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Showing posts with label international giveaway. Show all posts
Showing posts with label international giveaway. Show all posts

Giveaway: Win with Club Couture and La Bohème - CLOSED


EN: Hi guys,

Today I prepared a surprise for you. In fact not just me, me and ClubCouture.cc. What is it you ask? Well, it's a $20 gift certificate for you to buy what your heart desires from their online store
Below you can find some of my favorites items from the Flair collection and also from the gorgeous new Spring arrivals.

Aren't they lovely?

Now that I got you all anxious, here are the rules to enter the giveaway:

1. "Like" ClubCouture on Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/shopclubcouture and then "like" their latest page update.
2. Follow my blog via GFC or "like" my page on facebook: La Boheme.
3. Check out ClubCouture: http://www.clubcouture.cc/ and choose your favourite item. 
4. Leave a comment with the name you follow Club Couture on facebook, the name you follow me via GFC or on facebook and the link to your favorite item plus an e-mail address.
Additional entry: Share the giveaway on facebook, leave the link to the share on a separate comment.

That's it, guys!
The giveaway is international and will run until May 3rd. The winner will be picked with random.org.
Good luck!

RO: Azi am pregatit o surpriza pentru voi, de fapt nu doar eu, ci eu si ClubCouture.cc. Despre ce este vorba va intrebati? Ei bine, este vorba despre un cupon de 20 de dolari cu care puteti cumpara orice va pofteste inima din magazinul lor online.
Mai sus puteti vedea cateva dintre lucrurile mele preferate din magazin care fac parte din colectia Flair si din colectia de primavara. Nu sunt minunate?

Iata si regulile de inscriere in concurs:

1. Dati "like" paginii ClubCouture pe facebook - http://www.facebook.com/shopclubcouture si dupa aceea dati "like" si celei mai recente postari de pe pagina.
2. Dati "follow" blogului meu via GFC sau dati "like" paginii mele de facebook: La Boheme.
3. Vizitati ClubCouture: http://www.clubcouture.cc/ si alegeti-va produsul preferat.
4. Lasati un comentariu cu numele cu care urmariti ClubCouture pe facebook, cu numele cu care ma urmariti pe mine via GFC sau facebook si linkul catre produsul preferat plus o adresa de e-mail.
O sansa in plus: Dati "share" pe facebook concursului si lasati linkul catre share intr-un comentariu separat.

Asta-i tot! Concursul este international si se va incheia pe 3 mai. Castigatorul va fi ales cu ajutorul random.org.

The winner is....Oana! Congrats, I will be contacting you soon!

Castigatoarea este....Oana! Felicitari, te voi contacta curand!

Giveaway reminder


Gals, don't forget tomorrow is the last day you can enter my great giveaway! You can win lots and lots of prizes like a dress, three brooches and a pair of earrings. The rules are simple and anyone can enter (open worldwide). Do join in!
Here are some of the prizes...
                                                                .......and the rest of them right here!

Giveaway time


Yes, I'm finally posting the giveaway, I know I said I will a few days ago but I had some health problems and I didn't had time. Sorry, guys!
First of all I want to thank everybody who follows my blog. You're the best and this giveaway is for you!

I hope you'll like the prizes: three pairs of earrings, one bracelet, one ring, a pair of tights, a clutch and a dress. Most of them I couldn't resist and bought for myself too:)
Someone will be the lucky winner of all these nice things!

A ring made by my mother( I have the brooch) and a pair of cross earrings

Two pairs of Meli Melo earrings

 A clutch from Meli Melo and a bracelet from Avon

A pair of tights

...and a dress that I have for two years, but I never wore it, it's new!
Hope someone will enjoy it!

To Enter:
                                               (leave a comment)

1. Be a public follower of La Bohème through Google Friend Connect.
                                   2. Follow La Bohème on Twitter.
                                   3. Like La Bohème on Facebook .

                                                  Extra Entries:
                        Put La Bohème on your Blogroll (two entries).
              Make a post about this giveaway with a link to the blog(one entry).
                                   Tweet about the giveaway(one entry).

The giveaway is open to everybody, including international readers. It will end two weeks from now on 10th March and the winner will be chosen with random.org.

Good luck!

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