Your daily dose of bohemian vibe
Showing posts with label Chictopia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chictopia. Show all posts

Ride the horsie through galaxies far away!


EN: Ok, I'm in love, I admit it! In love with this top! It's darn perfect! Colorful, comfy, chic, the top has it all! :) I've redeemed it a while ago from Chictopia and it arrived yesterday and I couldn't wait to wear it. So here it is, in my outfit today! And yes, your eyes are fine, I'm indeed wearing jeans. I think is the first time, if I'm not mistaken, on this blog's history that a look with pants appears. First time in almost 2 years and a half. I could almost mark it like a life event. :)))
And I will complain a little more about the weather: still shitty, still raining for a week now. No, and I don't have just old news, I have a new one too: now is very windy also! How is the weather where you live?

RO: Băi, iar m-am indrăgostit, recunosc! M-am îndragostit de bluza asta! E perfectă, domne! Colorată, comodă, călduroasă, șic, le are pe toate! Am luat-o de pe Chictopia în schimbul unor puncte și a ajuns ieri, iar azi imediat am purtat-o. Și da, ochii voștri sunt în regulă, chiar port blugi. Iată că s-a întâmplat minunea! Cred că e prima oară în istoria acestui blog când apare o ținută unde port pantaloni. Prima oară în aproape 2 ani jumătate. Aș putea ușor să îl cataloghez ca un eveniment important din viața mea, dar nu o s-o fac. :))
Și încă mă mai plâng despre vreme: tot de cacao e, tot plouă întruna de o săptămână. Nu am numai vești vechi însă, am și una nouă: acum bate și vântul ca nebunu'! La voi cum e vremea?

Top/Bluză - Chicwish
Jeans & boots/Blugi & botine - random stores
Rings & necklace/Inele & colier - Meli Melo

You can also find me on Facebook - Twitter Bloglovin' - Pinterest.

New in my closet

EN: I wanted to do this post for a week now, but I kept forgetting about it...and now, at 12:30 a.m, I've remembered. :D The best hour to post on the blog (yeah right!).
This being said, let me show my recent purchases/gifts and not so recent ones that you didn't saw on the blog.

RO: De o săptămână tot zic ca fac postarea asta și am uitat întruna, dar acum, la ora 12:30 în noapte, mi-am amintit. :D Cea mai bună oră de postat pe blog (îhîm, sigur!).
Acestea fiind spuse, să purced (ce limbaj drăguț am, nu? :))) în a vă arăta cele mai noi achiziții/daruri și altele nu prea noi, dar care nu au apărut pe blog.

Two beautiful skirts bought from a second hand store, 2 euros both.
Three butterflies hair pins, perfect for spring.
A Swarovski Elements necklace that can make an outfit glamorous.
The necklace that will definitely make you stand out from the crowd. Courtesy of B&W Shop by Andreea Bololoi.

A peplum skirt, a blouse with poppies and a dress with leather details, all made specially for me by Andreea Mertoiu from Sweet Little Thingz. Can't wait for the weather to get better so I can wear them!

This baby arrived today! I've redeemed it from Chictopia. I will make an outfit post tomorrow.

Boots courtesy of Filty. You will see them too soon in an outfit post.

So, what do you think?

New in my closet


EN: I usually don't do "new in" posts, but I guess is nothing wrong doing it from time to time, especially when in Bucharest it has been raining for a week and you don't have any outfit worthy of the blog.:)

RO: De obicei nu fac postari de genul "ce mi-am mai cumparat", dar banuiesc ca nu e nimic gresit sa mai faci una din cand in cand, mai ales atunci cand in Bucuresti ploua de o saptamana si tu nu ai nici o tinuta demna de blog.:)

Gorgeous sky blue color clutch from Mochi Beaucoup, pearl collar redeemed on chictopia.com and lovely pleated dress bought from a random store

Un superb plic de culoarea cerului de la Mochi Beaucoup, un guler perlat de pe chictopia.com si o minunata rochita cu pliuri de la un magazin oarecare.

Summer blazer from a sh store.
Sacou de vara cumparat dintr-un sh.

Geometric top from We Love Couture.
Top geometric de la We Love Couture.

Tweed blazer from a sh store.
Sacou din tweed de la un magazin sh.

And you, my darlings, what did you bought recently?
Si voi, dragele mele, ce v-ati cumparat recent?

Almost forgot..here is a photo from when the sun was a friend to us!
Aproape ca uitam..iata o poza de cand soarele era prieten cu noi!

How it was back then


Browsing chictopia.com I've found, like I've told you on my previous post, some photos of outfits that I've lost from my computer. So today I'm going to show you a couple of them, the ones that are suitable for this snowy, very cold weather that we are having in Romania, particularly in Bucharest.
Looking at these photos I notice that I used to wear pants a lot, now I can't even remember when it was the last time I wore a pair of pants.:)
Ohh..and sorry for the bad photos and everything, but I didn't knew that much about editing back then (1-2, maybe 3 years ago:)))..not that now I know.:P

Revolution is my boyfriend


Remember I've told you a couple of times that I've lost thousands of photos from my computer? That meaning ,besides a lot of personal photos, a lot of outfit photos. My luck was that I've posted on chictopia.com, a fashion site, many of these outfits and now looking back I've found them, although I originally forgot they were uploaded there.
So today I'm showing you one of this "lost" outfits. You already know the blazer, I wear it way too often, the t-shirt has see-thru dots and the writing "Revolution is my boyfriend" (in consent with the protests that are going on now in Romania). Unfortunately I have just two photos from this photoshooting, but I guess they will do.

P.S: If you can't comment on the blog, please e-mail me at boheme.fille@yahoo.com and let me know. Thank you.

Blazer - Vintage
T-shirt - Mango
Leggings - Philippe Matignon
Boots -  random store
Angel wings ring - Alice & Sara
The other rings - Meli Melo

Some new stuff


Meet Georgia! Georgia is a pair of clogs that I've redeemed via Chictopia from Blowfish Shoes. It's so good to have things for free!:) Loving these babies!

Also meet my vintage dress

..and the handmade skirt made by Nora(soon in an outfit post)

 ...my Meli Melo rings and the Forever Young earrings

Well these are some of my rather recent purchases. Hope you like them!

I wanted to remind you that you can follow me on facebook, I'm one "like" away from 300 fans! Thank you, guys!
..and on Twitter too!

I'm everywhere:)


You ask where you can find me lately?! So glad that you are curious:D Well you can see my latest outfits post on these lovely fashion sites.
The first one, Chictopia. This is my newest outfit post, a colorful one for these rainy, cold days we're having here:

The second one, Hypeed . You can see my contributions on the TShirt Alert!
(click the photo to see the outfit and vote if you like)

Also on the Ballet Flats:Where Comfort Reigns Supreme
(click the photo to see the outfit and vote if you like)

...and on Shocking Colorblocking!
 (click the photo to see the outfit and vote if you like)

This is my first outfit on lookbook.nu :
that I also posted on a new community for romanian fashionistas: Diva Hair. You should definitely check it out!

A new outfit coming soon!

Have an awesome day!
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