Your daily dose of bohemian vibe
Showing posts with label ring. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ring. Show all posts

Accessorize yourself!


EN: When the mailman rings it makes my day! So he did just that a few days ago when I received my package from Estarer.com. Can we all say "awesome accessories"?! :D Yes, we sure can! I got myself four bracelets, a pair of earrings and a ring for just $50. Cheap and chic! Check them out below. And don't forget you can win goodies from Estarer too by joining my giveaway. Only one day left so hurry up!

RO: Când sună curierul îmi face ziua minunată! Şi a făcut chiar asta acum câteva zile când am primit coletul de la Estarer.com. Putem să spunem toţi "accesorii grozave"? :D Cu siguranţă putem! Mi-am luat patru brăţări, o pereche de cercei şi un inel cu doar $50. Şic şi ieftin! Puteţi să le vedeţi mai jos. Şi nu uitaţi că puteţi câştiga şi voi accesorii de la Estarer dacă vă înscrieţi la concursul meu. A mai rămas o zi aşa că grăbiţi-vă!

Buy earrings here and bracelets here and here.

Buy owl bracelet here, flower bracelet here and cross ring here.

You can also find me on Facebook - Twitter Bloglovin' - Pinterest.

"Body hugging" dress and accessories to die for


EN: Hello there, lovelies! ;)

It's been a while since I've showed you a kinda of sexy outfit.:), so I thought today it is time for that. I recently received these babies, the bracelet and ring,  from Mochi Beaucoup.com and pairing them with this "body hugging" dress seemed like a great idea. What do you think...was it a great idea? :)
If you love this bracelet and this ring as much as I do you can buy them here and here.

RO: A trecut ceva vreme de cand nu v-am mai aratat o tinuta, sa zicem sexy :) si m-am gandit ca azi e momentul sa o fac. De curand am primit minunatiile astea, bratara si inelul, de la Mochi Beaucoup.com si combinarea lor cu rochia asta care imbratiseaza formele mi s-a parut o idee buna. Ce credeti..a fost o idee buna?
Daca iubiti aceasta bratara si acest inel pe atat de mult pe cat o fac eu le puteti cumpara de aici si de aici.

Dress/Rochie - Sophistic Woman
Bracelet&Ring/Bratara&inel - Mochi Beaucoup
Belt, tights, shoes/Curea, dresuri, pantofi - random stores

Like a secretary:)


Hi, guys! Happy New Year! Hope 2012 will treat us right!

This is something I wore last year..that means like 5 days ago:D at a friend's birthday. I really like this cute pinkish dress with a bow. I choose to pair with a navy cardigan and tones of brown...a little secretary look.:)
The ring has taken my heart from the first moment I saw it and my mother bought it as one of the Christmas gifts from 2010. It makes a lot of noise and I felt like a carols singer with bells.:D

Dress & cardi - no name
Ring & earrings - Meli Melo

Sorry for the bad hair:)

Giveaway time


Yes, I'm finally posting the giveaway, I know I said I will a few days ago but I had some health problems and I didn't had time. Sorry, guys!
First of all I want to thank everybody who follows my blog. You're the best and this giveaway is for you!

I hope you'll like the prizes: three pairs of earrings, one bracelet, one ring, a pair of tights, a clutch and a dress. Most of them I couldn't resist and bought for myself too:)
Someone will be the lucky winner of all these nice things!

A ring made by my mother( I have the brooch) and a pair of cross earrings

Two pairs of Meli Melo earrings

 A clutch from Meli Melo and a bracelet from Avon

A pair of tights

...and a dress that I have for two years, but I never wore it, it's new!
Hope someone will enjoy it!

To Enter:
                                               (leave a comment)

1. Be a public follower of La Bohème through Google Friend Connect.
                                   2. Follow La Bohème on Twitter.
                                   3. Like La Bohème on Facebook .

                                                  Extra Entries:
                        Put La Bohème on your Blogroll (two entries).
              Make a post about this giveaway with a link to the blog(one entry).
                                   Tweet about the giveaway(one entry).

The giveaway is open to everybody, including international readers. It will end two weeks from now on 10th March and the winner will be chosen with random.org.

Good luck!

Christmas outfit and presents


So here it is the outfit I wore on the second day of Christmas to visit my grandparents. It's a maxi dress that screams Christmas: reindeers, snowflakes, Christmas trees. Also the accessories I chose were perfect for this holiday: a Santa ring and handpainted tree earrings.


And here are the presents I've received:

a gorgeous ring

an wonderful scarf

a great t-shirt

an winter round scarf (I don't know how it's called exactly)

and two sets of earrings (there are two black ones that aren't visible in the photo: some cats and some zippers)

Really curious what your presents were. Tell me all about it! 

I leave you with a nice image of my living room

Bohemian Sin


So very happy that I won this beautiful prize from Bohemian Sin. Thank you, Eugenia!:) She makes extraordinary accesories perfect for the modern woman, but also for the woman in love with the vintage look. You definitely have to check her work at www.bohemiansin.blogspot.com . You will be charmed by her creations, I know I am.
Soon gonna post also an outfit incorporating the wonderful brooch and ring:)

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