Your daily dose of bohemian vibe
Showing posts with label Blowfish. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blowfish. Show all posts

Hippie, geeky, chic?


EN: Hello sweetie pies :)

It's that time again: outfit time! Just like the weeks before, today was incredibly hot for this time of year, so I decided to wear my open shoulders dress from Oasap.com. Its soft fabric made me feel really comfortable. Also wearing two other favorite items: the glasses and the floral clogs.:)

RO: E timpul acela din nou: timpul sa va arat o tinuta! La fel ca saptamanile trecute si azi a fost foarte cald pentru perioada asta a anului asa ca m-am hotarat sa port rochia cu umerii goi de la Oasap.com. Materialul ei fin m-a facut sa ma simt foarte confortabil. Mai port doua dintre lucrurile mele preferate: ochelarii si sabotii.:)

Dress/Rochie - Oasap
Clogs/Saboti - Blowfish
Glasses, & bracelets/Ochelari & bratari- random store
Earring/Cercei - handmade from Vama Veche

...and with sandals
...si cu sandale

Clogs here, clogs there, clogs everywhere


Finally some hot weather, but still rainy..it’s ok like that though because without the rain it will be too hot. And for the first time this year my legs see the sun, feels so good to wear nothing but your skin:P..and also for the first time I'm wearing these great floral clogs from Blowfish Shoes. Have I told you I love them, have I, have I?:)

This is something I wore on Sunday when me and the bf went out. Everyone was staring at my clogs. I also love this tee, it looks like I’m wearing a dress because of the print and the back of it it’s really cute..and can you believe this skirt has more then 7 years and it is still in good shape and up to date!

Hope you like it!


Belt-no name



Some new stuff


Meet Georgia! Georgia is a pair of clogs that I've redeemed via Chictopia from Blowfish Shoes. It's so good to have things for free!:) Loving these babies!

Also meet my vintage dress

..and the handmade skirt made by Nora(soon in an outfit post)

 ...my Meli Melo rings and the Forever Young earrings

Well these are some of my rather recent purchases. Hope you like them!

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