Your daily dose of bohemian vibe

Fringes here, fringes there, fringes everywhere!


Dress/Rochie - HERE
Shoes/Pantofi - Stradivarius
Earrings/Cercei - Six

EN: Fringes, baby! They look so cool! I especially love them in black outfits. This dress from Walktrendy stole my heart! So I dolled up and took her out in the world. :D It was a must, don't you think?
I have lots of outfits that are waiting to be posted, in many of them I even wear jackets, so you can imagine I took the photos a while ago. I haven't managed to load them on the blog, but I hope I will pretty soon. Until then I leave you with the one from today. My lack of inspiration is very noticeable tonight, so I better go before debiting nonsense.
P.S: If you love this dress as much as I do, buy it here

Reinventing the suit


Suit dress/Rochie sacou - HERE
Skirt/Fustă - Front Row Shop
Shoes/Pantofi - Stradivarius
Bag, necklace/Geantă, colier - Meli Melo
Watch/Ceas - random store

EN: The suit dress is very in trend right now. Although I'm not a trend follower, when I love an item I do wear it. I think the suit dress brings more chicness and at the same time sexiness to a look. It can make you more confident and can be easily dressed up or down: perfect for office or a business meeting, but also perfect for a casual day when wore with sneakers. I could also definitely wore the one from today without the skirt if I went clubbing. For day time, not so appropriate without the skirt, because is a bit short. 
I have a busy day, so unfortunately I have to keep it short. Don't forget today is the last day when you can vote for La Bohème as Best Fashion Blog at Digital Divas. The link for the voting is this one: http://www.expremio.com/digitaldivas/. Instead of La Bohème they wrote La Boh, that is me, so just check that box and click the "Vote" button. Thank you!

Despre Digital Divas 2015 și La Bohème nominalizat la categoria Best Fashion Blog


Digital Divas by AVON, evenimentul de referință al comunității digitale feminine din România, are loc în acest an pe 27 mai, la Palatul Bragadiru. Acesta va reuni și celebra într-o atmosferă exclusivistă poveștile definitorii pentru succesul în epoca digitală. 

Pe lângă vedetele și specialiștii online-ului din România, Digital Divas aduce, ca de fiecare dată,  și o perspectivă internațională. Anul acesta îl vom întâlni pe unul dintre cei mai cunoscuți fotografi de modă din lume, globetrotterul Adam Katz Sinding, curatorul siteului Le 21ème.

Reunite sub tema Digital Empowerement, poveștilor de succes din comunitatea de beauty și fashion li se vor alătura cele din domenii noi și surprinzătoare, unde, în ultimul an, au avut loc evenimente notabile pentru online-ul românesc și, în special, online-ul feminin. 

The cool kid on the block


Crop top/Bluză - HERE
Skirt/Fustă - Vero Moda
Sneakers/Teniși - Mim
Watch/Ceas - JORD
Earrings/Cercei - Mini Prix

EN: OK, I confess, I really liked New Kids On The Block in my teenager years. That's why the title of this post. I even had posters with them, in fact I had posters with a lot of musicians and actors. They were all duct taped to my closet. :)) It looked like an altar. What music band you loved most when you were a teenager?
And although the title says "cool kid" I wasn't that cool kid everyone loved. I was the misfit, the weird, the kid that played football or handball with the boys, dressed in loose clothes or in sports shorts (you know why, for the football). I was the best at skanderberg, I was the one studying and reading when everyone else was going out, I've collected stamps and chewing gum surprises (Turbo mostly). I was the kid that would rebel and fight for everyone's rights. I hated injustice, I still do. I was the kid that wasn't afraid of anything and thought conquering the world was a piece of cake.
I frequently miss that kid.
I became the woman I am today because of that kid. I've had a lot of difficulties and hard times along the way, but I do hope a part of that kid is still here. I just need to bring it to surface.
But today you will see the woman, that sometimes acts like a kid (a photo below will show you that :))) and sometimes is more serious than an elder.

