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Showing posts with label gift. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gift. Show all posts

The best gift for holidays: the perfect jewelry


Tis' the season to be jolly! And what makes us jolly this time of year?! Giving and receiving gifts. Jewelries are an wonderful present, I don't know one woman who isn't excited when she receives a great bracelet, a fancy pair of earrings, a classy necklace. Either you want to make a lovely surprise to your girlfriend or wife if you are a guy, to your mother, to your best friend, you can't go wrong with jewelry. I recommend buying one from here: http://www.tidebuy.com/c/Jewelry-Accessories-c1-101609/, they have exquisite pieces at very good prices. 
I'm sure you will choose the perfect jewelry from the large variety you can find on the site: with crystals, zircon, silver, diamonds, rhinestones, amethyst etc.
Make the lady on your life happy by giving her the best present for holidays: the perfect jewelry!

Mother's Day gift ideas


Mother's Day is near! And although we don't need an occasion to celebrate our moms and show them that we love them, with our busy lives we often forget what our priorities are, so is good to have a day like this to reminds us what is really important: family and now, especially, our mothers. I know a mother is happy with just having us near, but will be nice if we give her a gift to show her how special she is. Besides going to walk in the park together, to watch a play or movie, going to a spa etc. we can also buy her something nice. If you don't have ideas on what to offer your mother, I have some suggestions for you.

A classy, elegant jewelry that never goes out of style.
Find these beauties here. (From May 9 to May 12 huge Mother's Day sale)

A bag suited for many occasion: work, going out with friends etc.
Find the perfect bag here.

A dress for warm spring days
Find the one that will make your mother happy here.

A fancy dress for when she goes to an event.

You can also go for a lovely top, a beautiful hat (if she wears) or personalized items with your best wishes or a phrase or memory you share together.
Hope these advices were helpful!

Meet my earrings 5


I know, I know, I didn't posted an outfit in ages...I promise I will do that in my next post, scout's word! ;)
Now I will continue with my earrings collection, yeah that huge earrings collection I was talking about on my previous posts( Meet my earrings 1, 2, 3, 4)..and yeah, those earrings that I haven't worn for half an year!

P.S: When I will reach 500 "likes" on my facebook page I will do another giveaway! So feel free to "like" me, you guys!

1. Tools - Forever Young, 2. Stork and baby - Tricks Box, 3. Bones - I forgot the name of the creator, 4. Leather and Wire - BWE

1,2,3 - random stores, 4. Grey Buttons - Terranova

1. "Pearls" - Accessorize, 2. Dolls - Forever Young, 3. Blue buttons - gift, 4. Black semi-circles - random store

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