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Showing posts with label We Love Couture. Show all posts
Showing posts with label We Love Couture. Show all posts

New in my closet


EN: I usually don't do "new in" posts, but I guess is nothing wrong doing it from time to time, especially when in Bucharest it has been raining for a week and you don't have any outfit worthy of the blog.:)

RO: De obicei nu fac postari de genul "ce mi-am mai cumparat", dar banuiesc ca nu e nimic gresit sa mai faci una din cand in cand, mai ales atunci cand in Bucuresti ploua de o saptamana si tu nu ai nici o tinuta demna de blog.:)

Gorgeous sky blue color clutch from Mochi Beaucoup, pearl collar redeemed on chictopia.com and lovely pleated dress bought from a random store

Un superb plic de culoarea cerului de la Mochi Beaucoup, un guler perlat de pe chictopia.com si o minunata rochita cu pliuri de la un magazin oarecare.

Summer blazer from a sh store.
Sacou de vara cumparat dintr-un sh.

Geometric top from We Love Couture.
Top geometric de la We Love Couture.

Tweed blazer from a sh store.
Sacou din tweed de la un magazin sh.

And you, my darlings, what did you bought recently?
Si voi, dragele mele, ce v-ati cumparat recent?

Almost forgot..here is a photo from when the sun was a friend to us!
Aproape ca uitam..iata o poza de cand soarele era prieten cu noi!

We Love Couture - locul de intalnire al designerilor romani/ We Love Couture - the meeting place of all romanian designers


RO: Acum ceva timp am descoperit site-ul www.welovecouture.ro si am fost impresionata sa vad atat de multi designeri romani la un loc, asa ca azi m-am hotarat sa vi-l prezint si voua.
We Love Couture poate fi definit ca spatiul virtual de intalnire a celor mai creative spirite, un loc unde poti gasi cele mai sic haine, pantofi si accesorii si toate in serie limitata sau unicat. Designeri romani renumiti, dar si designeri la inceput de drum, va prezinta creatiile lor originale la preturi foarte bune. Ceea ce este si mai grozav este ca in aceasta perioada ei au si reduceri de la 10% la 60%.

Iata cateva dintre lucrurile care va vor incanta privirea pe We Love Couture si care pe mine m-au cucerit.

EN: Some time ago I've discovered the www.welovecouture.ro website and I was impressed to see so many talented romanian designers in one place, so today I decided that all of you need to find out about it.
We Love Couture can be defined as the virtual meeting space of  all the creative spirits, a place where you can find the chicest clothes, shoes and accessories, all in limited series or unique. Famous romanian designers, but also designers that are at the beginning of their career, introduce you their original creations at very good prices. What is even better is that the We Love Couture items are now reduced between 10% and 60%.

Here are some items that will delight you, I hope as much as they delighted me.

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