelry. I never been a bridesmaid, but if I were I would pick one of the dresses below.
You can find many more junior bridesmaid dresses right here: http://www.tbdress.com/Cheap-Junior-Bridesmaid-Dresses-101142.
Don't forget to have fun at the wedding, this is the most important thing!



EN: Babes, I received a challenge on Facebook from my blogger friends, Pepa and Adina, to wear pink. I need to post a look wearing this color and in my turn challenge someone else, one or more people. I don't wear pink that often, to be honest I wear it very rarely. It sure isn't my color, but I like to play with it from time to time. I chose some light shades, I kept it in my comfort zone.
Although this challenge was for the Romanian fashion bloggers, I will like to take things further and focus on my international friends. I would like to nominate Carina from Bad Taste Toast and Ali from The Drawing Mannequin. Hope you will accept the challenge, girls! :)

RO: Dragilor, am fost provocată pe Facebook de către bloggerițele Pepa și Adina să port roz. Este ca o leapșă între bloggeri, the #WearPinkChallenge. Trebuie să postez o ținută cu această culoare și să nominalizez la rândul meu pe altcineva, una sau mai multe persoane. Nu port roz des, ca să fiu cinstită port culoarea asta foarte rar. Clar nu e o culoare ce mă reprezintă, dar îmi place să mă joc cu ea din când în când. Am purtat nuanțe deschise de roz, am păstrat totul în zona mea de confort.
Deși provocarea este adresată bloggerilor români, eu vreau să duc lucrurile mai departe și să includ și bloggerii internaționali. Așa că le provoc pe Carina de la Bad Taste Toast și pe Ali de la The Drawing Mannequin. Sper să îmi accepte provocarea! :)
Acum spuneți-mi, observați ceva diferit la mine?

Blazer/Sacou - Dresslily
T-shirt/Tricou - BURP
Jeans/Blugi - H&M
Bag/Geantă - MochiBeacoup
Shoes/Pantofi - random stores
Sandals/Sandale - SheLikes

I've tried two pairs of shoes, both in shades of pink. Tell me which version you like the most.
Am încercat două perechi de pantofi în nuanțe de roz. Care variantă vă place mai mult?

What to wear: Prom


Not so long ago I was talking you about prom dresses. Guess what? Today I'm doing it again. Why is that, you ask? Well, because I found some gorgeous ones. You remember my advices on how to wear them, right? If not, I will tell you againdon't go overboard with the accessories, the simpler, the better, especially if your dress has beaded or sequined details. Go for a light hairstyle, not too fancy, avoiding the hairspray excess, the hair has to breath and to look natural. Choose the dress appropriate for your body type, it doesn't matter if you think a dress is gorgeous, if you think is not right for your body shape, don't buy it. Buy one that is and trust me you will feel a lot better.  
This season I recommend pastels, gold or silver or bright colors.
Here are the prom dresses 2014.

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