The IT watch and a cool-casual look


Jacket/Jachetă - HERE
Jeans/Blugi - HERE
Watch/Ceas - JORD
Sandals/Sandale - Stradivarius
Earrings/Cercei - Rossetti
Top/Maiou - Terranova

EN: Ok, I must admit, I wasn't a watch aficionado. That was until I saw the JORD watches and felt deeply in love with them! I need to have every single one, is not nice to discriminate and want just a few. :))! You will feel the same after you see the one I got and check their site for other goodies. These watches are made from different types of wood, the JORD style is guided by a deep appreciation for natural elements and modern design. 
I'm so happy I got my hands on this piece and I can show it to you! I think is very versatile and I can wear it with almost everything.
And how about the outfit?! This time I went with a cool-casual look. This is my first pair of distressed jeans and I want more. I pretty much like them, although I thought I won't. And they are still a hit this year too. Pair them with a long, flowy jacket, a simple top, a pair of platforms and the highlight of the outfit, the JORD watch.
I also have a good news, for me at least :))), I'm nominated at the Best Fashion Blog category at the Digital Divas Awards. So, babes, if you like my blog and what I'm doing here you can cast your vote at this link: http://www.expremio.com/digitaldivas/. I will be extremely happy if you will and you will have my eternal appreciation. :D Thank you!

Boutique Cliche - Fashion Bloggers Closet Sale


Fete dragi, vă invit sâmbătă, 9 mai, între orele 11-17 și duminică, 10 mai, între orele 11-19, la LOKAL (Eminescu 57A), la târgul Boutique Cliche, să facem cunoștință, să stăm la palavre și să îmi răscoliți prin garderobă! D-abia aștept să vă întâlnesc! Promit că va fi tare distractiv!

Cele mai în vogă bloggerițe vă aşteaptă să le cumpărați, la preţ redus, articolele vestimentare la care până acum doar visați! La Boutique Cliche găsiți și expozanţi de accesorii, bijuterii şi cosmetice naturale! 

Intrarea este liberă.
P.S. Vă sunt pregătite muuulte surprize de către partenerii Boutique Cliche!

Mini Prix lansează noua colecție de sandale


Parcă deja vara e aici, atât de cald a fost zilele trecute. Chiar am purtat prima oară anul ăsta o pereche de sandale și m-am simțit atât de bine! Nu știu dacă v-am spus, dar sandalele sunt tipul meu de încălțăminte preferat, mi se pare că varietatea de modele e mai mare și te simți cel mai confortabil în ele. Că tot veni vorba de sandale, vreau să vă dau de veste că Mini Prix tocmai ce a adăugat pe site noua colecție cu încălțăminte de sezon și va reîmprospăta stocul în zilele ce urmează, adică și mai multe modele faine! :) Le găsiți pe toate chiar AICI. Eu bineînțeles că deja am pus ochii pe câteva perechi și nu o să stau prea mult pe gânduri până le voi achiziționa. Doar știți și voi ce repede se vând produsele de la Mini Prix și știți și de ce: prețurile foarte mici.
Acum aș vrea să vă recomand și vouă câteva modele în trend vara asta:

      Sandalele cu toc înalt vor fi întotdeauna la modă. Iată unele dintre preferatele mele:

1, 23

Crop tops - how to decently show some skin


Crop top/Bluză - Mini Prix
Blazer/Sacou - Dresslily (also worn here)
Jeans/Blugi - H&M 
Shoes/Pantofi - Stradivarius
Necklace/Colier - Meli Melo 

EN: Folks, how are you today? Did you celebrated the International Worker's Day on May 1? I never do something special for that occasion, unlike most of my fellow Romanians. Well, in fact, I did something different, I went out in a club, but on May 2nd. Clubbing is not my type of entertainment so I do it very rarely. I usually like to hear people when they are talking to me. :))
The rest of the weekend I just did a big nothing, I think spring asthenia is having a lot of saying here. I hope you did something more interesting than me and you will tell me all about it.

Yes, what can I say, that day I felt the need to show my belly button and my sculptured abdomen. :)) You know the saying: once you grow old, you go cuckoo. :)) Influenced by these cuckoo birds, me, a woman at almost 32, decided it was the right moment to parade my stomach. I don't know if it was my most wise decision taking in account I've received a lot of comments on the streets, but trust me when I say you will see my like this again. :)) In other words, I haven't learned a thing from this experience.
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