Your daily dose of bohemian vibe

Colorful in this winter wonderland


Coat/Palton - HERE
Sweater/Pulover - H&M
Skirt/Fustă - Choies
Boots/Botine - Bershka via kurtmann.ro
Necklace/Lanțișor - oNecklace
Earrings/Cercei - Six

EN: Hey, hey, lovely ladies! It was about time to post a new look. Of course, as I am a fan of adrenaline, I decided to take these photos when they were -13 °C. No, why take them when it was sunny and nice and my ass wouldn't had the chance to froze?! Where would be the fun? :P
To contrast with the white landscape I wore a colorful outfit, in nice earthy shades. I really enjoy this color combo. I created the look around the brown coat, thinking some green will look great with it, so I played with different shades of this color.
Since I've got these boots I lived in them, they are very comfortable and pretty much look great with anything. 
Hope you like the look and see you soon! ;)

Gifting: choose original and unique pieces


Oh, you guys, I've received these goodies pictured here a while ago and I'm so excited about them! And when I discover something that I like the first thing I do is to share it with you (I might be lying, it might be the second thing I do, the first one is to really enjoy what I've discovered). These cool items are from the Uncommon Goods site and, as the title says it, they do have some special products in store. They feature unique designs and handcrafted gifts created in harmony with the environment and without harm to animals or people, also supporting and providing a platform for artists and designers; half of what they sell is made by hand. 
And since Valentine's Day is so near, I thought it will be a good idea to talk to you about this site. I'm sure you are tired of the same old gifts you find in the stores for this holiday. So why not make it a bit original and offer something that is totally different and beautiful? You can find some suggestions right here.

Now let me show you what I got. :D

Despre tratamentele faciale care îți vor face tenul fericit


Poate vă amintiți că vă povesteam într-o postare anterioară despre tratamentele încercate la Nomasvello, cel de fermitate, cel anticelulitic și cel de curățare facială în profunzime ProSkin, și vă promiteam că revin cu mai multe detalii după ce voi încerca și rejuvenarea facială. Ei bine, momentul acela a sosit. Dar să o luăm frumos pe rând. 
Am început cu cel de curățare facială ProSkin care se bazează pe utilizarea tehnologiei cu ultrasunete. Acesta a constat în determinarea tipului de ten, apoi în curățarea propriu-zisă: îndepărtarea punctelor negre, a celulelor moarte și a impurităților, reactivarea circulaţiei prin stimularea formării de colagen şi regenerării celulare. Tehnologia Nomasvello permite utilizarea eficientă a Ultrasunetelor și a Energiei Galvanice, fiind un tratament eficient pentru toate tipurile de piele. Procedura este non-invazivă. 

In the loving memory of who I've used to be


Coat/Palton - HERE
Boots/Ghete - Stradivarius via Kurtmann.ro
Bag/Geantă - Meli Melo
Jeans, earrings/Blugi, cercei - H&M

  I meant to post this in 2015, but I've got tangled up with too many things that I've postpone it, so here it is now.

In a chaos of mixed emotions and stupid mistakes I try to create a new me, a better me, a me that is happy with herself. Is a challenging and difficult task, but I'm sure I will get there sooner or later. I used to like myself and I want to be able to do it again. Maybe I will share this journey with you, my dears. 
As for the outfit, is a simple one, appropriate for the cold winter days. This camel coat has an interesting cut and color and will definitely keep you warm. I decided to combine it with simple items like a black pair of jeans and a black pair of boots.
This being said, have a great weekend! :)

Wishlists, wishlists

Wishlists, wishlists, wishlists. Yes, we women like to make wishlists. How many times did you visited an online store and added items in your wishlist dreaming that one day you will have them all?! I do that very often and I'm sure you do too. So you will see one today right here. :)
Is still the cold season and I always wanted a red coat, so I think this one will be the perfect addition to my closet.

Women Red Lapel Coats Black Breasted Pocket Coat

2015: A chameleonic year for La Bohème


EN: I'm late! Oh no, stay put, this is not a post announcing a pregnancy. I'm not that type of "late". :)) I'm just late with the retrospective of my 2015's outfits. There were so many fun outfits in this forsaken blog of mine, so many fun hairdos, so many smiles, so many sad faces. I've shared plenty of things, but at the same time I hid many things. I can't say something good about 2015, so I prefer to say nothing. This bastard has just passed and I'm looking forward to meet the handsome fellow 2016 promised to be. No resolutions for me this time, I will just live one moment at a time.
Kisses, babes! Cheers to a fantastic year! ;)

RO: Sunt o întârziată! Nu, nu, stați liniștiți, asta nu e o postare în care anunț o sarcină. Nu sunt acel fel de "întârziată" (băi, sună mult mai bine în engleză, citiți varianta aia :)))). Am întârziat cu retrospectiva ținutelor din 2015. Au fost multe ținute interesante pe acest blog uitat al meu, multe coafuri interesante, multe zâmbete, dar și multe fețe triste. Am împărtășit cu voi multe lucruri, dar în același timp v-am ascuns multe. Nu prea pot să spun nimic bun despre 2015, așa că prefer să nu zic nimic. Nemernicul tocmai a trecut și aștept cu nerăbdare să îl cunosc pe tipul chipeș ce a promis să fie 2016. Nici o rezoluție pentru mine de data asta, voi trăi momentele așa cum vin.
Vă țuc, gagici! Să avem un an fantastic! ;)
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