Your daily dose of bohemian vibe
Showing posts with label birthday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label birthday. Show all posts

This is about the bags, baby! Part 3


EN: Yesterday I turned 29. Why do I feel as time goes faster as we age?
Here is another outfit from the "bag series". Will be back with some birthday photos next time. 
Kisses, guys! ;)

RO: Ieri am împlinit 29 de ani. Oare de ce simţim că timpul trece mai repede pe măsură ce îmbătrânim?
Azi vă arăt o nouă ţinută din seria dedicată genţilor. Data viitoare revin cu nişte poze de la ziua mea.
Vă pup, dragelor!

Aaa, eram cât pe ce să uit: vă aştept la cele două concursuri active de pe blog! La cel în colaborare cu Adela Manolache Make-up puteţi câştiga două şedinţe de machiaj profesional (înscrie-te aici), la cel în colaborare cu B.A.D Style puteţi câştiga o bluză şi un colier semnate de Bărar Adriana Delia (înscrie-te aici).

Bag/Geantă - The Bag Shop
Blazer/Sacou - Casa de Modă Fancy
Earrings/Cercei - Bohemian Sin
Shoes/Pantofi - SuperPantofi.ro
Dress, bracelets/Rochie, brăţări - random stores

Make-up: Adela Manolache

You can also find me on Facebook - Twitter Bloglovin' - Pinterest.

Like a secretary:)


Hi, guys! Happy New Year! Hope 2012 will treat us right!

This is something I wore last year..that means like 5 days ago:D at a friend's birthday. I really like this cute pinkish dress with a bow. I choose to pair with a navy cardigan and tones of brown...a little secretary look.:)
The ring has taken my heart from the first moment I saw it and my mother bought it as one of the Christmas gifts from 2010. It makes a lot of noise and I felt like a carols singer with bells.:D

Dress & cardi - no name
Ring & earrings - Meli Melo

Sorry for the bad hair:)

On Saint Nicholas Day


It's about time that I post something on this forgotten blog, it's been more than a month since my last post. (it sounds like something from the AA meetings:))) The fact is that in winter I find it very difficult to take outfits photos because I usually go out when is already dark outside and the photos turn out awful. That means this post won't include an outfit..again.:), but my next one will surely do.

Now let's just see what I've received for Saint Nicholas Day...a lot of  yummy sweets as you may already guessed it, but some other nice things too.

                                          All the sweets on a plate

                     Coke with some cute Santa puzzle and an adorable tree

A watch

A necklace

Ohh..and btw on 27th November was my birthday. Some photos from that day:

Happy birthday, Angie!


This is for you, Angie, my lovely stylish gal! Thank you for always supporting me and being such an wonderful friend! You are the proof that online friendship does exist. Glad that chictopia brought us together. You really are a treasure for that community, your involvement is deeply appreciated, you are always helpful and kind to everybody and you do have an amazing style. Such an inspiration!

May all your wishes come true, may you never have a sad day in your life and always be surrounded with friends and  family and with the most adorable dog in the world, Jolie!

Thank you for the honor of being your friend! Happy, happy birthday!

And you, guys, definitely have to check Angie's blog: Papillon Chouette !
I took the liberty to post some of her outfits for you to see her eclectic great style ;)

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