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Showing posts with label overcoats. Show all posts
Showing posts with label overcoats. Show all posts

Christmas sales make online shopping fun!


I can't believe Christmas is almost here! Wow, this year has passed so quickly! I hope I will get into the holiday spirit this year. Shopping for gifts always gets me in that mood. When I find them in sales is even better. For example Dressve has some Christmas sales: http://www.dressve.com/s/christmas-sales on a lot of items: dresses, bags, shoes, tops and outerwears. I got my eyes on some dresses for the holidays, some short, chic ones: http://www.dressve.com/Fashion/Dresses-101703/ and some extra long maxi dresses: http://www.dressve.com/searching/Extra-Long-Maxi-Dresses-For-Tall-Women/ .What do you have on your wishlist for Christmas? My wishlists always contains a lot of items, let's just hope Santa didn't found out that I've been a rather bad girl this year. Shhh!
Talking about winter and stuff, is freezing cold outside and I have not a warm coat. I always have this problem in winter. I think I will pick one from here: http://www.dressve.com/Fashion/Overcoats-101810/, but I'm not sure which one. A little help will be great. What is your favorite?

What to Wear on a cold fall day


It's very clear that the cold autumn is already here. In Bucharest it almost feels like winter, tomorrow we will have 5 degrees Celsius/41F, so the layers and cozy sweaters are here to stay. Today I want to recommend to you some pieces of clothing that will make the cold more bearable. And since the people at www.tidestore.com  have a great Thanksgiving sale: http://www.tidestore.com/h/Thanksgiving-Day-29/ I will show you some pieces from there with discounts up to 85%.

Cozy Knitwear


Chic Jeans

Elegant dresses for special occasions

Bags for Fall
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