Your daily dose of bohemian vibe
Showing posts with label earrings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label earrings. Show all posts

Goodies from Estarer


EN: Before Christmas I've received a package from Estarer that contained some great accessories. Is not the first time I order from them (see these photos) and I must say I'm always happy with their stuff. :) This time my pick was a bracelet, a necklace, a hair accessory, a pair of earrings and two rings. Check them out below.

RO: Înainte de Crăciun am primit un colet cu minunății de la Estarer. Nu e prima dată când comand de la ei (vezi foto) și trebuie să spun că am fost de fiecare dată mulțumită, doar știți cât iubesc eu accesoriile. :)
De data asta am ales o brățară haioasă, un colier simplu, un elastic de păr mai rock, o pereche de cercei șic și două inele care atrag atenția. Le vedeți pe toate în pozele de mai jos.

Accessorize yourself!


EN: When the mailman rings it makes my day! So he did just that a few days ago when I received my package from Estarer.com. Can we all say "awesome accessories"?! :D Yes, we sure can! I got myself four bracelets, a pair of earrings and a ring for just $50. Cheap and chic! Check them out below. And don't forget you can win goodies from Estarer too by joining my giveaway. Only one day left so hurry up!

RO: Când sună curierul îmi face ziua minunată! Şi a făcut chiar asta acum câteva zile când am primit coletul de la Estarer.com. Putem să spunem toţi "accesorii grozave"? :D Cu siguranţă putem! Mi-am luat patru brăţări, o pereche de cercei şi un inel cu doar $50. Şic şi ieftin! Puteţi să le vedeţi mai jos. Şi nu uitaţi că puteţi câştiga şi voi accesorii de la Estarer dacă vă înscrieţi la concursul meu. A mai rămas o zi aşa că grăbiţi-vă!

Buy earrings here and bracelets here and here.

Buy owl bracelet here, flower bracelet here and cross ring here.

You can also find me on Facebook - Twitter Bloglovin' - Pinterest.

Oldies...but goldies?


EN: From time to time I like to look at old photos..see how I've changed, how it was back then (too bad I lost thousands of photos because of my old computer) and that's why I was able to found these outfit photos I forgot about. They're not that "antique" though, they're from almost two years ago.

RO: Din cand in cand imi place sa ma uit la pozele mai vechi...sa vad cum m-am schimbat, cum era pe atunci (pacat ca am pierdut mii de fotografii din cauza vechiului meu calculator) si asa am reusit sa gasesc pozele astea despre care uitasem. Nu sunt chiar atat de "antice" totusi, sunt de aproape doi ani.

Dress/Rochie - Handmade by Rutza
Cardigan/Cardigan - Etic
Earrings/Cercei - Handmade
Bag & shoes/Geanta & pantofi - Random store

Meet my earrings 7


EN: Like I've told you in my previous post about my earrings collection, Meet my earrings 6, I still have lots of earrings to show you...meaning that now you're enjoying part 7. :D

RO: Dupa cum va spuneam in cea mai recenta postare despre colectia mea de cercei, Meet my earrings 6, inca mai am multe perechi de cercei pe care sa vi le arat...asta insemnand ca va veti bucura de partea cu numarul 7 acum. :D

1. Ribbons - gift,  2. Ears - Punct G, 3&4. - Bohemian Sin

All sets are from Terranova.


Meet my earrings 6


It's been a while since I didn't made any post with "Meet my..." series. That means today it is time for "Meet my earrings 6". You can see the rest of my collection on my previous posts: Meet my earrings 5, 4, 3, 2 and 1. This won't be the last part of my collection, there are more earrings to come! :)

1. Hangers - Meli Melo, 2. Santa Claus - hobbywan, 3 & 4 - random stores

1. Red buttons - Meli Melo, 2. Christmas tree - gift from bf., 3 & 4 - random stores


Like a secretary:)


Hi, guys! Happy New Year! Hope 2012 will treat us right!

This is something I wore last year..that means like 5 days ago:D at a friend's birthday. I really like this cute pinkish dress with a bow. I choose to pair with a navy cardigan and tones of brown...a little secretary look.:)
The ring has taken my heart from the first moment I saw it and my mother bought it as one of the Christmas gifts from 2010. It makes a lot of noise and I felt like a carols singer with bells.:D

Dress & cardi - no name
Ring & earrings - Meli Melo

Sorry for the bad hair:)

Meet my earrings 5


I know, I know, I didn't posted an outfit in ages...I promise I will do that in my next post, scout's word! ;)
Now I will continue with my earrings collection, yeah that huge earrings collection I was talking about on my previous posts( Meet my earrings 1, 2, 3, 4)..and yeah, those earrings that I haven't worn for half an year!

P.S: When I will reach 500 "likes" on my facebook page I will do another giveaway! So feel free to "like" me, you guys!

1. Tools - Forever Young, 2. Stork and baby - Tricks Box, 3. Bones - I forgot the name of the creator, 4. Leather and Wire - BWE

1,2,3 - random stores, 4. Grey Buttons - Terranova

1. "Pearls" - Accessorize, 2. Dolls - Forever Young, 3. Blue buttons - gift, 4. Black semi-circles - random store


Giveaway reminder


Gals, don't forget tomorrow is the last day you can enter my great giveaway! You can win lots and lots of prizes like a dress, three brooches and a pair of earrings. The rules are simple and anyone can enter (open worldwide). Do join in!
Here are some of the prizes...
                                                                .......and the rest of them right here!

Meet my earrings 4


You guess it right: it's earrings time..again! Part four is here for you, baby!! ;)

                            1. Little flowers-Terranova, 2. Silver feathers-Meli Melo,
                      3. Rio Grande-handmade from a fair,  4.Fake earrings-Ribbonline

 1. Hippie-gift from my brother, 2. Small blue roses-Meli Melo, 3. Glam- random store, 4. Rusty- from a fair

 1. Blue buttons-Terranova, 2. Stripes-random store, 3. Piglets-handmade by a friend, 4. Rods:)-Forever Young

Meet my earrings 3


I think it's time for the part three of my earrings collection. Don't you think so?:)
Told you is going to be a long series. If someone knows a cure for accessories addiction give me a call! ;)

1.Kitties, slices of apple, bar codes-from a fair, 2.Victory-hobbywan

1.Green monsters-Junkoteque Shop, 2.Mirrors and giraffes-Meli Melo, 3.Round ones-from a fair

 1. Bottles-Meli Melo (like the ones I offered on February's giveaway), 2. All the other ones-random stores

You can check part one and part two here and here.
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