Your daily dose of bohemian vibe
Showing posts with label 2012. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2012. Show all posts

La Bohème - 2012


EN: Happy 2013 to my dear readers! I'm sure we're going to make 2013 the best year ever! :)
It's been a while since I didn't wrote on my blog, precisely 13 days and I thought the first day of the year is the perfect occasion to do it. I'm beginning this year remembering the one that just passed and I'm doing a 2012 outfit retrospective. Nothing worth mentioning happened in 2012, maybe just the fact that I've managed to loose some of the kilograms I've gained in the last couple of years, but I still need to work on this aspect.
Without further ado, here are the looks from 2012!

RO:  La mulți ani!! Sunt sigură că vom face ca 2013 să fie cel mai bun an de până acum! :)
A trecut ceva vreme de când nu am mai scris pe blog, 13 zile, și m-am gândit că prima zi a anului este o ocazie bună pentru a relua postările. Încep anul ăsta amintindu-mi de cel care tocmai a trecut și fac o retrospectivă a ținutelor din 2012. 2012 nu a fost un an notabil pentru mine, nimic foarte important de luat în considerare, poate doar faptul că am reușit să mai dau jos din multele kilograme pe care le-am luat în ultimii doi ani, dar încă mai am de lucrat la aspectul ăsta.
Fără să o mai lungesc, iată ținutele din 2012!

Now that the summer is gone...


EN: ...it's time that we remember it. Or at least remember what I wore this last summer, summer including September and the beginning of October too, because it was extremely hot for this time of year.
Below you can see my colorful summer. And yes, yes, I know I frequently pose with my head down :)), I do think I'm prettier that way, so don't argue with me! :))
What's your favorite look?

RO: ...este timpul să ne amintim de ea. Sau cel puțin să amintesc ce am purtat vara care a trecut, vară însemnând și septembrie și începutul lui octombrie, pentru că a fost extrem de cald pentru perioada asta a anului. Mai jos vedeți vara mea colorata. Și da, da, știu ca pozez des cu "dovleacul" în jos :)), însa dacă eu așa cred că sunt mai draguță, voi nu aveți ce să îmi faceți :)), așa că să nu aud discuții! :))
Aveți vreo ținută preferată?

P.S: Nu uitați că mai aveți doar două zile să vă înscrieți la concurs. O puteți face aici.

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Like a secretary:)


Hi, guys! Happy New Year! Hope 2012 will treat us right!

This is something I wore last year..that means like 5 days ago:D at a friend's birthday. I really like this cute pinkish dress with a bow. I choose to pair with a navy cardigan and tones of brown...a little secretary look.:)
The ring has taken my heart from the first moment I saw it and my mother bought it as one of the Christmas gifts from 2010. It makes a lot of noise and I felt like a carols singer with bells.:D

Dress & cardi - no name
Ring & earrings - Meli Melo

Sorry for the bad hair:)

What this year was all about...


Today we're saying "Goodbye" to this year, I'm sure for everyone was an year with ups and downs, but let's hope next year will be full of joy. So I'm wishing you a "Happy New Year" and an excellent 2012!
I'm leaving you with a retrospective of this year's outfits, don't worry, they are not so many, because I kinda neglected my blog in 2011, but I'm hoping of a 2012 with many interesting outfits.

Lots of love, darlings!

                                                February and March

April (part 1)

April (part 2)

May (later on this post)





In October I didn't post any outfits (shame on me:D)

May and November


Do you have any favorites?
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