Your daily dose of bohemian vibe
Showing posts with label BWE. Show all posts
Showing posts with label BWE. Show all posts

Meet my earrings 5


I know, I know, I didn't posted an outfit in ages...I promise I will do that in my next post, scout's word! ;)
Now I will continue with my earrings collection, yeah that huge earrings collection I was talking about on my previous posts( Meet my earrings 1, 2, 3, 4)..and yeah, those earrings that I haven't worn for half an year!

P.S: When I will reach 500 "likes" on my facebook page I will do another giveaway! So feel free to "like" me, you guys!

1. Tools - Forever Young, 2. Stork and baby - Tricks Box, 3. Bones - I forgot the name of the creator, 4. Leather and Wire - BWE

1,2,3 - random stores, 4. Grey Buttons - Terranova

1. "Pearls" - Accessorize, 2. Dolls - Forever Young, 3. Blue buttons - gift, 4. Black semi-circles - random store


One year of "La Bohème" means a big giveaway!


Today is one year from the first post on this blog and tomorrow it will be one year since my first outfit post here.
La Bohème is one year old! And what better way to celebrate this than thanking you guys for being here with me. It's not a simple "Thank you!", oh no, is a big, big giveaway "Thank you!". My friends and artists agreed to help me give you some amazing prizes.
Let's get this started!

Diva Style is offering this beautiful dress in sizes S-M or L for you wonderful ladies. You can also buy a lot more products here.

Bohemian Sin is offering these amazing statement earrings. You can also buy her accessories here and here.

Iscariotteh Accessories is offering this lovely floral brooch. You can buy her stuff here.

BWE is offering this fun brooch. You can buy some great accessories here.

Melania Lupu is offering this pretty flower-brooch. You can buy her flowers here.

To enter, you MUST:
1. Follow my blog with Google Friend Connect (tell me the name you're following me with).
2. "Like" my page on facebook.
3. Follow me on twitter.
(If you don't have twitter or facebook you can just follow my blog via GFC, but if you do you must follow all the steps).
4. Leave a comment telling me you did so.

BONUS entries (leave a separate comment for each entry):
1. "Like" Diva Style on facebook.
2. Add Bohemian Sin as a friend on facebook.
3. Add Iscariotteh Accessories as a friend on facebook.
4. "Like" Melania Lupu on facebook
5. Follow me on Bloglovin.
6. Make a post on your blog about the giveaway and include a link( leave me the link to that post in the comment)
7. Share on facebook or twitter using this tweet: " Win amazing prices @LaBohemeFille. Enter here: http://bit.ly/ppA8iT" (leave me the link in the comment)

The giveaway is OPEN WORLDWIDE until the 8th October at midnight romanian time. I will announce a winner on 10th October with the help of random.org. The winner will have 72 hours to claim the prize sending me an e-mail at: boheme.fille@yahoo.com. If the prize won't be claimed in that time I will draw another winner. 

Favorite romanian blogs - Handmade


Since last time I've talked about my favorite fashion bloggers, now I decided to talk about the handmade romanian blogs I really love.
The order in which I show them to you is random.

                                       Eugenia from Bohemian Sin
Everytime I see her work I'm speechless!
If you're from Romania you can buy her accessories from breslo.
If you're not, you can buy them from etsy.

Leti does wonders with copper, leather and recycle materials.
You can buy her accessories from her breslo shop.

They make plastic look awesome!
You can buy their items here.

Gabriela and Tiberiu from Herina
I can't believe that someone can do these pieces of art.
Buy their creation here.

She paints the most beautiful bags and does some funny sleeping masks.
You can buy these beauties here

You gotta love them, right?!.

Meet my earrings 2


Since a few weeks ago I lost all the data from my computer, including all the outfits I've wanted to post here, I will continue posting  my earrings collection. I do miss showing you outfits though, so I promise I will very soon!

I think that I didn't told you in the last post but I have almost 150 earrings (I'm an earrings freak I know!). Yeah, give me earrings and you will make me happy!:) If you haven't seen the first part of my collection, here it is: Meet my earrings 1.  Enjoy the second part now!:)

1. Masks-Meli Melo, 2. Vintage feel-Accesorize, 3. Korn dolls- sorry, I forgot the name of the artist, 4. Bows-Ruxish Concepts

1. Lace-Ribbon line, 2. Butterflies-Accesorize, 3.from Kenvelo, 4. Tulle and wire-BWE

1. Green-ish-Ribbon line , 2. Tea and cupcakes-Darkchocolate-fairy, 3.Roses-Meli Melo, 4. Blue-random store

Which pair you like the most?

P.S: I keep seeing my photos pixelated, unclear and I don't know why. Do you have any idea?

Meet my necklaces 1


Hello, my darlings! Long time, no see. Today I will continue with the accessory series and I will show you a part of my necklaces collection. This collection is the second largest so I will need 3 or 4 posts to show it all to you.
Most of them are handmade by our greatest romanian artists.


1. White Trash-MAD, 2. Skeleton-Forever Young 
3. Cameo-random store, 4. The blue one-Joliesse Design
5. The sweet cloud-BURP

1.  Turquoise with metal-BWE, 2. The birdie-Darkchocolate fairy
3. Rainbow-MAD, 4. High maintenance girl-Plohotnuke

1. WTF-MAD, 2. Little birds-Buy Hand
3. Green lace-Ribbonline, 4. Circles-Meli Melo
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